Bristol Potters and Potteries

Research by Reg Jackson

Bristol Pottery Exports

Research by Reg Jackson

1661-1662 | PRO E190/1240/6

(First page illegible)
Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
10/1 Discovery 200 pls ew Youghall
5/2 Speedwell 500 pls ew Youghall
11/2 Guift 100 pls ew Wexford
12/2 Speedwell 200 pls ew Youghall
28/3 Blessing 50 pls ew Waterford
6/4 Robert 100 pls ew Belfast
12/5 Speedwell 300 pls ew Youghall
8/7 Royall Oake 300 pls ew Corke
29/7 Supply 100 pls ew New England
31/7 Consent 300 pls ew Cork
4/8 Arthur & Mary 100 pls ew Cork
6/8 Arthur & Mary 1/4 of hundred of ew Cork
6/8 Consent 300 pls Eew Cork
6/8 Blessing 60 pls Eew Cork
8/8 Peter 2 gross gally potts Waterford
8/8 Philip & Mary 100 pls ew Dublin
21/8 Anne 500 pls Eew Waterford
22/8 Friendshipp 50 pls ew Virginia
29/8 Concord 100 pls Eew Virginia
30/8 Adventure 200 pls ew Youghall
30/8 Adventure 200 pls Eew Youghall
13/9 Speedwell 200 pls ew Youghall
19/9 Batchellor 50 pls ew Virginia
24/9 Batchellor 400 pls ew Virginia
3/11 Blessing 1 cwt ew Cork

1667-1668 | PRO E190/1137/1

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
8/1 Consent   250 p ew Cork
23/1 Thomas & John   400 pls Eew Cork
8/2 Anne   100 pls Eew Waterford
14/3 Speedwell   800 pls Eew Youghall
16/3 Blackwater   300 pls Eew Cork
17/4 Charles   100 p Eew Barbados
9/5 Anne   1/2 hundred gally pots Waterford
14/5 Speedwell   200 ps Eew Youghall
20/6 Cherubin   50 p Eew Cork
3/7 Anne   150 pls Eew Waterford
15/7 Blossome   500 p Eew New England
1/8 Speedwell   200 pls Eew Youghall
11/8 Blessing   150 p ew Cork
11/8 Blessing   600 pls ew Cork
18/8 Anne   150 p Eew Waterford
25/8 Arthur & Mary   400 p Eew Cork
12/10 Society   400 pls Eew Virginia
26/11 Greyhound   200 p Eew Waterford
3/12 Sarah   200 ps Eew Waterford
9/12 Barbadoes Merchant   25 p Eew Virginia

1671-1672 | PRO E190/1138/1

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
3/1 William & James 300 p Eew Cork
9/1 Jonah 300 p Eew Londonderry
9/2 Samaritan 200 p Eew Cork
26/2 Samaritan 250 p Eew Cork
20/3-22/3 Speedwell 850 p Eew Youghall
14/8 Friends Adventure 1000 p Eew Cork
14/8 Charles 400 p Eew Waterford
3/9 Speedwell 50 p Eew Youghall
14/9 Waterford Merchant 100 p Eew Waterford
4/10 Pelican 1500 p Eew Barbados
25/10 William & James 700 p Eew Cork
6/11 Friends Adventure 500 p Eew Cork
2/12-5/12 Waterford Merchant 300 p Eew Waterford
23/12 Nevis Merchant 1 box containing
100 p Eew


1677-1678 | PRO E190/1139/3

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
19/1 Waterford Merchant   200 p ew Waterford
26/1 Waterford Merchant   400 English Glass bottles & Earthen potts Waterford
1/2 Starr   200 English Earthen potts Cork
14/2-16/2 Prosperitie   400 p ew Cork
30/3 John & Dorothy   400 p ew Wexford
29/4 Joseph & James   450 p Eew Cork
5/7 Adventure Ketch   300 p ew Cork
18/7 Martha & Sarah   200 p Eew Virginia
2/8 America Merchant   24 doz. of stoning potts Jamaica
8/8 Waterford Merchant   154 p Eew Waterford
9/8 Waterford Merchant   300 p ew Waterford
9/8 Speedwell   300 p Eew Youghall
16/8 Thomas & Ann   700 p ew Limerick
17/8 Joseph & james   300 p ew Cork
21/8 Unity   100 p Eew Kinsale
5/10 Robert   150 p Eew Youghall
6/11 Richard & James   20 p Eew Virginia
7/11 Olive Tree   200 of earthen potts Barbados
10/12 Fellowship   100 p Eew Barbados


1678-1679 | PRO E190/1140/2

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
11/1 Benjamin & Ann 200 p Eew Barbados
16/1 Baltimore 100 p Eew Jamaica
18/1 William & Ann 600 p Eew Barbados
22/1 Providence 200 p Eew Wexford
19/2 Providence 2000 pls Eew Cork
22/2 Augustin 200 p Eew Dungannon
25/2 George & Hester 200 Eew Kinsale
28/2 Joseph & James 200 p Eew Cork
4/3 Speedwell 200 p Eew Youghall
5/3 Joseph & James 600 p Eew Cork
5/3 Prosperity 100 p Eew Cork
19/3 Prosperity 200 p Eew Cork
19/4 Phillip & John 400 p Eew Cork
26/4 Prince 200 p ew Nevis
3/5 Mary Ketch 50 p ew Jamaica
5/5 Mary 300 p ew Jamiaca
20/5 Prosperity 300 p ew Cork
30/5 Mary 300 p Eew Wexford
5/6 Speedwell 600 English earthen potts Youghall
5/6 Little Angel Gabrill 240 p Eew Cork
21/6-26/6 Joseph & James 600 p Eew Cork
3/7 Thomas & Ann 400 p Eew Cork
7/7 Sarah 200 p ew Nevis
11/7 Primrose 50 p ew Jamaica
24/7 Sarah 250 p Eew Nevis
30/7 Prosperity 400 p ew Cork
5/8 Speedwell 200 p ew Youghall
6/8 Richard & Ann 200 p ew Jamaica
11/8 George & Hester 500 p Eew Kinsale
14/8-16/8 Hopewell 200 p ew and 500 English glass bottles and earthen Potts Limerick
26/8 Elizabeth & Margaret 300 p Eew Wexford
26/8 Joseph & James 200 p Eew Cork
1/9 Tho. & Ann 200 p ew Cork
2/9 Mary 36 p Eew Wexford
11/9 Adventure 100 p ew Wexford
7/10 Bristolfactor 300 p Eew Virginia
7/10 Prosperity 500 p ew Cork
20/10 Prosperity 100 p Eew Cork
25/10 John 50 p Eew Barbados
31/10 Katherine 175 p ew Barbados
11/11 Friends Adventure 100 p Eew Barbados
13/11 Katherine 50 p Eew Barbados
19/11 Unicorne 100 p Eew Virginia
19/11 Victory 140 p ew Virginia
26/11 Waterford Merchant 400 p ew Waterford
27/11-6/11 Tho. & Ann 400 p Eew Cork
12/12 Speedwell 500 p Eew Youghall
20/12 Jos. & James 200 p Eew Cork

1679-1680 | PRO E190/1141/1

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
2/1 Joseph & James 600 p Eew Cork
8/1 Batchelor 200 p Eew Barbados
9/1-10/1 Joseph & James 500 p Eew Cork
31/1 Vine 500 p Eew Youghall
11/2 Dilligence 200 p Eew Sligo
11/2 Prosperity 700 English glass bottles & Earthpotts Cork
11/2 Waterford Merchant 100 p Eew Waterford
12/2 Mary 200 p Eew Wexford
14/2-16/2 Waterford Merchant 350 p Eew Waterford
18/2 Ellen 300 p Eew Wexford
23/2 Issabella 200 p Eew Cork
30/3 Industry 336 p Eew Youghall
1/4 William & Mary 150 p ew Jamaica
2/4 Industry 550 p Eew Youghall
30/4 Amity 250 p Eew Dublin
3/5 Thos & Ann 400 p Eew Cork
14/5 Joseph & James 300 p Eew Cork
27/5 Joseph & James 300 p Eew Cork
18/6 Eliz. & Margett 100 p Eew Wexford
19/6 Waterford Merchant 150 p Eew Waterford
31/6 Thomas 200 p Eew Wexford
29/7 Dilligence 500 p Eew Waterford
30/7 Sam 200 p Eew Youghall
2/8 Prosperity 600 p Eew Cork
2/8 Sam 100 p Eew Youghall
5/8 Hopewell 500 p Eew Limerick
10/8 Richard & Ann 400 p Eew Jamaica
11/8 Speedwell 100 p Eew Glasgow
12/8 Hopewell 700 p Eew Limerick
19/8 William & Ann 200 p Eew Barbados
25/8 Amity 600 p Eew Limerick
25/8 Richard & Ann 900 p Eew Jamaica
31/8 Own Endeavour 350 p Eew Barbados
17/9 Joseph & James 250 p Eew Cork
20/9 Dilligence 100 p Eew Virginia
20/9 Joseph & James 200 p Eew Cork
22/9 Hopewell 260 p Eew Cork
23/9 Speedwell 200 p Eew Youghall
22/10 Hopewell 50 earthpotts Cork
9/11 Waterford Merchant 200 p Eew Waterford
20/11 Thos. & Ann 400 p Eew Cork
5/12 Newengland Merchant 100 p Eew Nevis
13/12 Stephen 600 p Eew Virginia


1680-1681 | PRO E190/1142/3

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
8/1 Martha & Sarah   200 p Eew Barbados
12/1 Hartts Endevor   50 p ew Cork
20/1 Dilligence   200 p Eew Sligo
29/1 – 8/2 Joseph & James   1700 p Eew Cork
10/2 Thomas & Ann   500 p Eew Cork
22/2 Bandon Merchant   100 p Eew Kinsale
23/2 Royall Oke   250 p Eew Jamaica
23/2 Patience   200 p Eew Montserrat
3/3 Dymond Ketch   100 p Eew Tangiers
4/3 Speedwell   200 p Eew Youghall
24/3 Joseph & James   150 p Eew Cork
26/3 Martha & Mary   400 p Eew Dublin
2/4 Own Adventure   200 p Eew Barbados
2/4 Speedwell   100 p Eew `Cape de nards’ (?)
9/4 John   900 p Eew Youghall
12/4 Prosperity   200 p Eew Limerick
14/4 Mary   400 p Eew Kinsale
21/4 Hartts Endevor   300 p Eew Cork
7/5 Thomas & Ann   350 p Eew Cork
8/6 Thomas   300 p Eew Wexford
9/6-10/6 Stephen   450 p Eew Youghall
21/6 Joseph & Mary   50 p Eew Cork
3/8 Joseph & James   200 p Eew Youghall
5/8 Mayflower   300 p Eew Youghall
5/8 Defience   100 p Eew Youghall
8/8 William & John   300 p Eew Ross
8/8 Prosperity   400 p Eew Limerick
12/8 Waterford Merchant   300 p Eew Waterford
12/8 Elizabeth   350 p Eew Bordeaux
13/8-16/8 Waterford Merchant   400 p Eew Waterford
22/8 John   100 p Eew Wexford
12/9 Vine   250 p Eew Youghall
12/9 Hopewell   100 p Eew Jamaica
13/9 Prosperity   100 p Eew Limerick
26/9 Dymond Ketch   250 p Eew Nevis
8/10 Concord   24 p ew Virginia
12/10 Dymond Ketch   100 p Eew Nevis
13/10 Waterford Merchant   100 Eew Waterford
19/10 Owns Endeavour   100 pls Eew Nevis
29/10 Dilligence   200 pls Eew Sligo
25/11 Patience   400 p Eew Nevis
26/11-29/11 Planter   450 p Eew Barbados
? Waterford Merchant   18 p Eew Waterford
1/12 Endevor Ketch   300 English earthen pots Youghall
2/12 Dymond   200 p Eew Rotterdam
5/12 Port Royall   20 p Eew Nevis
8/12 Port Royall   150 p Eew Jamaica
10/12 Thomas & Ann   500 p Eew Cork
20/12 Amity   400 p Eew Jamaica
22/12 Abraham & Mary   900 p Eew Barbados
23/12 Mary   200 p Eew Nevis

1681 - 1682 | PRO E190/1143/1

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
5/1 Joseph & James   400 p Eew Cork
9/1 Batchelor   6 p ew Barbados
1/2 Exportation   800 p Eew Calais
7/2 Lamb   150 p Eew Jamaica
9/2 Lamb   400 p Eew Jamaica
22/2 Ann   100 p Eew Youghall
25/2 William   100 p Eew New England
13/3 Abraham & Isaac   150 p Eew Nevis
14/3 Michael   1000 p Eew Antigua
6/4 Waterford Merchant   100 p Eew Waterford
7/4 Abigell   100 p Eew Barbados
11/4 Waterford Merchant   400 p Eew Waterford
13/4 Abigell   120 p Eew Barbados
27/4 Delight   150 p Eew Nevis
9/5 Joseph & Mary   400 p Eew Cork
18/5 Mary Fortune   150 p Eew Youghall
20/5 Mary Fortune   220 p Eew Youghall
24/5 Mary Fortune   200 English earthen pots Youghall
31/5 Diligence   200 p Eew Sligo
13/6 Prosperity   100 p Eew Cork
16/6 America Merchant   150 p Eew Jamaica
4/7 Mary   250 p Eew Wexford
11/7 Waterford Merchant   70 p Eew Waterford
15/7 Newcastle   500 E glass bottles and ews Dublin
15/7 Thomas & Ann   150 p Eew Cork
26/7 Waterford Merchant   50 p Eew Waterford
29/7 Thomas & Ann   400 p Eew Cork
4/8 Maidenhead   400 p Eew Belfast
8/8 Agreement   25 p ew Carolina
15/8 Friendship   100 p Eew Virga [Vigo?]
15/8 Isabella Merchant   100 p Eew ‘Isabella’
16/8 Youghall Merchant   150 p Eew Youghall
16/8 Swallow   150 p Eew Limerick
22/8 Friends Adventure   150 p Eew Sligo
28/8 Sarah   700 p Eew New England
5/9 Joseph & James   300 p Eew Cork
18/9 Waterford Merchant   100 p Eew Waterford
20/9 Hopewell   20 p Eew Youghall
26/9 Joseph & Mary   500 p Eew Cork
27/9 Lamb   50 p Eew Jamaica
28/9 Vine Ketch   1200 p Eew Barbados
28/9 Lamb   150 p Eew Jamaica
30/9 Lamb   100 p Eew Jamaica
11/10 Joseph & James   400 p Eew Cork
19/10 Nathaniel   50 p Eew Jamaica
23/10 Alexander   200 p Eew Virginia
27/10 Bristol Merchant   100 p Eew Pennsylvania
30/10 Bristol Merchant   25 p Eew Pennsylvania
2/11 Gilligence   200 p Eew Barbados
4/11 Defyance   300 p Eew Youghall
7/11 Joseph & James   300 E glass bottles & ew Cork
9/11 —– Merchant   100 p Eew Nevis
20/11 Crowned Lyon   500 p Eew Dublin
22/11 Martha & Sarah   300 p Eew Cork
24/11 Abraham & Mary   100 p Eew Jamaica
28/11 Mary Ketch   150 p Eew Bilbao
1/12 Martha & Sarah   150 p Eew Cork & Barbados
2/12 Crowned Lyon   100 p Eew Dublin
18/12 Mary   40 p Eew Barbados

1684 - 1685 | PRO E190/1147/2

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
29/12 Batchelor   320 p Eew Barbados
29/12 George   300 p Eew Jamaica
3/1 Olive Tree   600 p Eew Barbados
9/1 Mary Pink Edward Ward 300 p Eew Jamaica
12/1 Fellowship   300 p Eew Nevis & Cork
17/1 Joseph & James   300 p Eew Cork
21/1 Speedwell   20 p Eew Antigua
22/1 Speedwell   300 p Eew Antigua
3/2 Adventure   2000 p Eew Burdeax
5/2 Speedwell   100 p Eew Antigua
10/2 Waterford Merchant   150 p Eew Waterford
11/2 Joseph & James   400 p Eew Cork
11/2 Joseph & James   150 p Eew & glass bottles Cork
12/2 Joseph & James   150 p Eew & glass bottles Cork
13/2 Joseph & James   150 p Eew Cork
13/2 Joseph & James   50 p Eew Cork
12/2 Virgin   500 p Eew Burdeax
19/2 William & Ann   300 p Eew & glass bottles Youghall
20/2 Carmarthen Merchant   400 p Eew Oporto
27/2 Hartt   200 p Eew & glass bottles Antigua
9/3 Adventure   12 crates of Eew containing 1200 pieces Waterford
9/3 Lawrell   600 p Eew Newengland
12/3 Lawrell   200 p Eew Newengland
12/3 Joseph & Mary   300 p Eew Cork
13/3 Burdeax Merchant   150 p Eew Burdeax
13/3 Joseph & Mary   250 p Eew Cork
16/3 Joseph & Mary   400 p Eew Cork
17/3 Joseph & Mary   200 p Eew Cork
21/3 Dolphin   136 p Eew & glasses Barbados
23/3 Pelican   100 p Eew & glass bottles Barbados
24/3 Exchange   1005 p Eew Rotchell
27/3 Pelican   50 p Eew & bottles Kinsale & Barbados
28/4 Angel Gabrell   300 p Eew & glass bottles Cork
6/5 Endeavour   100 p Eew Waterford
11/5 Restoration   1200 p Eew Oporto
12/5 Carmarthen Merchant   200 p Eew Oporto
13/5 Expectation   2000 p Eew Newfoundland
14/5 Carmarthen Merchant   800 p Eew Oporto
19/5 Restoration   50 p Eew Oporto
23/5 Joseph   400 p Eew & glass bottles Cork & Nevis
25/5 Joseph   400 p Eew Nevis
27/5 Carnation   800 p Eew Rotterdam
4/6 Joseph & James   50 p Eew Cork
26/6 Francis   400 p Eew Wexford
15/7 Dove   200 p Eew & bottles Cork
24/7 Thomas & Ann   400 p Eew Cork
27/7 Hopewell   350 p Eew & glass bottles Londonderry
3/8 Bristol Merchant   25 p Eew Virginia & Pennsylvania
6/8 John   1000 p Eew Odierne
6/8 Joseph & James Edward Warde 450 p Eew Cork
7/8 Newengland Merchant   350 p Eew Nevis
11/8 Providence   250 glass bottles & Eew Jamaica
17/8 Society   60 dozen p Eew Virginia
25/8 Society   400 p Eew Virginia
28/8 Three Sisters   800 p Eew & glass bottles Wexford
31/8 Bristol Ketch   2000 p Eew Bilbao
4/9 Mary   100 p Eew & glass bottles Cork
12/9 Comfort   16 p Eew Virginia
23/9 Unicorn   200 p Eew & glass bottles Virginia
24/9 Mary Ketch   600 p Eew Bilbao
25/9 Unicorn   12 p Eew Pennsylvania
1/10 John & William   200 p Eew Jamaica
5/10 Carmarthen Merchant   1500 p Eew Oporto
16/10 Waterford Merchant   12 p Eew Waterford
20/10 Martha & Sarah   600 p Eew Barbados
27/10 Thomas & Ann Edwd Ward 250 p Eew Cork
29/10 Martha & Sarah   250 p Eew Barbados
31/10 Thomas & Ann   100 p Eew & glass bottles Cork
2/11 Patience   600 p Eew Brest
3/11 Abraham & Mary   300 p Eew Virginia
4/11 Thomas & Ann   100 p Eew & glass bottles Cork
9/11 Withington   300 p Eew Virginia
14/11 St. John’s Frigate   300 p Eew Barbados
17/11 St. John’s Frigate   200 p Eew & bottles Barbados
19/11 St. John’s Frigate   1000 p Eew Barbados
23/11 Joseph & James Edward Warde 150 p Eew Cork
25/11 St. John’s Frigate   400 p Eew Barbados
25/11 Joseph & James   600 p Eew Cork
27/11 Little Bristol   100 p Eew Nevis
12/12 Mariland Merchant   100 p Eew Virginia
22/12 Fellowship   400 p Eew Barbados

1686-1687 | PRO E190/1148/2

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
30/12 Michael 100 p Eew Antigua
3/1 Greyhound 800 p Eew Benedict
6/1 Bristol Ketch 300 p Eew Bilbao
15/1 Lawrell 1000 p Eew St Martins
1/2 Jerusalem 7000 p Eew Boston
16/2 Henry 200 p Eew Youghall
18/2 Joseph & James 200 p Eew Cork
22/2 Thomas & Ann 400 p Eew Cork
22/2 Joseph & James Edward Ward 600 p Eew Cork
23/2 Rose Pink 200 p Eew Barbados
2/3 Maidenhead 400 p Eew Waterford
2/3 Expectation 1200 p Eew New England
3/3 Jerusalem 300 p Eew New England
9/3 Thomas & Ann 100 p Eew Cork
12/3 Boston Merchant 200 p Eew New England
20/4 Joseph 100 p Eew Jamaica
2/5 Nevis Merchant 400 p eew Nevis
3/5 Swallow 100 p Eew Barbados
6/5 Carmarthen Merchant 50 p Eew Bordeaux
11/5 Newcastle 300 p Eew Dublin
19/5 Coronation 600 p Eew Morlaix
26/5 John Friggott 550 p Eew Bilbao
28/5 Forrester 1000 p Eew ‘Sherant’
4/6 John & Katherine 200 p Eew Wexford
9/6 Waterford Merchant 100 p Eew Waterford
10/6 Mary Ketch 600 p Eew Bilbao
10/6 Betty 400 p Eew St Martins
14/6 Waterford Merchant 6 p Eew Waterford
30/6 Joseph & James Edward Ward 250 p Eew
350 p Eew
19/7 Samuel 300 p Eew Jamaica
21/7 Samuel 10 p Eew Jamaica
26/7 Unity 400 p E earthen potts Limerick
27/7 Unity 576 p Eew Limerick
30/7 Unity 200 p Eew Limerick
1/8 Mary 1000 p Eew Lastres
4/8 Mary Edward Ward 100 p Eew Cork
5/8 Thomas & Ann 600 p Eew Cork
5/8 Mary 850 p Eew Cork
8/8 Mary 560 p Eew Cork
16/8 Coronation 500 p Eew & glass bottles Morlaix
16/8 Thomas & Ann 250 p Eew Cork
27/8 John & William 100 p Eew Jamaica
29/8 Newengland Merchant 50 p Eew Nevis
31/8 Thomas & Mary 400 p Eew Virginia
1/9 Swallow 150 p Eew Barbados
3/9 Betty 1400 glass bottles & earthenware St Malo
3/9 Brandon Merchant 150 p Eew Kinsale
6/9 Bristol Merchant 200 p Eew Virginia
8/9 Bristol Merchant 100 p Eew Virginia
8/9 Hopewell 120 p Eew Virginia
13/9 Mary 50 p Eew Virginia
16/9 Mary 400 English glass bottles & earthenware Wexford
20/9 Endeavour 300 p Eew Jamaica
30/9 Ellinor 100 p Eew Bilbao
21/10 Morning Star 70 p Eew Nevis
31/10 Adventure 300 p Eew Madeira
11/11 Comfort 200 p Eew Virginia
21/11 Providence 300 p Eew Morlaix
23/11 Jamaco Merchant 150 p Eew Jamaica
25/11 Jamaco Merchant 200 E earthenware potts & glass bottles Jamaica
2/12 Return 400 p Eew Cork
14/12 Mary 300 p Eew Cork
15/12 St Malo Merchant 2000 E glass bottles & E ew St Malo