Bristol Potters and Potteries

Research by Reg Jackson

Appendix C

Bibliography and Documentary Sources


Allan, J.P. 1984. Medieval and post-medieval finds from Exeter, 1971-1980. Exeter Archaeological Reports 3.

Archer, M. (Undated). English Delftware/Engels Delfts Aardewerk. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum.

Archer, M. 1971. English delftware. The Connoisseur CLXXVI, No. 710, fig. 1.

Archer, M. 1997. Delftware. The tin-glazed earthenware of the British Isles. London: The Stationery Office Ltd.

Archer, M. & Morgan, B. 1977. Fair as China Dishes: English delftware. Washington: International Exhibitions Foundation.

Barton, K.J. 1963. A medieval pottery kiln at Ham Green, Bristol. Trans. Bristol & Glos. Archaeol. Soc. 82, 95-126.

Bettey, J. 1985. ‘Two Tudor visits to Bristol’ in P.McGrath (ed) A Bristol Miscellany. Bristol Record Society 37, 1-12.

Bloice, B.J. 1971. Norfolk House, Lambeth: excavations at a delftware kiln site, 1968. Post-Medieval Archaeol. 5, 99-159.

Brears, P. 1977. The Long Collection of delft and creamware. York: Castle Museum.

Britton, F. 1982. English delftware in the Bristol Collection. London: Sotheby Publications.

Britton, F. 1986. Another early delftware connection between Southwark and Bristol. Trans. English Ceramic Circle 12.3, 191-192.

Britton, F. 1987. London delftware. London: Jonathan Horne.

Britton, F. 1990. The Pickleherring potteries: an inventory. Post-Medieval Archaeol. 24, 61-92.

Brown, C.G. (ed) (1979). Plymouth excavations: Castle Street, the pottery. Plymouth: Plymouth Museum.

Carnegy, D. 1993. Tin-glazed earthenware. London: A. & C. Black.

Charleston, R.J. 1963. Bristol and Sweden: Some Delftware Connexions, Trans. English Ceramic Circle 5.4, 222-234.

Clarke, G.N. 1938. Guide to English commercial statistics 1696-1782. London.

Dawson, D.P., Jackson, R.G. & Ponsford, M.W. 1972. Medieval kiln wasters from St. Peter’s Church, Bristol. Trans. Bristol & Glos. Archaeol. Soc. 91, 159-167.

Denholm, P.C. 1982. Mid eighteenth-century tin-glazed earthenwares from the Delftfield Pottery, Glasgow: excavations at the Broomielaw, 1975. Post-Medieval Archaeol. 16, 39-84.

Diderot, D. & D’Alembert, J. (1756) Encyclopédie, Arts de la ceramique. Recueil de planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux, et les arts méchaniques, avec leur explication. Facsimile by Hachette, Paris (1995).

Drey, R.E.A. 1978. Apothecary jars. Pharmaceutical pottery and porcelain in Europe and the East 1150-1850. London: Faber & Faber Ltd.

Duhamel, M. 1773. L’Art du Potier de Terre. Paris.

Edwards, R. 1974. London Potters circa 1570-1710. Journal of Ceramic History 6. Stafford: George Street Press.

Egan, G. (ed.) 1987. Post-medieval Britain in 1986. Post-medieval Archaeol. 21, 267-293.

Fowler, P.J. (ed.) 1971. Archaeological Review 6. Bristol: CBA/University of Bristol.

Fowler, P.J. (ed) 1973. Archaeological Review 8. Bristol: CBA/University of Bristol.

Garner, F.H. & Archer, M. 1972. English delftware. London: Faber & Faber Ltd..

Gentles, I. 1992. The New Model Army in England, Ireland and Scotland, 1645-1653. Oxford.

Good, G.L. & Russett, V.E.J. 1987. Commmon types of earthenware found in the Bristol area. Bristol & Avon Archaeol. 6, 35-43.

Grant, A. 1983. North Devon pottery: the seventeenth century. Exeter: University of Exeter.

Hume, I.N. 1977. Early English delftware from London and Virginia. Colonial Williamsburg Occasional Papers in Archaeology 2.

Hurst, D.G. (ed.) 1970. Post-medieval Britain in 1969. Post-Medieval Archaeol. 4, 183-184.

Hurst, J.G., Neal, D.S. & van Beuningen, H.J.E. 1986. Pottery produced and traded in North-West Europe 1350-1650. Rotterdam Papers VI.

Jackson, R. & P. and Beckey, I. 1991. Tin-glazed earthenware kiln waste from the Limekiln Lane Potteries, Bristol. Post-Medieval Archaeol. 25, 89-114.

Jackson, R. & P. and Price, R. 1982. Bristol potters and potteries 1600-1800. Journal of Ceramic History 12. Stafford: George Street Press.

Lightbrown, R. & Caiger-Smith, A. 1980. The three centuries of the potter’s art. A facsimile of the manuscript [by Cipriano Piccolpasso] in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. London: Scolar Press.

Lipski, L.L. 1969. Dated English delftware. Trans. English Ceramic Circle 7.2, 149.

Maxwell, H.W. 1939. Recent excavations in Bristol. Trans. English Ceramic Circle 2.7, 115-119.

McGrath, P. 1955. Merchants and merchandise in seventeenth-century Bristol. Bristol Record Society 19.

Minchinton, W.E. (ed) 1957. The trade of Bristol in the eighteenth century. Bristol Record Society 20.

Moorhouse, S. (ed.) 1971. Post-medieval Britain in 1970. Post-Medieval Archaeol. 5, 212-214, fig. 72.

Morland, S.C. (ed) 1978. The Somersetshire Quarterly Meeting of the Society of Friends 1668-1699. Somerset Record Society 75.

Mortimer, R. (ed) 1971. Minute Book of the Men’s Meeting of the Society of Friends in Bristol 1667-1686. Bristol Record Society 26.

Owen, H. 1873. Two centuries of ceramic art in Bristol. London: Bell & Daldy.

Paape, G. 1794. De Plateelbakker of Delftsch Aardewerkmakker. Dordrecht.

Plot, R. 1686. The natural history of Staffordshire. Oxford.

Ponsford, M.W. 1991. ‘Dendrochronological dates from Dundas Wharf, Bristol and the dating of Ham Green and other medieval pottery’ in E. Lewis (ed) Custom and Ceramics: essays presented to Kenneth Barton, 81-103. Wickham: APE.

Ponsford, M. & Jackson, R. (eds.) 1996. Post-medieval Britain and Ireland in 1995. Post-Medieval Archaeol. 30, 245-320.

Pountney, W.J. 1920. Old Bristol potteries. Bristol: J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd.

Price, R. forthcoming. Pottery kiln-waste from Temple Back, Bristol. Unpublished typescript, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery.

Price, R. 1991. Further notes concerning medieval Bristol potters. Bristol & Avon Archaeol. 9, 49-50.

Price, R. and Jackson, R. & P. 1984. The Ring family of Bristol, clay tobacco pipe manufacturers. Post-Medieval Archaeol. 18, 263-300.

Ralph, E. & Williams, M. 1968. The Inhabitants of Bristol in 1696. Bristol Record Society 25.

Ray, A. 1968. English delftware pottery in the Robert Hall Warren Collection, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. London: Faber & Faber Ltd.

Richardson, A. 1898. St Anne’s Chapel, Brislington. Proc. Som. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. 44, 188-197.

Richardson, D. 1986. Bristol, Africa and the eighteenth-century slave trade to America, Vol. 1, 1698-1729. Bristol Record Society 38.

Richardson, D. 1987. Bristol, Africa and the eighteenth-century slave trade to America, Vol. 2, 1730-1745. Bristol Record Society 39.

Richardson, D. 1991. Bristol, Africa and the eighteenth-century slave trade to America, Vol. 3, 1746-1769. Bristol Record Society 42.

Richardson, D. 1996. Bristol, Africa and the eighteenth-century slave trade to America, Vol. 4, 1770-1807. Bristol Record Society 47.

Sacks, D.H. 1991. The Widening Gate: Bristol and the Atlantic Economy, 1450-1700. London: University of California Press.

Underdown, D. 1973. Somerset in the Civil War and Interregnum. Newton Abbot: David & Charles.

Underdown, D. 1985. Revel, riot and rebellion: popular politics and culture in England 1603-1660. Oxford.

Vanes, J. 1979. Documents illustrating the overseas trade of Bristol in the sixteenth century. Bristol Record Society 31.

Watkins, C.M. 1960. North Devon pottery and its export to America in the seventeenth century. Washington DC: US National Museum Bulletin 225, 17-59.

Weatherill, L. & Edwards, R. 1971. Pottery making in London and Whitehaven. Post-Med Archaeol. 5, 160-181.

Whitehouse, D. 1972. Chinese porcelain in medieval Europe. Medieval Archaeol. 16, 63-78.

Whiting, John. `Persecutions Exposed in Some Memoirs relating to the sufferings of John Whiting and many others of the People called Quakers’ (2nd edition 1791).

Documentary Sources

The following is a list of documentary sources consulted by the writer arranged according to the record office in which they are held and then by class of document. A brief description of the nature of the information given in each document is provided, where appropriate, together with the record office accession number.

Bristol Record Office (BRO): Bristol Corporation Records Apprentice Enrolment Books (1532-1658 & from 1668) – gives date of apprenticeship, place of origin of apprentice, name and occupation of his father, name and trade of his master and any terms attached to the apprenticeship.
04352(1-6); 04353(1-7)

Apprentice Rough Entry Books (1664-1753) – these are rough drafts of apprenticeship details, containing additional apprenticeships and information which does not appear in the Enrolment Books.
04354; 04355(1-6)

Orders for Binding Apprentices (1708-1847) – after 1730, in addition to the usual apprenticeship details, the address of the master is given.

Burgess (Freedom) Books – gives the names of persons free to carry on their trade in Bristol, the type of trade, the date of the freedom and how freedom was obtained (apprenticeship, payment of fine, marriage to a freeman’s daughter).
04358; 04359(1-21)

Great Audit Books (1532-1785) – these are the annual accounts kept by the Chamberlain and include rents received from city lands (sometimes paid by potters) and payments for freedoms.

Common Council Proceedings (1598-1835) – they record the transactions of the Council, including petitions for freedom.

Bargain Books (1604-1847) – contain copies of leases of city lands and receipts for Burgess money.
04335(5-16); 04338(1-14)

Proposal Books (1739-1800) – contain particulars of leases of land owned by the Corporation.
0444(2); 04344(4)

Mayor’s Orders (1660 -)

Surveys of City Lands (1700, 1739)
04238; 04240(1)

Corporation Plan Book A.

City Taxation/Rate Records:
Tax raised by Act 1.William & Mary, c.3 (1689) – gives householder and parish
Tax raised by Act 9. William III, c.10 (1698) – gives householder and parish
Assessment for St. Mary Redcliffe parish (1668) – gives householder and type of property
Window Tax (Temple parish) (1702-1750) – gives householder and number of windows in property.
Lamp and Scavenger Rate (Temple parish) (1703-1730) – gives householder.
Poor Rate (Temple parish) (1703-1722) – gives householder.
Lamp and Scavenger Rate (St. Augustine’s parish) – gives householder
Land Tax (St. Augustine’s parish) – gives householder and type of property
Poor Rate (St. Augustine’s parish) – gives householder
Lamp and Scavenger Rate (St. Mary Redcliffe parish) – gives householder
Land Tax (St. Mary Redcliffe parish) – gives householder and type of property
Poor Rate (St. Mary Redcliffe parish) – gives householder

Court Records

Tolzey Court Records (1476-1800) – court of record for actions of debt, trespass and other minor civil matters.
04417(1-2); 04434(1-3); 04435(1-5); 04436(1-2); 05056; 05057.

Court of Conscience or Requests (1692-1756) – court used for the recovery of small debts. Before 1742 the address, occupation and, sometimes, the name of the employer of the defendant are given.
04413; 04753; 04754; 04414

Alehouse Keepers’ Licences (1654-1800) – these are licence applications by people wishing to keep alehouses. The name, parish of residence and occupation of those standing surety for the alehouse keeper are given.

Jury Book (1732-1738) – gives name, occupation and address.

Parish Records

St. Luke’s, Brislington:
Parish Registers – baptisms, marriages and burials
St. LB/PR.
Surveyor of Highways (1691-1741) – rate books giving details of householders and sometimes refer to ‘the pothouse’.
St. LB/S/1
Churchwardens’ Accounts (1681-1730) – account books giving details of householders and type of property.
St. LB/Chw/1
Overseers of the Poor (1693-1736) – rate books giving details of property owners and type of property.
St. LB/OP/1 & 2

Temple (alias Holy Cross), Bristol:
Bishop’s Transcripts (1671- ) – copies of baptism, marriage and burial registers destroyed during the blitz.
Churchwarden’s Accounts (1689-1707) – account books giving details of householders and type of property.

St. John’s, Bedminster:
Baptism Register 1750-1812
(originally kept at St. Mary Redcliffe church, recently transferred to BRO)

Bristol Cathedral:
Marriage Register 1690

Quaker Records
Registers of Births, Marriages and Burials
QR SF/R1/2.
QR SF/A7/1.

Digest of Births
Burial Index

Company of Merchant Taylors

Survey Book (1695-1707)
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Plan and survey of land in Brislington (1745/6) 00568(16).

Probate Records

Will of Sarah Crofts (1687)
Will of Elizabeth Wastfield (1693)
Will of Edward Bye, Barton Regis (1704)
Inventory of the estate of Edward Bye, Barton Regis (1704): Inv. 1704/8.

Land Transactions

Sale/Lease of land:
Lease to Edward Crofts, Redcliff parish (1668 & 1670): DC/E/40/44/1, DC/E/40/37/52068, DC/E/40/37/52083.
Lease of property in East Tucker Street, Temple Solomon Huntington to Robert Collins (1663): Temple Ab 196(3).
Purchase of land by Robert Collins, Brislington (1667): 6608(8).
Sale by Tobias Provisse to Robert Collins, Brislington (1669): 3583(2).

Sale by Robert Collins to John Hoskins of Brislington (1673): 3583(3).
Surrender Thomas Dickson (1718): Temple Ag 3(1).
Lease of land on Brandon Hill to Henry Hobbs (1693): 04335(7)
Lease of land adjoining Hobbs pothouse (1707): 04335(8)
Lease of Lower Pothouse, Limekiln Lane to the Society of Merchants (1755): 04344(2) & 01036(1)


Marriage Licence Bonds (1637-1750) – licence granted for marriage without proclamation of banns. Gives the name, parishand occupation of the bridegroom, and the bondsmen standing surety for him.

Bristol Reference Library:

Poll Books
Felix Farley’s Bristol Journal
The Bristol Oracle
The Bristol Gazette

Bristol Presentment Books (Exports) 1775

Somerset Record Office (SRO):

Land Transactions

Sale/Lease of land:
Lease from Anne Bissicke to Alice Bennett, Brislington (1661): DD/BR/tb 7.
Assignment from John Bissicke to Robert Bennett I, Brislington (1656): DD/BR/tb 7.
Sale by Rowland Lacey to Robert Bennett I, Brislington (1657): DD/BR/tb 7 & GL 18 & 5.
Transfer of land from John Bennett to Edward Ward, Brislington (1702): DD/BR/tb 7.
Robert Bennett II mentioned as a tenant at Brislington (1667): DD/GL 18a.
Lease George Combe to Robert Bennett II, Brislington (1670): DD/BR/U 7.
Sale Elizabeth Shelton to Robert Bennett II (1671): DD/BR/tb 7.
Assignment of lease Thomas Jones to John Bissicke, Brislington (1652): DD/BR/tb 7.
Assignment of lease John Bissicke to Robert Bennett, Brislington (1652): DD/BR/tb 7.
Sale Rowland Lacey to John Bissicke, Brislington (1656): DD/BR/tb 7 & DD/GL 18.
Sale Aaron Ithell to John Bissicke, Brislington (1657): DD/BR/tb 7.
Sale Henry Kaines to John Bissicke, Brislington (1659): DD/BR/tb 7.
Lease John Bissicke to George Huntington, Brislington (1659): DD/BR/tb 7.
Lease Anne Bissicke to Alice Bennett, Brislington (1661): DD/BR/tb 7.
Indenture Rowland Lacey to Ricard Crabb (mentions Collins family), Brislington (1657): DD/GL 18.
Sale Rowland Lacey to Robert Collins, Brislington (1661): DD/GL 18 & BRO 4488(3).
Transfer of lands Thomas Dickson to John Bennett, Brislington (1694): DD/BR/tb 7.

Quaker Records

Society of Friends Letter Books
Somersetshire Quarterly Meeting records (Bristol papers):
DD/SFR 1/1 – Minutes, 1668-1684
DD/SFR 8/2 – Record of Sufferings, 1659-95.
DD/SFR 10/2 – Epistles to the Quaker Meeting, 1662-1698.

Court Records

QS/I/126/2(9), (11), (16) & (17) – Quarter Sessions papers, 1670


Gore-Langton Papers including plan and survey of the Langton Court Estate, Brislington (1791): DD/Gld 4 & 5.

Brislington Tithe Map and Apportionment (1844)

Deposition Books, Bishop of Bath and Wells: D/D/Cd/93, 1670.

Wiltshire Record Office (WRO):

Quaker Records

Minute Books of North Somerset Division Meetings:
1699/19, 1667 – 1674.

Public Record Office, Kew (PRO) :

Probate Records

Will of Ann Bissicke, Brislington (1666): Prob. 11/323.
Will of Robert Bennett, Brislington (1658): Prob. 11/296.
Will of Alice Huntington, Brislington (1668): Prob. 11/328.
Will of Robert Bennett II, Brislington (1671): Prob. 11/336.
Will of John Bissicke, Brislington (1659): Prob. 11/297.
Will of Anne Bissicke, Brislington (1666): Prob. 11/323.
Will of Robert Wastfield, Brislington (1677): Prob. 11/355.
Will of Sarah Wastfield, Brislington (1678): Prob. 11/359.

Bristol Port Books

Exchequer Series E190

The Scottish Pottery Society:

The Court of Session Process for The Delftfield Pottery Case: Bird v Dinwiddie and Others. 1 November 1750.
SPS 81/76