Biographies of the Brislington Potters
ADLAM George
1720 | 24 Mar. Noted as a potter of Brislington when his son, William, was apprenticed to Mary Orchard (A,Ao,Ar). |
1726 | 14 Mar. Noted as a potter of Brislington when his son, Samuel, was apprenticed to Henry Bevan, a glazier (A,Ar). |
1733 | 22 Nov. ‘William Crouch agt. George Adlam, potter, Pile Street’ (C). |
1737 | 22 Nov. A potter of Brislington he was to appear with his son, Abraham, at the next Sessions to prosecute Thomas Ross, a soldier, for an assault with a sword (T). |
1756 | 26 Dec. Possibly the George Adlam buried (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
Rate Book entries: 1719-27 George Adlam (St Luke’s, Brislington/S/1) |
1661 | 14 Jan. A lease by Anne Bissicke of land at Brislington, to Alice Bennett. This lease was subsequently assigned by her son, Robert Bennett II (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
After the death of her husband, she married Solomon Huntington, mariner. For further details see under Alice Huntington. |
1656 | 8 Nov. An assignment by John Bissicke to Robert Bennett of land at Brislington (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1657 | 8 May. A sale by Rowland Lacey to Robert Bennett of land at Brislington, including Games tenement (SRO DD/BR/tb 7 and DD/GL 18 & 5) (the latter document is the counterpart). |
1658 | 20 Dec. Will: THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF Robert Bennett of the parish of Brislington in the County of Somest Galypotmaker being in perfect memory doth make this my last Will and Testament sealed with my seale the twenty day of December 1658 I give and bequeath unto my wife Alice Bennett the pfitts of all those my three Tenements one lett in occupation of Henry Keynes and one other let in the occupation of John Game one other in Reversion of Em ffarthing all which three Tenements my said wife to hold and enjoy until my sonnes Robert and John come unto the age of eighteene yeares & my daughter Mary come unto the age of eighteene yearesItem I give and bequeath unto my wife all that my household stuffe except implements of the trade I now useItem I give and bequeath unto my wife out of my Tenements when Robert and John my two sonnes come to age eight pounds per ann during the naturall life of my said wife which said sume of money bee paid as foll I give and bequeath unto my sonne Robert and John that my one Tenement late in occupation of Henry Keynes to hold it by equall parts pt and pt a like untill the decease of Emm: ffarthing and at her decease I give and bequeath That my Tenement in which I now dwell in – lately in occupation of William Browne unto my sonne Robert and his heires for ever and ffor want of issue to my sonne John and his heires for want of such issue to my daughter Mary and her heires for ever and ffor want of issue to the heires of my brother John Bennett my said sonne Robert paying four pounds p ann dureing my said wifes lifeItem I give and bequeath unto my sonne John all that my Tenement late in the occupation of Henry Keynes after the decease of Emm: ffarthing to hold for ever to him my said sonne and the heires of his body and for want of such issue to my sonne Robert and for want of such issue to my daughter Mary and her heires and for want of such issue to the heires of my brother John Bennett my said sonne paying four pounds p ann unto my said wife during her naturall lifeI give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Bennett All that my Messuage lately in the occupation of John Game to hold for ever to her ye said Mary and her heires for ever and for want of such issue to the heires of Robert and John by equall parts part and part alike for want of such issue to my brother John and his heires for everI give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth Morgan fforty shillings and unto her three daughters and sonne [illegible] shillings for each of themI give unto William Morgan her sonne thirty shillingsI make my wife Executor of this my last Will I give and bequeath unto my sd wife Alice All that my dwelling house in which I now liveth the same to hold during the naturall life of my said wife Sealed with my seale on the other side of this halfe sheete of paper I make and appoint Robert Wastfeild and William Baugh overseers. Robert Bennett Witnes Thomas Byam John Biswicke his marke This will was proved att London Before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations Lawfully authorised the nineteenth day of December in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and fifty nine by the oath of Alice Bennett the relict of the said deceased sole Executrix named in the said Will …. (PRO Prob. 11/296). |
His widow, Alice, married Solomon Huntington, a mariner, but she still appears to have run the pottery at Brislington. | |
1702 | 12 Jun. The following document, made after his death, gives further information about the property of Robert Bennett in Brislington: This Indenture Tripartite made the Twelfth day of June in the first yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Ann by the grace of God … 1702 Betweene John Bennett of the City of Bristoll Cooper of the first parte Robert Bennett of the same City Cooper sonn of the said John Bennett and Deenes wife of the said Robert Bennett of the second parte and James Croft of the said City Gent and Edward Ward of the said City Gallypotmaker of the third parte Whereas a marriage has bin lately had and consummated betweene the said Robert Bennett and Deenes his wife Daughter of the said Edward Ward before the Solemnization of which marriage the said John Bennett did promise and undertake in consideration of the marriage portion which the said Robert Bennett had received in marriage with the said Deenes his wife to settle and assure to and on the said Robert Bennett and the said Deenes his wife and the heires of the two bodyes the lands tenements and hereditaments hereinafter menconed Witnesseth now this psent Indenture that the said John Bennett in pursueance and performance of the said contract and for a competent maintenance to be had and provided to and for the said Deenes Bennett in case she shall happen to survive and for other good considerations … doth grant bargaine sell remise release and confirme … All that parcel of pasture ground now divided into three Closes upon parte whereof was lately erected a messuage or tenement wherein Robert Bennett the elder father of the said John Bennett lately dwelt with other howsing thereto adjoyneing and belonging situate lying and being in Birtchwood within the parish of Brislington als Bussleton in the County of Somsett conteyneing in the whole by estimacon twelve acres … heretofore in the occupacon of one Thomas Woodroofe and afterwards of Mary Browne widow and late in the tenure of Robert Bennett the elder who purchased the same (amongst other lands of and from Rowland Lacy of Shipton under Whitchwood in the County of Oxon …) Att and under the yearly fee farme rent of three pounds seaventeene shillings and tenn pence … And alsoe all that messuage tenement and Cottage Scituate and being in Brislington … knowne by the name of the Moore contaeyneing by estimacon two acres … with the Withy bed in or neere the same ground … and bounded with the land now or late of William Shelton on or towards the East parte [therefore presumably next to Bissicke’s land, which had been inherited by the Sheltons] and the land now or lately of Henry Suttons on or towards the West parte … the RiverAvon there on or towards the north parte and the land late of the said Robert Bennett next after menconed on or towards the south parte thereof And also All that one other Close or Meadow or pasture ground commonly called or knowne by the name of the Moore … bounded … [by] land late of Robert Bennett the elder on or towards the south parte … All which said Messuage … are … att or neere the said place called Birchwood … and were purchased by Robert Bennett the Younger of and from Elizabeth Shelton of London widow and William Shelton of London Merchant Tayler … and every parcel thereof And all the estate right title … of him the said John Bennett of into or out of the said hereby granted released and conveyed pmisses … All which said Messuages … are now in the possession of Thomas Dickson of the City of Bristol Linnendraper which he holdeth for terme of his naturall life as Tenant by the curtosie of England … To hold the use and behoofe of the said Robert Bennett for and during the terme the term of his naturall life … And from and after his decease the use and behoofe of the said Deenes his wife for her life and her Joincture and in full recompense and barr of and for her Dower and from and after the decease and deceases of both of them the Robert Bennett and Deenes his wife To the heires of their two bodyes between them lawfully begotten and to be begotten and for default of such issue To the use and behoofe of the right heires of him the said Robert Bennett for ever …(SRO DD/BR/tb 7 and DD/GL 18). |
1658 | 20 Dec. He was a beneficiary named in his father’s will (see Robert Bennett I) (PRO Prob. 11/296). |
1667 | 14 Feb. An indenture between Rowland Lacy, heir of Sir John Lacy, and Ezekiel Langton conveying the manor of Brislington, Brislington Farm and cottages, includes details of several fee farm rents charged on various premises one of which was occupied by Robert Bennett as tenant. |
1668 | 26 Sep. He was the main beneficiary in his mother’s will (see Alice Huntington). It is assumed that her estate included the Brislington Pottery, as in her will she refers to her employees, one of whom is known to have been a potter (PRO Prob. 11/328). |
1669 | 10 May. A gallypotmaker of Brislington he was granted a licence to marry Sarah Cole of Temple parish, at St Thomas’ church (M). |
1669 | 9 Jun. Robert Bennett, Gallipotmaker, was admitted into the liberties of this Citty for that hee married Sarah the daughter of James Cole, and hath taken the oath of allegiance and paid 4s 6d (F). |
1670 | 5 Mar. A lease between George Combe of Burnett, Somerset, yeoman, and Robert Bennett of Brislington, gallypotmaker, of: All those his Two acres of Meadow or pasture ground (be it more or lesse) lyinge in the Northfield in and amongst severall pcells of Lands of Inheritance belonging to the Church of Compton Dando And Two acres of arable land lyinge in Sandyfield shootinge against Week path All which premises are lyinge within the Parish of Compton Dando in the said County and now in the tenure of the said George Combe or of his assignes … (SRO DD/BR/U 7). |
1671 | 2 Jun. A sale by Elizabeth and William Shelton, her son, to Robert Bennett of the ‘Royal Oake’, the Moore and a withy bed and other lands at Brislington. The Sheltons were kinsmen of the Bissickes and had inherited the land from them.
This appears to be the same land referred to in a deed dated 12 June 1702 (see under Robert Bennett I for full details). |
1671 | 14 Jun. Will: UPPON WENSDAY THE FFOURTEENTH day of June in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and One I Robert Bennett of the Parish of Brislington in the County of Somersett Gally pot maker being in good and perfect memory doe declare this my Last Will and Testament in forme following (That is to say) I do give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Bennett the two grounds I lately purchased called the Moores to take it when she comes to be ffifteene yeares old And if my said Daughter happen to die then I give the said grounds to my wife Sarah Bennett – All the rest of my estate whatsoever I give unto my wife Sarah – whom I make sole ExecutrixRobt. Bennet his mke. Wtnes Robt Wastfield Mary ColesProbate was granted to his widow, Sarah, on 13 July 1671 (PRO Prob. 11/336). |
1672 | 9 Jul. His widow, Sarah, married Robert Wastfield (QR). |
1629-42 | He was living in Montague Close, Southwark, London (Edwards 1974, 37-38). |
1652 | 13 Jan. An assignment of a lease by Thomas Jones to John Bissicke on land at Brislington (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1656 | 8 Nov. An assignment of a lease by ‘John Bissick’ to Robert Bennett of the land referred to above in the lease dated 13 January 1652 (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1656 | 17 Nov. The sale by Rowland Lacy, Esq., to John Bissicke of Brislington … Potter and Ann his wife of the other part … in consideration of the sume of eight & twentie pounds of lawfull money … All that late customary cottage or tenement and garden and orchard to the same belonginge and appurtynances conteyneing by estimaton one ffarandell of ground standing scittuate and being in Brislington … aforesaid heretofore in the occupation or possession of Alice Willmott widdowe deceased and late in the tenure and possession of Thomas Jones and now in the tenure or possession of the said John Bissicke
(the mark of John Bissicke) (SRO DD/GL 18 and DD/BR/tb 7). |
1657 | 11 May A sale by Aaron Ithell to John Bissicke of a meadow called the Moore (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1658 | 20 Dec. A John Biswicke witnessed the will of Robert Bennett I (PRO Prob. 11/296). |
1659 | 22 Mar. A sale by Henry Kaines to John Bissicke of land at Brislington called the Moore (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1659 | 9 Aug. A lease of a withy bed by John Bissicke to George Huntington (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1659 | 22 Oct. Will: IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the Two and Twentieth day of October in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred and fifty and nyne I John Bissicke of Brislington otherwide Bussellton in the County of Somersett Potter being weake and sick in body (but of perfect mynde and memory) thanks be given to God for the same considering with myselfe the certainty of Death and uncertainty of the tyme thereof doe make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (That is to say) ffirst I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator assuredly perswading my selfe to receive pardon and remission for all my sinnes through the alone merits of Jesus Christ my only Savior and Redeemer And as touching that small worldly Estate as it hath pleased God of infinite goodness to lend mee in this life I give and dispose thereof as followeth (vizt) Imprimus Whereas I have lately by deed conveyed and settled in my loveing ffriends Nicholas Cowling and William Baugh and their heires my lands Tenements and hereditaments in the parish of Brislington otherwise Bussleton aforesaid whereof I am seysed in ffee to the use of my selfe for life and afterwards to Ann my wife for her life And from and after our deathes To the use by mee to be lymitted by my Will Now I doe hereby lymitt and appoint That the said Nicholas Cowling And William Baugh and their heires shall stand and be seysed of all the same lands Tenements and hereditaments from and after the deathes of mee and my said Wife To the uses following (That is to say) As for and concerning the ground called the More conteyning by Estimaton Two acres which I bought of Henry Kaines the same to remaine and be to my kinsman Richard Bissick (sonne of Richard Bissick of the Borough of Southwark in the County of Surrey Gally-pott maker) And the heires of the same Richard Bissick the same lawfully to be begotten And for default of such heires and assignes for ever And as touching and concerning my Messuage or house wherein Richard Milkins dwelleth with th’appurtennes thereunto belonging now in the holding of the said Richard Milkins the same to be and remaine to Elizabeth Shelton Daughter of the said (William Shelton) And to her heires and assignes for ever And as touching and concerning my parcel of Meadow ground called the Moore conteyning by estimaton one Acre and a halfe, which I bought of Aron Ithell And my house wherein John Rollins now dwelleth and other my lands of Inheritance not herein demised or lymitted the same to remaine and be unto my said Wife Ann her heires and assignes for ever. To the end and intent that shee may be better enabled to pay and satisfy my debts and legaciesItem I give Demise and bequeath to my kinsman Ambrose Bissicke his Executors and assignes (after the decease of my said Wife) my Messuage or house, with th’appurtenances in Brislington aforesaid now in the ioynt or severall holdings of Thomas Emblen th’elder and Thomas Stephens And all my estate right title terme and interest of in and to the same And my will and meaning is that if my said kinsman Ambrose Bissick shall dy before my said wife Then I give the same house with th’appurtenances to my said wife and her assignesItem I give and bequesth unto Alice Bennett widowe her executors and assignes my Tenement with th’appurtenances in Brislington aforesaid in the holding of Em ffarthing widow And all my estate right title terme and interest of in and to the same soe as shee the said Alice Bennett shall or doe pay to my said wife the sume of ffive pounds of lawfull money of England within six monthes next after my deceaseItem I give and bequeath unto Mary Shelton William Shelton Isaakk Shelton Jacob Shelton Elizabeth Shelton and Sarah Shelton children of the said William Shelton the sume of Six pounds of lawfull money of England a peese to be paid to them respectively by my Executrix within one yeare next after the decease of my said wife And in case any of the said Children shall happen to depart this life before their legacies shal be due as aforesaid Then my will is that the legacy of her or them soe dying shall accrew and be paid to the survivors of themItem I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Mary Bisscke Six pounds to be paid to her in one yeare next after the decease of my said wifeItem I give unto William Morgan Twenty shillings to be paid as thither legacyes All the rest of my Goods Chattells Catell moneyes household stuffe and other personall estate whatsoever herein before by me given or bequeathed (my debts legacyes being paid and funeral expences discharged) I give and bequeath unto my said wife Ann Whome I do make and ordeine Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament And I doe hereby desire and appoint my loving ffriends the afore named Nicholas Cowling and my kinsman Love Branson to be overseers of this my last will and Testament And I give to each of them the sume of ffive pounds as a token and for their care and paines therein And I doe give unto Thomas Byam Twenty shillings as a token And I doe hereby revoke and make void all former wills and Testaments by mee made either in writing or by word of mouth And I doe declare this wrytinge conteyned in theis Three Sheets of Paper to be my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have to the ffirst of theis sheets of Paper sett my seale and to the last of them sett my hand and seale the day and yeare ffirst above writtenThe mke of the said John Bissick signed sealed and published by the said John Bissick to be his last will and Testament the said Two and Twentieth day of October One Thousand Six Hundred and ffifty nyne in the presence of Is: Gleson Richard Tony Roger Royden Thomas Hartwell(PRO Prob. 11/297) |
1660 | 4 Apr. This Will was prov’att London before the Judges of the Court for Probat of Wills and granting of Administrations the ffourth day of Aprill In the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty by the oath of Ann Bissick the Relict and Executrix of the Goods chattels and debts of the deceased to whome Administration was granted shee being first sworne by Comission truly to Administer.
(PRO Prob. 11/297) |
1660 | 2 Nov. A surrender by Ruth Young, widow of Robert Young, to Ann Bissicke of land called the Moore at Brislington (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1660/1 | 14 Jan. A lease by Anne Bissicke to Alice Bennett of land at Brislington. This lease was subsequently assigned by her son, Robert Bennett II (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1666 | 27 Dec. Will: IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Twenty seventh day of December in the eaighteenth yeare of King Charles the second his most gracious reigne over England…Anno Domini one Thousand Six Hundred Sixty six I Anne Bissicke late of Brislington otherwide Buslton in the County of Sommersett and now of the Citty of Bristoll widow being weake and sicke in body but of a perfect sound mynd and memory Thankes be given to god for the same considering with my selfe the certainty of death and uncertainty of the tyme thereof doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following That is to say First I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty god my Creatour assuredly perswading my selfe to receave pardon and remission of all my sinnes through the alone merits of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and redeemer And my body to the earth from whence it was taken And as touching that small wordly estate as it hath pleased … God of his infinite goodness to lend mee in this life I give and bequeath thereof as followethFirst I doe give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Elizabeth Shelton the Elder all that my Leaze or parcel of meadow ground called the Moore conteyning by estimaton one acre and a halfe now in the holding of Alice Bennett And all that my house wherein Thomas Watts now dwelleth in the pish and fields of Brislington als Buslton aforesaid which said house and Leaze my will is shalbe sold by my executrix herein after named to pay my Cousin Isaak Shelton the Legacie of six pounds my late husband gave him and my Legacie of Thirty fower pounds I shall herein after give him to make it upp forty pounds And to pay satisfie and discharge therewith my debts Legacies and funeral expences And to that intent and purpose I doe hereby give unto my said Cousin Isaac Shelton the somme of Thirty fower pounds out of the sale thereof in token of my love To be paid unto him by my executrix herein after named within six monthes next after my decease. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said kinswoman Elizabeth Shelton the younger my silver tankard. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Shelton daughter of the said Elizabeth Shelton my gold wedding ring. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Rebecca daughter of the said Elizabeth Shelton the elder the somme of Tenn pounds in money and our small silver spoone. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Edward Croftes my great household Bible in token out of my love. Item I doe further give and bequeath more unto my said cousin Isaac Shelton my Geneva printed Bible. Item I doe give and bequeath more unto the said Elizabeth Shelton the younger my kinswoman my Church Bible. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Sarah the wife of Edward Croftes our small book called the Sanctuary of a Troubled Soule. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Sarah the daughter of the said Edward Croftes my silver cuppe with my husbands name and myne ingraven thereon. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth the daughter of the said Edward Croftes tenne shillings in money to buy a ring. I doe give and bequeath further unto Sarah the wife of the said Edward Croftes one gold Deathes head ring. Item more I doe give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth Shelton the elder my kinswoman my silke gowne and petticoate and two pair of sheets. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Robert Barnes my Waynescott chest. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Sarah Croftes daughter as aforesaid of Edward Croftes my small box of drawers. All other personall estate all ye rest of my chattels goods monies house hold stuff whatsoever herein before by me not given or bequeathed (My debts and legacies being paid and funeral expences discharged) I doe give and bequeath unto my said kinswoman and neece Elizabeth Shelton the elder whome I doe make and ordayne sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I doe hereby desire and appointe my loving friends the aforenamed Isaac Shelton, my cousin, and Edward Croftes to be overseers of this my last will and Testament And I doe give to the said Isaac Shelton but Twenty shillings in money and noe more, by reason I have given him liberally herein as aforesaid And to the said Elizabeth I doe give five pounds in money in token of my love, to both of them, and for their greate care and paynes therein … And that I doe (having omitted a legacie to William Shelton) hereby give and bequeath unto the said William Shelton one silver seale engraven with a spread Eagle which is parte of my will above written(PRO Prob. 11/323) |
1668 | 10 Jan. The will proved by Elizabeth Shelton (PRO Prob. 11/323). |
1694-1730 Thomas Dickson was paying rates on a property in Brislington described as Bisweekes (St Luke’s, Brislington PR, Chw/1 & S/1). It is possible that he was paying rates on a property previously occupied by John Bissicke.
1710 | 30 Sep. The son of Charles Bush of Bristol, an anchorsmith, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Sarah Dickson (A,Ar,Ao). |
1734 | 14 May. He became a free potter (F,G). |
1739 | Potter, St. Mary Redcliffe parish (P). |
1740 | He stood sureties of £5 each for Sarah Simmons, Sarah Hartland and Henry Ellis to keep alehouses in St. Mary Redcliffe parish (AKL). |
BYE Edward
1676 | 19 Feb. The son of Thomas Bye of Kingsweston, Glos., yeoman, deceased, he was apprenticed to Robert and Sarah Wastfield (A). |
Pountney has wrongly recorded the apprenticeship as being that of Henry Bye (Pountney 1920, 295). | |
1677 | 10 Jul. He witnessed the will of Robert Wastfield (PRO Prob. 11/355). |
1681 | 11 Oct. John the sone of E. Bye and Grace his wife was borone (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
1685 | 30 Feb. Edward the sone of the fore sd. E. Bye and Greace his wife was borone (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
1687 | 28 Nov. Joseph the sone of the fore sd. E. Bye and Greace his wife was borone (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
1698 | 14 May. He was described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington when his son, John, was apprenticed to Mary Orchard (A,Ar). |
1698 | 12 Sep. He was described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington when his son, Edward, was apprenticed to Mary Jenkins, weaver (Ar). |
1702 | 22 Oct. The wife of Edward Bye buried (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
1703 | 15 Apr. A gallypotmaker of Brislington he was granted a licence to marry Hester Cable, widow, of St Philip and Jacob parish (M). |
1704 | 6 Jul. Will: I Edward Bye of Barton Regis in the County of Gloucester gallypotmaker Doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and former following first and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God that gave it my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried in Christian Buriall and as touching such worldly goods which God of his mercy hath bestowed upon me I dispose as followeth Item I doe give unto my son John Bye one shilling Item I doe give unto my son Edward Bye one shilling Item I doe give unto my son Joseph Bye one shilling Item I doe give unto my son Benjamin Bye one shilling Item All the rest of my goods and chattels my debts and Legacies being paid and funeral expences discharged I doe give unto my loving wife Hester …The above will was proved at Bristol on 4 October 1704 and probate was granted to his widow, Hester (BRO Will 1704). |
1704 | 7 Aug. The Baptist Burial Ground Register (Redcross Street) records: Brother Edward Bye, a potter died at the Blue Bowl in Barton Hundred, was interred in sis. Hyett’s grave (Pountney 1920, 45). |
1704 | 4 Oct. The inventory of an Edward Bye of Barton Regis, Gloucestershire survives: Item in the Kiching 60 pounds of pewter £1.14.0d Item in Crocks and kittels brass 2.04.0 Item in Iron Ware on 3 brass kandellsticks 0.10.0 Item in the hall one tabell borde, Chest & Chaires 0/10/0 Item in the Chamber over the Kiching one bed & furniture 1.10.0 Item 2 Chests one Case of Draws 6 Chairs 1.04.0 Item a paire of Brass Indirons 0.05.0 Item one Chest 2 tabels 3 old flock beds with [illegible] 2.05.0 Item in Barrels and Ware 2.10.0 Item 2 peggs 0.10.0 Item in Ready Mony 4.00.0 Item his wearing apparel 1.00.0 Item in Lumber goods and other goods not Apreysed 0.10.0 Item in debts desperate 0.10.0 Sum totall £19.02.0 (BRO Inventory 1704 No.8) |
1657 | 9 May. Some evidence of the Collins family’s association with Brislington may be shown by the following indenture between Rowland Lacy and Richard Crabb of Bristol, clothier: All that late Coppiehold or Messuage or tenement and yard lands by estimacon with Appurtencs scituate lyeing and beinge in Brislington … heretofore in the tenure or occupacon of John Collins deceased and late in the tenure or occupation of Alice Collins widow deceased And now or late in the tenure or occupacon of the said Richard Crabb conteyninge in the whole Nyne and fortie Acres … And all houses, edifecies buildings and barnes stables outhouses orchards gardens lands meadows feedings pastures woods underwoods and trees … (SRO DD/GL 18). |
1661 | 7 Feb. The sale by Rowland Lacy of Shipton under Wychwood, Oxfordshire, son and heir of Sir John Lacy, to Robert Collins of Brislington, potter, for the sum of £92, the following premises: All that now or late coppiehold or Customarie Messuage or Tenemt and half yard lands with thappurtennces scituate lyinge and beinge in Brislington als Busselton in the said Countie of Somset heretofore in the Tenure or occupation of Alice Pope widow her assignes or undertenants And namelie and more pticulerlie The Orchard Garden and Backside adwyninge to the said Messuage or Tenem contayninge by Estimacon Two Acres (be it more or lesse) … One Close of Arable or pasture ground called the Batchy Lease contayninge by estimacon one Acre and half … And a Padocke belonginge to the said Messuage on the east which paddocke contaynes by estimacon One Acre … one Close of Arrable or pasture ground called the Quabby Lease contayninge by estimacon Two Acres … another ground belonging to the said Tenemt Contayninge by estimacon Two Acres and half … One Acre and half of Arrable land (be it more or lesse) lyinge in Longfurlonge … half an Acre of pasture or meadowe ground (be it more or lesse) lying Att Wetlands in the Westfeild of Brislington aforesaid … one Acre of Arrable land be it more or lesse) lyinge Att Blakdonhill in the Westfeild aforesaid … Two Acres of Arrable land (be it more or lesse) lying in Lowerhaverland … half an acre of Arrable land (be it more or lesse) lying in Lowerhaverland … half and acre of Arrable land (be it more or lesse) lyinge in Middlehaverland in the Westfeild aforesaid … (BRO 4488(3) and SRO DD/GL 18). |
1661 | 7 Feb. Indenture between Rowland Lacy and William Newman, Brislington, blacksmith, of land adjoining the ground of Robert Collins on or towards the east (SRO DD/GL 18). |
1661 | 7 Feb. He witnessed an agreement made between Rowland Lacy and William Baugh (SRO DD/GL 18). |
1661 | 8 Feb. He witnessed an agreement made between Rowland Lacy and Henry Gleeson (SRO DD/GL 18). |
1663 | 19 Feb. He was described as a yeoman of Brislington when the lease of a property in East Tucker Street, Temple parish, Bristol, was transferred to him and John Woodward of Compton Dando, Somerset, yeoman, by Solomon Huntington of Bristol, mariner (Temple Ab 196(3)). See also Alice Huntington. |
1667 | 14 Feb. An indenture between Rowland Lacy, heir of Sir John Lacy, and Ezekiel Langton conveying the manor of Brislington, Brislington Farm and cottages includes details of several fee farm rents charged on various premises one of which was occupied by Robert Collins as tenant. |
1667 | 5 Jun. All that parcell of meadow or pasture ground conteyning by estimacon halfe an acre (be it more or less) lyeing in the parish of Brislington als Busselton aforesaid in a certain meadow ground called seaven Swarths … And the same parcel or halfe acre of ground is parcel of or belonging to a mesuage or tenement now or late copyhold or customary parcel of the mannor of Brislington als Busselton heretofore in the tenure or occupacon of Alice Phelps widow and now of the said Robert Collins and was together with the said messuage or other lands thereto belonging to him and the said Robert Collins had and purchased to him and his heires in fee simple of and from Rowland Lacy Esquire by his deed indented duely executed beareing date the seaventh day of ffebuary Anno Dmi one thousand six hundred and sixty … (BRO 6608(8)). |
1669 | 21 Mar. The sale by Tobias Provisse of Queen Charlton, Somerset, yeoman, to Robert Collins, of Brislington, yeoman, for the sum of £45: All that one close or parcel of meadoweground commonly called or knowe by the name of the Little Moore conteyninge by estimacon one acre (be it more or lesse) beinge heretofore parcel of a copyhold or customary messuage or tenemt. of one Andrew Daniel deceased and now or late in the tenure or occupacon of one Tobias Pope and abutteth on the river Avon on or towards the south and east sides thereof A tenement called Eastwood on or towards the east and north sides thereof and a ground called Ramscliff on or towards the west side thereof … out of which parcel of ground and pmisses hereby granted there is issueinge and payable and the same is charged and chargeable with the yearly feefarme rent of one shillinge … (BRO 3583(2)). |
1671 | 21 Jul. Robert Collins, potter, Robert Wastfield, gentleman, Robert Bennett, yeoman, and other parishioners of Brislington parish purchased from Thomas Munday, of Brislington, quarrier: All that late Customary Cottage or tenemt. & one acre by estimacon .. of pasture ground … late in the tenure or occupacon of Walter Webb … scituate lying and being within the parish of Brislington als Busselton aforesaid … The parishioners agreed that they would pay the rent of 24 shillings per annum, received for the property, to the Churchwardens of Brislington parish to be distributed among the poor of the parish (St Luke’s, Brislington Chw/1). |
1673 | 22 Oct. Robert Collins of Brislington, Somerset, yeoman, sold to John Hoskins of Brislington, mariner, for £40: All that close or parcel of Meadow ground commonly called or knowne by the name of the little Moore conteyning by Estimacon One Acre (be it more or lesse) heretofore in the holding of the said Robert Collins and now or late in the tenure or occupacon of Roger Earle Basketmaker And abutteth on the River Avon on or towards the South and east sides thereof a Tenement commonly called Eastwood on or towards the East and North sides thereof and a Ground called Ramscliffe on or towards the West thereof … All which pmises hereby granted were by the said Robert Collins lately had and purchased to him and his heires in ffee of and from Tobias Provisse who purchased the same of Nicholas Cowling out of which parcel of Ground … there is issueing … the yearely ffee farme rent of one shilling (BRO 3583(3)). |
Rate and tax book entries:1684 – 1686 Robert Collines or occupr (St Luke’s, Brislington Chw/1) |
1713 | 28 Sep. The son of John Cornish of St Philip and Jacob parish, Bristol, yeoman, deceased, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Sarah Dickson, with friends to find apparel (A,Ar,Ao). |
1722 | 17 Nov. He became a free gallypotmaker (F,G). |
1662 | 13 Jun. The birth of Thomas Dickson, son of Miles and Joan Dickson (QR SF/R1/2). |
1685 | 1 Mar. Thomas Dickson of this city, linendraper, and Sarah Bennet, signified their intention of marriage and desire to accomplish the same in the way and manner of Friends. Joan Dixson mother of the said Thomas is present and doth approve of such their intentions. The guardians of Sarah also have signified their consent to this preceeding viz. James Cole, Richard Sneed, and Thomas Callowhill (QR SF/A7/1). |
1685 | 15 Mar. Thomas Dixson in pursuance of his former proposals of Marriage with Sarah Bennet attended this meeting and nothing appearing to us meet to obstruct them they have the consent of the meeting to publish ye banns amongst Friends as have been usual (QR SF/A7/1). |
1685 | 1 Apr. Thomas Dickson married Sarah Bennett (QR). Sarah was the daughter of Robert II and Sarah Bennett and step-daughter of Robert Wastfield. |
1690 | 26 Oct. Sarah Dickson of Trinity parish wife of Thomas, buried (QR). |
1694 | 19 Oct. This Indenture Triptite made the nineteenth day of October in the Sixth yeere of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary … Anno Dom. 1694 Between Thomas Dickson of the City of Bristoll Linendraper and John Bennett of the Same City Cooper Brother and heire of Robert Bennett the younger late of Brislington … Gallypotmaker deceased who was eldest Son and heire of Robert Bennett the elder late of the Same place Gallypotmaker dec’d of the first pte Charles Jones the younger of the same City aforesaid mchant and James Crofts of the Same City mchant of the second part And William Day of the Middle Temple London Gent of the third part Whereas the said Thomas Dickson (as Haveing intermarried with Sarah the only child of the said Robert Bennett the younger who is Since dead and as haveing had issue by her which is Since likewise dead) claimeth an estate for terme of his naturall life By Courtesy of England of and in the Sevall lands and hereditamts hereinafter released and conveyed with their apptenances The revcon and inheritance whereof to the Said John Bennett and the heires of his body belongeth witnesseth now this indenture. That for the ending of all Suites and differences between the said Thomas Dickson and John Bennett touching the Same lands and pmisses and for docking the entayle of and in the Said premises And for ten Shillings of Lawfull money of England to them the Said Thomas Dickson and John Bennett in hand by the Said William Day well and truly satisfied and paid … They the said Thomas Dickson and John Bennett have and either of them hath granted bargained Sold aliened enfeoffed released conveyed and confirmed And by these psents doe and either of them doth grante bargaine sell alien and enfeoffe release convey and confirme to the said William Day … All that pcell of pasture ground now divided into three closes upon part whereof was lately erected a messuage and tenemt wherein the Said Robert Bennett the elder lately dwelt with other housing thereto adjoining and belonging Scituate lying and being in Birtchwood within the Said pish of Brislington … conteyning in the whole by estimatcon twelve acres (be it more or less) heretofore in the occupacon of one Thomas Woodroofe and afterwards of Mary Browne widow and late in the tenure of the Said Robert Bennett the elder who purchased the Same (amongst other lands) of and from Rowland Lacy of Shipton under Whitchwood in the County of Oxon. Esq Att and under the yearly fee farme rent of Three pounds Seaventeen Shillings and ten pence … And alsoe All that messuage tenemt and Cottage Scituate and being in Brislington … aforesaid called or knowne by the name of the Royall oake late in the tenure or accupacon of one Thomas Watts Also all that one close of meadow or pasture ground commonly called or knowne by the name of the Moore conteyning by estmacon two acres (be it more or less) with the withy bed in or neere the Same ground and belonging thereunto And bounded with the land now or late of William Shelton on or towards the East part, the land now or late of Henry Suttons on or towards the west part of the River of Avon there on or towards the north part and the Land now or late of the said Robert Bennett the elder next after menconed on or towards the South pte thereof And Alsoe All that one other close or meadow or pasture ground commonly called or knowne by the name of the Moore conteyning by estimacon two acres (be it more or less) with the withy bed to the Same alsoe adjoining and belonging bounded with the land of Thomas Daniel on or towards the East pte the said River of Avon on or towards the north pte and the land now or late of the said Robert Bennett the elder on or towards the South pte thereof All which Said messuage or tenemt Cottage and closes of ground last menconed are lying and being at or near the Said place called Birtchwood within the pish of Brislington … and were purchased by the said Robert Bennett the younger of and from Elizabeth Shelton of London widow and William Shelton of London mchant tayler her Son … To the uses intents and purposes hereinafter menconed (that is to say) To the use of the Said Thomas Dickson for and dureing the terme of his naturall life and from and after his decease To the use of the said John Bennett his heires and Assignes forever and to none other use intent or purpose whatsoever … [signed] Thomas Dickson John Bennett Charles Jones James Croft Wm. Daye. (SRO DD/BR/tb 7) |
1696 | He married Sarah Reynolds (QR). |
1707 | 3 Nov. At the request of the Meeting 30th of 2nd mo. past, moving this meeting to intercede between Thomas Dixon and Thomas Frank; Charles Jones, Edward Lloyd, Peter Young and Richard Champion, to entreat Thomas Dixon and Thomas Frank to agree and end the differences between themselves, or to choose two or more indifferent persons to hear and deliberate the same and return what it effects to the next meeting (Copy of Pountney 1920, annotated by the author, Bristol City Museum). |
1707-14 | He was described as a gallypotmaker (A). |
1718 | 15 May. Agreed … with Thomas Dickson that in consideration of a surrender to be by him made of a Messuage late Allice Huntington now in the tenure of Ann Phillipps as tenant to the said Thomas Dickson from Lady day last for 99 yeares … (Temple Ag 3(1)). See also Alice Huntington. |
1733 | 7 Sep. Thomas Dickson buried (QR). |
1734 | 14 May. He was deceased when his apprentice, John Bush, took his freedom (F,G). |
He took as apprentice: With his wife Sarah: Daniel Snow, 28 Dec 1707 (A,Ar) – 6 Apr 1715 (F,G) John Bush, 30 Sep 1710 (A,Ao,Ar) – 14 May 1734 (F,G) John Cornish, 28 Sep 1713 (A,Ao,Ar) – 17 Nov 1722 (F,G) John Niglett, 11 May 1714 (A,AO,Ar) – 29 Nov 1722 (F,G) Robert Evans I, 25 Nov 1714 (A,Ao,Ar) – 13 Oct 1722 (F,G) Richard Riley, 21 Feb 1716/17 (A,Ao.Ar) – 1 May 1727 (F,G) Rate Book Entries: Property 2 (Brislington): Property 3 (Brislington): Property 4 (Temple parish): |
EVANS Robert
1714 | 25 Nov. The son of Thomas Evans of Bristol, button maker, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Sara Dickson (A,Ar,Ao). |
1722 | 13 Oct. He became a free gallypotmaker as he was the son of a freeman (F,G). |
1731 | 15 Mar. Mary, daughter of Robert Evans, potter, baptised (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
It has been stated that the baptism register showed Robert Evans as belonging to the pot-house of St Annes (Ray 1968, 46), but the author could find no trace of this wording.
Thereafter all references are to Robert Evans working as a potter in St. Mary Redcliffe parish, Bristol. |
HIX Nathaniel
1668 | He was described as an employee of Alice Huntington in her will (PRO Prob. 11/328). |
HIX Philip
1668 | He was described as the apprentice to Alice Huntington in her will (PRO Prob. 11/328). |
The widow of Robert Bennett I, she appears to have carried on the Brislington Pottery after his death.
1659 | 22 Oct. John Bissicke bequeathed in his will:
unto Alice Bennett widow her executors and assignes my Tenement with th’appurtennes in Brislington aforesaid in the holding of Em. Farthing Widdow … (PRO Prob. 11/297). |
1663 | 19 Feb. Whereas Solomon Huntington of the Citty of Bristol, m’ner [mariner] … hath granted and made over to John Woodward of Compton Dando in the county of Somerset, yeoman … A certen voyd ground and buildings situate in East Tucker Street neere Counterslipp there in the p’ish of Temple … Now wee the said John Woodward and Robert Collins doe hereby declare promise and agree that the Said Grante … is for to be made in trust and for the use of Alice Bennett of Brislington aforesaid widow … (Temple AB 196(3)). |
1666 | 27 Dec. Ann Bissicke mentioned in her will:
a Lease or parcel of meadow ground called the Moore conteyning by estimacon one acre and a halfe now in the holding of Alice Bennett … (PRO Prob. 11/323). |
Sometime between 1666 and 1668 Alice Bennett married Solomon Huntington of Bristol, mariner. | |
1668 | 26 Sep. Will:
In the name of God Amen the twenty six day of September one Thousand six hundred sixty Eighte according to the computation of the Church of England I Alice Huntington of Brislington … widow … doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following vizt … Item I give unto my sonne John Bennett the new house in the Marsh in Kinge Streete being in Bristoll during the lives or lease that is now upon itt Item I give unto John Bennett one little meadow by estimacon one acre called by the name of Yohens Mead being in Brislington during the lives that is upon itt That is to say Mary Biss, Robert Bennett and John Bennett Item I give more unto my sonne John Bennett the somme of forty pounds To be paid within Twelve moneths after my decease which money is to be paid unto the overseers which I shall appoint and to put it to the best advantage for the said John Bennett until such tyme that the date of his Indentures of Apprenticeship shal be expired Item I give to him more the best featherbed in my house in Brislington with a paire of sheets and a greene seell rugge one bolster and two pillows and one brasir pott the best except one Item I give unto my sonne John Bennett all that soyle that lyeth by the barne to be bestowed upon the same ground where it lyeth Item I give unto my daughter Mary Biss and her daughter Mary all that house or tenement at Counter slyp in Temple street in Bristoll And shee the aforesaid Mary Bisse to pay the somme of forty shillings cheife rent by the yeare unto Robert Bennett her brother Item I give more unto my daughter one paire of dowlis sheets Item I give unto poore people the sum of tenne pounds and tenne shillings to bee bestowed in manner and forme as followeth That is to say unto Robert Wastfill and Richard Wilkins The somme of three pounds to be bestowed amongst poore friends where they sall thinke fitt Item to William Fourd of Bristoll Sergeweaver the somme of three pounds to be bestowed amongst poore friends where hee shall thinke fit Item unto the poore of Brislington the somme of twenty shillings to be bestowed as my executor shall think fitt Item unto my workfolke the somme of three pounds to be bestowed as followeth Unto Thomas Poope Twenty shillings unto Edward Mearne Twenty shillings unto John Mearne Twenty shillings unto Nathaniell Hix Tenne shillings Item I give unto Phillip Hix my prentis the somme of Twenty shillings Item all the rest of my houses Leases lands and Tenements and goods whatsoever I give unto my sonne Robert Bennett upon condicon that hee shall pay all my debts and legacies and doe make him sole executor of this my last will and testament … I doe desire my welbeloved frinds John Woodards and Robert Wasfil and Richard Wilkins to bee my overseers of this my last will and Testament … The marke of Alice Huntington sealed and delivered in the presence of John Allen Anthony Woodard (PRO Prob. 11/328) |
1738 | 1 Dec. The son of Edward Linford of Bristol, engraver, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Sarah Taylor, his friends to find apparel (A,Ar,Ao). |
1747 | 27 Jun. He became a free gallypotmaker (F). |
Thereafter references are to Edward Linford working in St. Mary Redcliffe parish, Bristol. |
1741 | 13 Oct. The son of Edward Linford of Bristol, engraver, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Sarah Taylor, his friends to find apparel (A,Ar,Ao). |
1757 | 23 Jul. He became a free gallypotmaker (F,G). |
Thereafter all references are to Joseph Linford working in Lambeth. |
MEARN Edward
1668 | Probably the Edward Mearn who was described as an employee of Alice Huntington in her will (PRO Prob. 11/328). |
1673 | 21 Nov. He was described as a potter late of Brislington, deceased, when his daughter, Eleanor, was apprenticed to John Scott, mariner, as a maid servant (A). |
1668 | He was described as an employee of Alice Huntington in her will (PRO Prob. 11/328). |
1714 | 11 May. The son of James Niglett of Bristol, yeoman, deceased, apprenticed to Thomas and Sarah Dickson (A,Ar,Ao). |
1722 | 29 Nov. He became a free gallypotmaker (F,G). |
Thereafter all references are to John Niglett working in St Mary Redcliffe parish, Bristol. |
1675 | 15 or 19 Jan. He was described as a potter of Brislington, Somerset, when his son, William, was apprenticed to Richard Swayne, cooper (A,Ar). |
1702 | 16 Jun. He was possibly the William Passwell buried in Brislington (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
POOPE Thomas
1668 | He was described as an employee of Alice Huntington in her will (PRO Prob. 11/328). |
QUARMAN Benjamin
1745 | 16 Sep. The son of Benjamin Quarman of Bedminster, Somerset, victualler, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Sarah Taylor. Ten pounds was paid with the apprentice and his friends were to find apparel (A,Ar,Ao). |
Thereafter references are to Benjamin Quarman working in places other than Brislington. He later became the manager of the Isleworth Pottery in Middlesex. |
RILEY Richard
1717 | 21 Feb. The son of Robert Riley of Bristol, yeoman, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Sarah Dickson. Ten pounds was paid with the apprentice (A,Ar,Ao). |
1727 | 1 May. He became a free gallypotmaker (F,G). |
1729 | 6 Jul. Mary the daughter of Richard Reley was baptised (St Luike’s, Brislington PR). |
1734-39 | A gallypotmaker of Brislington (P). |
1750 | 25 Nov. Possibly the Richd. Rely buried (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
1774 | 19 Oct. He was dead when his son, Joseph, became a free potter (F,G). |
Rate Book Entries:1733-46 Richard Riley (St Luke’s, Brislington S/1). |
1739 | 13 Oct. The son of Thomas Rowland of St. Philip and Jacob parish, labourer, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Sarah Taylor, with friends to find apparel (A,Ar,Ao). |
1774 | 13 Oct. He became a free gallypotmaker (F,G). |
Thereafter references are to Thomas Rowland working in St. Mary Redcliffe parish, Bristol. |
SNOW Daniel
1707 | 28 Dec. The son of William Snow of Bristol, yeoman, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Sarah Dickson (A,Ar). |
1715 | 6 Apr. He became a free gallypotmaker (F,G). |
1720 | 27 Jun. The son of John Taylor of Long Ashton, Somerset, labourer, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Elizabeth Frank, with friends to find apparel (A,Ar). |
1727 | 24 Jul. He became a free gallypotmaker (F,G). |
1734 | A gallypotmaker of Brislington (P). |
1754 | A gallypotmaker, St. Mary Redcliffe parish, Bristol (P). |
Rate Book Entries:Property 1 (Brislington): Property 2 (St. Mary Redcliffe parish): |
1738 | 24 Nov. The son of Thomas Taylor of Bristol, gallypotmaker, he was apprenticed to his parents (A,Ar,Ao). |
Thereafter references are to John Taylor working in St. Mary Redcliffe parish, Bristol, and Lambeth. |
1709 | 18 Mar. The son of John Taylor of Long Ashton, Somerset, farmworker, he was apprenticed to Thomas and Elizabeth Frank, with friends to find apparel (A,Ar,Ao). |
1717 | 20 May. A potter of St. Mary Redcliffe parish, he was granted a licence to marry Sarah Beachgood of Castle Precincts, at St. Mary Redcliffe (M). |
1717/18 | 22 Mar. He became a free gallypotmaker (F,G). |
1719 | 25 Oct. Son Thomas baptised (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
1723 | 13 Jan. Possibly the Thomas Taylor whose son John was baptised (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
1725 | 15 Aug. Possibly the Thomas Taylor whose daughter Mary was baptised (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
1729 | 31 Sep. Possibly the Thomas Taylor whose daughter Hannah was baptised (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
1733 | 7 Apr. He was described as a gallypotmaker of Bristol when his son, Richard, was apprenticed to Thomas and Elizabeth Frank (A,Ar,Ao). |
1734 | A gallypotmaker of Brislington (P). |
1738 | A gallypotmaker of New Back, Bristol (Ao). |
1739 | A gallypotmaker of Brislington (P). |
1739-45 | A gallypotmaker of Back, Bristol (Ao). |
1743 | Feb. He was described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington, Somerset, when he was declared bankrupt (Ray 1968, 46). |
1754 | 5 Jan. Wednesday died in Redcliff Street, Mrs. Evans, widow of Captain Evans, and sister to the late Mr. Taylor, potter, in that street (FFJ). |
1765 | 2 Aug. To be Lett and entered upon at Michaelmas next. A large commodius House situate in Redcliff Street, many years in possession of Mr. Taylor, Potter, very convenient for business that requires Room (FFJ). |
He took as apprentices: With his wife Sarah: John Taylor, 24 Nov 1738 (A,Ar,Ao) – 23 Jul 1757 (F,G) Edward Linford, 1 Dec 1738 (A,Ar,Ao) – 27 Jun 1747 (F) Thomas Rowland, 24 Nov 1739 (A,Ar,Ao) – 13 Oct 1774 (F,G) Joseph Linford, 13 Oct 1741 (A,Ar,Ao) – 23 Jul 1757 (F,G) Benjamin Quarman, 16 Sep 1745 (A,Ar,Ao) – transferred 5 May 1747 (A) Rate and Tax Book Entries:Property 1 (Brislington): Proprty 2 (St. Mary Redcliffe parish): |
WARD Edward
1677 | 10 Jul. He was witness to the will of Robert Wastfield (PRO Prob. 11/355). |
1678 | 10 Sep. Probably the Edward ward who was noted as an apprentice or servant of Sarah Wastfield in her will (PRO Prob. 11/359). |
1680 | 15 Jan. Described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington when his son, Edward, was apprenticed to Jonathan Browne, John Tanner and Susanne his wife for seven years (A,Ar).
Although there is no record of his discharge from the apprenticeship to Jonathan Browne and John Tanner, we know that subsequently, in February 1683, Edward Ward junior was apprenticed to his father (A). |
1682 | 15 Sep. Mr. Mayor having formerly had the liberty of making one free of the Citty, being first to be nominated to the honer did this day nominate one Edward Ward a Potter now liveinge att St. Annes who was approvd of by the house and orderd that he be made free accordingely (CCP). |
1682 | 15 Sep. Mr. Mayo desiring the house this day to give the freedom of the City to Edward Ward potter according to the usuall priviledge allowed to the Mayor shall have his desire And the said Wm. [sic] Ward shall be made free of this City at the request of Mr. Mayor Notwithstanding any Act order or ordinance of the Common Councell to the contrary And that the Chambln doe admit him unto the libertys of the City … (CCP). |
1682 | 15 Sep. Edward Ward, potter, is admitted ye libties of this cittie by order of Sir Thomas Earl Knt. Mayor according to ye usuall previledge allowed ye Mayor for the time being and wh. consent of ye house hath taken ye Oathe of Allegeance (F). |
1683 | 17 and 18 May. Indenture of Lease and Release between Anna Jordan of the City of Bristol, widow, of the one part and Edward Ward of Brislington … Gallypot Maker, of the other part … of a property in Temple parish (Pountney 1920, 352). |
Thereafter all references are to Edward Ward working in Temple parish, Bristol. | |
Rate and Tax Book Entries:Property 1 ((St. Anne’s Mill, Brislington): Property 2 (Water Lane, Temple parish): |
1625 | 20 Feb. Possibly the Robert the child of [illegible] Wastfield who was baptised (St Luke’s, Brislington PR). |
Nothing is known of Robert Wastfield’s early life. Underdown (1973, 186 and 1985, 251) notes that during the Civil War Robert Wastfield of Brislington had been a Commonwealth soldier and that he had become a sequestration officer whose duties involved the seizing of property belonging to Royalists. | |
Wastfield was a prominent member of the Society of Friends (commonly called Quakers) and took an active part in their affairs with Meetings being held at his house. | |
1654 | Sep. Soon after came Edward Burrough and Francis Howgil to Miles Halhead and Jo. Scaife, who had Meetings at the said … Robert Wastfields at Brislington. Some of the first that received the Truth, and the Messengers thereof, were the said … Rob Wastfield of Brislington. (SRO DD/SFR 10/2(39)). |
1655 | Sep. Robert Wastfield burst into Keynesham church, told the minister to stop seducing the people, and urged the congregation to abandon their false worship (Underdown 1973, 186). |
1656 | Quaker Meetings were held at Wastfield’s house in Brislington (Mortimer 1971, 220). |
1658 | Robert Wastfield of Brislington issued a pamphlet entitled A True Testimony of Faithful Witness Recorded in which he described three large Meetings which had been held in 1657 in an orchard owned by Thomas Budd in the village of Ash, near Martock in Somerset. The first was interrupted by James Stevenson, a priest of Martock, and others. On 7 April the Meeting was broken up by five men who called themselves Minesters accompanied by many wild and brutish people, with Cudgild, long staves, Pikeforks, and such like weapons. After a complaint had been made that the Quakers were causing a riotous assembly, on 23 April Captain George Raymond seized Thomas Budd and a Thomas Salthouse, a Ministering Friend from Lancashire, the latter being committed to the General Sessions as a dangerous idle wandering person. (SRO DD/SFR 8/2; Morland 1978, 3-4; Underdown 1973, 188).
Arising from the incident at Ash, on 16 July 1657 a document was signed by a number of Quakers, including Robert Wastfield, which stated: We whose names are subscribed were present at Taunton Sessions when these persons before named (Thomas Hobbs, Thomas Lossome, Christopher Baron – fined £5 each) were brought before the bench; and stated all the time of their trial until they were had away and do bare witness that they nor any one of them there speke any one word tending to the denial of the Magistry lawes and Governmt of this Commonwealth neither were there any such things proved against any one of them so that deserved it very false and unrighteous. (SRO DD/SFR 8/2). |
1659 | 27 Jun. The advice and proposals of severall friends mett together att Glaston [Glastonbury] the 27 of the 4th Moneth [June] 1659 whose names are hereunto subscribed. One of the Friends who signed the document was Robert Wastfield (SRO DD/SFR 10/2). |
1659 | 25 Jul. Further proposals made at Glastonbury include Robert Wastfield’s name (SRO DD/SFR 10/2). |
1661 | 5 Oct. A copy of a letter survives which Robert Wastfield wrote to fellow Quakers when he was apparently visiting Southampton (SRO DD/SFR 8/2). |
1667 | 23 Jul. During a Quaker Meeting at Hallatrow near Midsomer Norton, Robert Wastfield was requested to look into the condition of one Mary Canings (WRO 1669/19). |
1668 | 31 Jul. Att a generall meeting of the Friends of truth, from the severall meetings in Somersetshire held at Ilchester 31.5[July].1668. Upon ye account of ye poor and other affaires of the Church with the names of such Friends as are judged meete to keep the mens meetings. Robert Wastfield’s name was included for Brislington and Keynsham (SRO DD/SFR 10/2). |
1668 | 26 Sep. A Robert Wasfill was overseer of Alice Huntington’s will (PRO Prob. 11/328). |
1668 | 24 Nov. During a Meeting of Quakers at Chew, The condition of John Elmes wife being proposed to friends, it was referred to Richard Wilkins, Robert Wastfield, James Pearce and Thomas Goodhinde to enquire into the business, and to acquainte friends therewith the next meeting (SRO DD/SFR n.1). |
1669 | 18 Mar. It is agreed that two or more friends be appointed in each monthly meeting to record such things as may be needful to there be recorded, & that one or more of these persons be present at every quarterly meeting to informe friends of such matters as may be referd to that meeting. Robert Wastfield was one of six Friends nominated and appointed for Brislington, Keynsham &c monethly meeting on that side of the County. (Morland 1978, 79-80). |
1669 | 23 Dec. Robert Wastfield was present at the Quarterly Meeting at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 85). |
1670 | 7 Jan. Memorandum. That ye severall persons whose names are underwritten being above the age of sixteene yeares and number of five. Have beene lawfully [illegible] before us uppon oaths of two credible witnesses, for being att an unlawfull meeting or conventicler in Brislington in this county, upon Sunday being ye seaventh day of August last past, contrary to ye Act of Parliament … which sayd unlawfull meeting or conventicler was held in one End or part of a Barne belonging unto Robert Wastfield of ye prsh of Brislington aforesaid. And according to ye Directions of ye sayd Act, wee have issued out Warrants to the Respective officers of ye severall pishes wherein they live to leavy the severall ffine & ffines Imposed on them by ye sayd Act of Parliament Notwithstanding with Warrants, the sayd officers have nott leavyed any of ye sayd ffines, Butt pretende, that Severall & most of them Keepeth their Doores ffast that they cannot come into their houses, And that they cannot find Any Goods or Chattles, that belongeth to any of the sayd psons whereby to Leavy the same; wee therefore Referred ye sayd officers & others ye sayd psons to be dealt with all as ye Judious Consideration of ye Bench shall thinke fitt; Given under our Hands & seales this 7th day of January 1670.
A total of 49 names are appended including that of Robert Wastfield in whose barn the Meeting had been held (SRO QS/1/126/2(11)). |
1670 | 26 Apr. Robert Wastfield was present at a Meeting at Burrington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1670 | 31 May. Robert Wastfield was present at a Meeting at Chew (SRO DD/SFR n.1). |
1670 | 19 Jun. An unlawful assembly of about 30 Friends took place in Keynsham under the pretence of the exercise of religion in other manner than according to the liturgy of the Church of England. Those assembled included Robert Wastfield who was fined 10 shillings. They refused to pay their fines and appeared before the Quarter Sessions on the following day (SRO QS/1/126/2(9)). |
1670 | 23 Jun. Robert Wastfield was present at a General Council Meeting in Ilchester (Morland 1978, 88). |
1670 | 31 Jul. Another unlawful Meeting or ‘conventicle’ was held in a house in Keynsham belonging to Thomas Doggett. Those assembled included Robert Wastfield. They were all fined and those refusing to pay the fines appeared before the Quarter Sessions on 9 January 1671 (SRO QS/1/126/2(16)). |
1670 | 9 Oct. A further illegal Meeting was held in Thomas Doggett’s house. Again Wastfield was present and again those refusing to pay the fines appeared before the Quarter Sessions on 9 January 1671 (SRO QS/1/126/2(17)). |
1671 | 31 Jan. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Saltford (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1671 | 24 Feb. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Brislington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1671 | 30 May. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held in Burrington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1671 | 31 Oct. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Butcombe (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1671 | 21 Dec. Waqstfield was present at a Meeting held in Ilchester (Morland 1978, 94). |
1672 | 30 Jan. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Brislington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1672 | 5 Feb. Under the will of his father, Henry Wastfield of Brislington, yeoman, Wastfield was to receive the summe of ffive shillings lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within one yeare after my decease. Robert Wastfield’s daughter, Jane, was to receive the summe of ffive shillings lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within Twelve months after my decease. (PRO Prob. 11/338) |
1672 | 27 Feb. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Saltford (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1672 | 30 Apr. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Brislington. The same day the Intention of Marriage was published between Robert Wastfield and Sarah Bennett, both of Brislington, and approved (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1672 | 9 Jul. Described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington, he married Sarah Bennett, also of Brislington (QR). Sarah was the widow of Robert Bennett II. |
1673 | 27 Aug. The birth was recorded of Elizabeth, the daughter of Robert and Sarah Wastfield of Brislington (Society of Friends, Digest of Births). |
1673 | 25 Sep. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 102). |
1674 | 19 Mar. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 104). |
1674 | 26 May. The next meeting is appointed to be at Brislington at Robert Wastfields house (WRO 1699/19). |
1674 | 18 Jun. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 105). |
1674 | 30 Jul. A Meeting was held at Wastfield’s house. It was recorded that whereas the sum of £5 was formerly lent out of the public stock to Elinor Houlder of Bishport, for which Bill was given to Robert Wastfield which said bill is in the possession of Robert Wastfield … (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1674 | 26 Aug. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Frome (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1674 | 24 Sep. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 107). |
1674 | 30 Oct. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Hallatrow (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1674 | 27 Nov. Wastfield was mentioned during a Meeting held at Butcombe (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1674 | 24 Dec. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Glastonbury (Morland 1978, 107). |
1675 | 30 Jan. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Chew (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1675 | 21 Feb. The birth was recorded of Samuel, the son of Robert and Sarah Wastfield of Brislington (Society of Friends, Digest of Births). |
1675 | 26 Feb. Wastfield was mentioned as being requested to take care of John Humphries during a Meeting held at Saltford (WRO 1699/19). |
1675 | 30 Apr. Reference was made to Wastfield during a Meeting held at Burrington (WRO 1699/19). |
1675 | 28 May. Wastfield was present during a Meeting held at Brislington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19). |
1675 | 30 Jul. During a Meeting held at Pensford, Robert Wastfield and others were requested to attend the Bristol Meeting to hear the circumstances concerning a marriage (SRO DD/SFR n.1). |
1675 | 27 Aug. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Backwell (WRO 1699/19). |
1676 | 19 Feb. He was described as a gallypotmaker when, with his wife Sarah, he took Edward Bye as apprentice (A). |
It is possible that towards the end of his life Wastfield’s interest in the Society of Friends declined. It was stated that Robert Wastfield of Brislington … was serviceable in the beginning, but declined pretty much for want of faithfulness in his latter days (SRO DD/SFR 10/2(39)). | |
1677 | 10 Jul. Will:
I Robert Wastfield of the Parish of Brislington in the Countie of Somerset Gallypot-maker being weak of Bodie, but sound and perfect memorie, doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following: First I give unto my daughter Jane nowe the wife of Edward Knee of the Cittie of Bristoll Skymmer the summe of threescore and tenn Pounds of lawfull English money to be payd by my Executrix hereinafter named at the End of thirteene yeares after my decease, if my said Daughter Jane or any Child of her Bodie be then living else this Legacie to be void. Nevertheless on this Condition, that if shee or any Child as aforesaid live until this Legacie become due, that the said Edward Knee or his wife on Receipt of this my Guift of seaventie pounds seale and deliver unto my Executrix hereinafter named a generall Release and Acquitance in due forme of Lawe of all Claymes and demands whatsoever, which if they or either of them refuse to doe, then my will is, that this said legacie of Seaventie Pounds be utterly void to all intents and purposes, as if noe mention had ever beene made thereof in this my Will, And in such case I give unto my said Daughter the summe of five shillings onely to be payd by my Executrix in thirteene yeares as aforesaid And as to all my Land of Inheritance in the Parish of Portbury Prior and Countie of Somerset my will is that it stand & remain according to a Deed of Settlement and Uses thereof made in Trust to Dennys Hillister Richard Aldworth and Richard Milkins bearing date the thirtieth day of March in the yeare One thousand six hundred and seaventie and two, And as touching my three Closes of Pasture Ground called Broadlands conteyning by Estimation six Acres and two parcells of arable-land lying in two common Fields called Flowers hill and West-field conteyning by Estimation one Acre and an halfe, All which Closes of Pasture and parcells of arable land are scituate and being in Brislington aforesaid, and was by mee lately purchased in Fee of and from Aaron Ithell of Chew Magna in the said Countie of Somerset, I give and bequeath the same three Closes of pasture-Ground and two parcells arable Land with all Commons profits and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto my Daughter Elizabeth Wastfield and to the heires of her bodie to be begotten, and for want of such issue to my Sonn Robert Wastfield and the heires of his bodie to be begotten and for want of such issue to my wife Sarah and her heires and assignes forever; And my will is, that my wife Sarah receave take and enjoy to her owne proper use the Rents issues and profits of the said three Closes and two Closes of arable Lands with the appurtenances until my said Daughter Elizabeth Wastfield attaine the age of fifteene yeares and noe longer, Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Elizabeth the summe of One hundred Pounds of lawfull money of England to be payd unto her by my Executrix when my said daughter shall attaine to the age of twentie and one yeares, Alsoe I give unto my said Daughter Elizabeth my great Silver Tankard and halfe a Dozen of Silver Spoones marked R.W. I alsoe give and bequeath unto my Sonn Robert Wastfield the summe of tenn Pounds per Annu. of lawfull money of England to be payd by my Executrix herein after named on the Conditions following (that is to say) If my said Executrix shall not claime demand receive or take anything for his maintenance and education during all the tyme of his Minoritie until hee come of age, Then my will is yt. hee shall not have receave or take any part of this tenn Pounds a yeare until hee attaine to the full age of One and twentie yeares. Neither shall my Executrix be at all accomptable therefore, or Chargeable therewith for the tyme past, but when he shall attaine to the said age, that from that tyme my said Executrix pay unto my said Sonn soe long as hee and shee shall both live the said sum of tenn Pounds yearly and every yeare without fraud, to the end and he may have something for a maintenance until his Estate fall into his hands; Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my said Sonn Robert my lesser Silver Tankard and my silver watch; I give to my daughter in Lawe Sarah Bennet one Peece of Gold to the Value of twentie Shillings; and as for all my Goods Chatells Credits Wares Tenaments houses and all the rest of my Estate not before given and bequeathed (my Debts and legacies being payd) I give and bequeath to my wife Sarah the Daughter of James Cole of the Cittie of Bristoll Clothworker if she continue sole and unmarried, whom I make constitute and appoint sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. Upon this speciall Trust and Confidence, that shee will not onely provide Maintenance and education out of the Rents issues and profits thereof, but alsoe largely augment the portions of my said Will and meaning, that if my wife Sarah happen to marrie after my decease at any time, That then in such case of marriage, shee pay unto my Daughter Elizabeth the full summe of One hundred Pounds of lawfull money of England at such her day of marriage, besides and over the above what is before given to my said Daughter Elizabeth by this my Will. And alsoe give upp and deliver unto my said Daughter Elizabeth the full third Part (the whole into three Parts to be divided) of all my household stuff in what Place soever it doe then remaine: And I do hereby make utterly void all former other Wills at any time by mee made … Signed by Robert Wastfield in the presence of Edward Bye, Edward Ward, Abraham Griefeth and Andrew Innys. The will was proved on 19 December 1677 at London (PRO Prob. 11/355). |
1677 | – Oct. Death of Robert Wastfield, resident of Brislington (Society of Friends, Burial Index). |
1678 | 10 Sep. His wife Sarah made her will (see under Sarah Wastfield). |
1678 | 19 Sep. Death of Sarah Wastfield of Brislington (Society of Friends, Burial Index). |
1686 | 1 Feb. Wastfield’s step-daughter, Sarah Bennett, married Thomas Dickson (QR). |
Tax and Rate Book Entries:Property 1 (Temple parish): Property 2 (Temple parish): |
1678 | 10 Sep. Will:
Be it rememberd. That I Sarah Wastfield of Brislington als Bussleton in the Countie of Somerset widow being sick in bodie, but of a sound & perfect mynd and memorie doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) ffirst I give to my Sonne Robert Wastfield one silver Boll [bowl]; Item I give to my daughter Sarah Bennett my biggest silver Cawdle Cupp; Item I give to my daughter in law Jane Knee wife of Edward Knee of the Citie of Bristoll white-tawer one Bedd marked R.W. together with the rugs blankets bedstead and appurtenances thereunto belonging; Alsoe I give unto her my grey stuff Gowne and my gray haire Stuff Peticoat; Item I give to my said daughter Sarah two great Chests, one Spruce-Chest, and the other an Oaken one, being both now in my upper Chamber in my now dwellinghouse; Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Wastfield a certaine Messuage tenemt. and storehouse with their appurtenances now in the tenure or occupation of William Cole scituate in or neare Temple-Backs in the parish of Temple within the said Citie of Bristoll To hold to her the said Elizabeth for the space of two yeares to be accompted from the day of my decease, All the rest and residue of my Terme & Interest in the said Messuage tenement storehouse and Premises I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Sarah; Item I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Elizabeth all that my messuage tenement and Premises together with all my leazowes grounds Closes and appurtenances late in the tenure or occupation of John Cowling and now of John Withers scituate in Brislington aforesaid and which my late husband Robert Wastfield purchased of one … Vaughan To hold my said daughter Elizabeth for all my Terme and Interest therein; Item I give to my said daughter Sarah all my tooles frames boards mylls and all utensils and implements now used or belonging to the Trade of Gallypotmaking; Item I give to my Servant Mary Pope one grey Serge-Peticoat and one mixt Stuff-Peticoat; Item I give to Hester Cooke wife of John Cooke of Keinsham one white mantle; Item I give to Elizabeth Cole Servant to the said William Cole one old Stuff-Gowne of a mixt greene-colour; Item I give to my Apprentices and to my men servants (except Edward Ward) tenn shillings apiece; Item I commit the care and education & Maintenance of all my said Children to my Executors in Trust hereinafter-named: All the rest and residue of my Goods Chattells Rate: householdstuff Stock and all other my estate whatsoever (not herein before given) I give to my said daughter Elizabeth whome I make and ordaine Executrix of this my last Will and Testamt. And I appoint my ffather James Cole Thomas Callowhill and Richard Snead all of the said Citie Executors in Trust during the Minorite of my said daughter Elizabeth… Signed Sarah Wastfield. Witnessed by Edward Ward and John Gregory (PRO Prob. 11/359) |
1679 | 9 May. Sarah Wastfield’s will was proved (PRO Prob. 11/359). |