Bristol Potters and Potteries

Research by Reg Jackson

Bristol Pottery Exports 1825-1829

Research by Reg Jackson

1825 | Presentment Book

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
29/1 Union J. Bright 840 pieces stoneware Jamaica
5/2 Henry Pountney & Allies 450 pieces ew Malta
12/2 Clarendon J. Bright 220 pieces stoneware Jamaica
19/2 Renown Pountney & Allies 4000 pieces ew Jamaica
10/3 Venus C. Price & Son 350 stone jars Dublin
23/3 Ellen Pountney & Allies 700 pieces common ew Newfoundland
2/4 John Pountney & Allies 3500 pieces ew Prince Edward Island
22/4 Three Sisters W. & T. Powell 236 pieces ew Dublin
7/5 Pomona Pountney & Allies 2140 pieces common ew Trinidad
9/5 British Merchant Pountney & Allies 32750 pieces ew Bilboa
15/6 Carmin Pountney & Co. 10750 pieces ew Carmina
5/7 Eleanor J.D. Pountney 50 pices ew Demerara
7/7 Earl of Liverpool Pountney & Allies
W. & T. Powell
500 pieces ew

800 pieces stoneware

New York
9/7 Magnet Packet W. & T. Powell 1100 pices stoneware Cork
30/7 Massareene W. & T. Powell 1100 pices stoneware Belfast
16/8 Charlotte W. & T. Powell 3 crates 1 basket 350 pieces stoneware Dublin
3/9 Robert W. & T. Powell 260 pieces stoneware Belfast
17/9 Cygnet W. & T. Powell 1 crate stoneware Dublin
17/9 Magnet Packet W. & T. Powell
C. Price & Son
820 pieces stoneware
249 pieces stoneware
24/9 Milton J. Bright 48 pieces stoneware New York
1/10 Massareene W. & T. Powell 4848 pieces stoneware

210 pieces ew

12/10 Friends C. Price & Son 48 stone jars Youghall
4/11 Kingston J. Bright 250 stone pots Jamaica
5/11 Massareene W. & T. Powell 400 dozen stone bottles 337 pieces stoneware Belfast
23/11 Achilles Pountney & Allies 1000 pieces ew Trinidad
9/12 Venus W. & T. Powell 200 pieces stoneware Waterford

1826 | Presentment Book

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
25/1 Earl of Liverpool W. & T. Powell 5 pieces stoneware New York
28/1 Lavinia Pountney & Allies 1100 pieces ew Jamaica
4/3 Steadfast J. Bright 360 pieces stoneware Barbados
8/3 St Vincent Pountney & Allies
Price & Son
1000 pieces ew
320 pieces stoneware
8/3 Juno Pountney & Allies 1000 pieces ew 104 pieces stoneware Jersey
11/3 St Patrick W. & T. Powell 300 pieces stoneware 1 crate 438 dozen loose stone bottles Cork
22/3 George Pountney & Allies 500 pieces ew Newfoundland
29/3 Edward W. & T. Powell 378 pieces stoneware Belfast
3/4 Dee Syo Sos Kende Pountney & Allies 50 pieces ew Bilboa
10/4 Avon Pountney & Allies 250 pieces ew Jamaica
22/4 Pilot J. Bright 1000 pieces stoneware Barbados
29/4 Betsey W. & T. Powell 1280 pieces stoneware Waterford
2/5 Viscount Palmerston P. Dean 6 crates ew Cork
10/6 Venus J. Bright
W. & T. Powell
2 crates stoneware
300 pieces stoneware
15/6 Betsey Pountney & Allies 50000 pieces ew Bilboa
1/7 Swift Pountney & Allies 59 crates ew Seville
1/7 Severn Pountney & Allies 300 pieces ew Cork
1/7 Earl of Liverpool W. & T. Powell 8812 pieces stoneware New York
14/7 Vigilant J. Bright 600 pieces stoneware Jersey
28/7 Comet W. & T. Powell 1070 pieces stoneware Belfast
7/8 San Joaquin Pountney & Allies 13000 pieces ew
3700 pieces ew
17/8 Ocean Pountney & Allies 6800 pieces ew Bilboa
21/8 Experiment J. Bright 400 pieces stoneware Jersey
25/8 La Hogue J. Bright 340 pieces stoneware Newfoundland
9/9 Severn J. Bright 1 crate stoneware Cork
20/9 Venus W. & T. Powell 2 crates stoneware Dublin
9/10 Ebenezer Pountney & Allies 400 pieces ew St Vincent
10/10 Mary Pountney & Allies 18000 pieces ew Jamaica
13/10 Cosmo W. & T. Powell 13140 pieces stoneware New York
14/10 Sarah Pountney & Allies 10 crates ew Cork
16/10 Pilot J. Bright 144 pieces stoneware Demerara
16/10 Eliza Pountney & Allies 500 pieces ew Trinidad
28/10 Betsey W. & T. Powell 1584 pieces stoneware Waterford
28/10 St Patrick W. & T. Powell 1 crate stoneware Cork
2/11 Jonge Sybraud Pountney & Allies 29000 pieces ew Bilboa
9/11 Hibernia W. & T. Powell 5 crates 1100 pieces stoneware Waterford
14/11 Harriet J. Bright
Pountney & Allies
120 pieces stoneware
5000 pieces ew
17/11 St George Packet Price & Son 246 pieces stoneware Cork
9/12 Hodgkinson J. Bright 840 pieces stoneware Antigua

1827 | Presentment Book

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
6/1 Experiment J. Bright 60 pieces stoneware Jersey
20/2 St Vincent Pountney & Allies 8000 pieces ew Jamaica
27/2 Charlotte Pountney & Allies 300 pieces ew Jamaica
1/3 Joven Rosa Pountney & Allies 5000 pieces ew Gijon
21/3 Hugh Johnston J. Bright 400 pieces stoneware New Brunswick
7/4 Juno Pountney & Allies 2000 pieces ew
140 pieces stoneware
21/4 Thomas W. & T. Powell 41c 3qr 26lb stoneware bottles Belfast
11/5 St George W. & T. Powell 128 pieces stoneware Cork
12/5 Betsey W. & T. Powell 1 crate stoneware Waterford
25/5 Venus W. & T. Powell 32c 27lb stoneware
bottles 500 pieces stoneware
28/5 Vigilent Pountney & Allies
J. Bright
2000 pieces ew

324 pieces stoneware

2/6 Emily Pountney & Allies 4150 pieces ew Grenada
2/6 St Patrick W. & T. Powell 1 crate stoneware Cork
7/6 One and All W. & T. Powell 236 pieces stoneware Waterford
14/6 Ann W. & T. Powell 549 pieces brown stoneware Dublin
17/7 Experiment J. Bright 600 pieces stoneware Jersey
27/7 Sylvia W. & T. Powell 260 pieces stoneware New York
31/7 Alert Pountney & Allies 15000 pieces ew Bilboa
21/8 Vigilant J. Bright 750 pieces stoneware Guernsey/Jersey
4/9 Samuel W. & T. Powell 2 crates stoneware Dublin
2/10 St George Packet Powell & Co. 2 pieces stoneware Waterford
2/10 Express C. Price & Son 180 pieces brown stoneware Cork
4/10 Vigilant J. Bright 480 pieces stoneware Guernsey/Jersey
13/10 Prosperity W. & T. Powell 2 crates stoneware Dublin
16/10 Albert Pountney & Allies 15000 pieces ew Bilboa
19/10 Harriett Pountney & Allies 3500 pieces ew St Thomas & Jamaica
20/10 Emma W. & T. Powell
Price & Son
1025 pieces stoneware
1000 pieces stoneware
26/10 Economy Powell & Co. 1888 pieces stoneware Belfast
27/10 Kingston J. Flood
J. Bright
W. & T. Powell
1728 pieces ew
2720 pieces stoneware
72000 pieces ew 3024 pieces stoneware
27/10 Vine Price & Son 144 earthen jars Limerick
31/10 Rosehill Pountney & Allies 8000 pieces ew Bilboa
31/10 Superb C. Cook 3 crates ew Cork
31/10 Herefordshire C. Price & Son 450 stone jars Cork
3/11 Comet W. & T. Powell 720 pieces stoneware Newry
10/11 Emily Pountney & Allies 2000 pieces ew 100 pieces stoneware Grenada
14/11 Vigilant J. Bright 250 pieces stoneware Guernsey/Jersey
17/11 St Patrick J. Bright 1 crate stoneware Dublin
21/11 Experiment J. Bright 240 pieces stoneware Jersey
8/12 Draper C. Price & Son 2700 pieces stoneware Dublin
20/12 Clara Price & Sons 350 pieces stoneware Jamaica
29/12 William C. Price 4 crates stone bottles Dublin

1828 | Presentment Book

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
12/1 May Pountney & Allies 7000 pieces ew Jamaica
4/2 Ninus J. Bright 90 pieces stoneware Lisbon
9/2 St Vincent Pountney & Allies 3500 pieces ew Jamaica
11/2 Venus Pountney & Allies 1500 pieces common ew 100 pieces stoneware Jersey & Newfoundland
12/2 Cosmo W. & T. Powell 4032 pieces stoneware New York
3/3 Lavinia Pountney & Allies 1200 pieces ew Jamaica
6/3 Herefordshire Price & Sons 2404 pieces brown stoneware Limerick
19/3 Nora Price & Son 6 crates stoneware Waterford
14/4 Vigilant J. Bright 760 pieces stoneware Guernsey/Jersey
4/6 Harriet C. Price & Sons 600 pieces stoneware Cork
9/6 Betsey C. Price & Son 640 pieces stoneware 1 crate stone bottles Waterford
14/6 General Picton C. Price & Son 530 pieces stoneware Dublin
26/6 St George Packet C. Price & Son 2 crates stone bottles Cork
30/6 Good Intent C. Price & Son 4 crates stone bottles Belfast
7/7 Dundalk C. Price & Son 144 pieces stoneware Dundalk
10/7 Susan C. Price & Son 1 crate stone bottles 1050 pieces stoneware Limerick
7/8 Betsey C. Price & Son 2 crates stone bottles 28 pieces stoneware Waterford
9/8 Severn C. Price & Son 1 crate stoneware Cork
23/8 General Wolfe Pountney & Allies 6000 pieces ew Rio de Janeiro
30/8 Warrior W. & T. Powell 1224 pieces stoneware New York
8/9 St George Packet C. Price & Son 1 basket stoneware Cork
13/9 Vigilant J. Bright 500 pieces stoneware Guernsey/Jersey
15/9 Flora Pountney & Allies 2000 pieces ew Coast of Africa
20/9 Harriet J. Bright 400 pieces 1 crate stoneware Cork
27/9 Hiernia H. & T. Yabbicombe 426 pieces stoneware Dublin
1/10 Acorn Price & Son 144 pieces stoneware Limerick
11/10 Herefordshire C. Price & Son 650 pieces stoneware Belfast
14/10 St Patrick C. Price & Son 6 crates stoneware Dublin
24/10 Catherine Yabbicom & Co. 11c 3qr 11lb 1634 pieces 3 packs stoneware Dublin
5/11 Denorwick H. Yabbicom 679 pieces stoneware Dublin
8/11 Harriet C. Price & Son 144 pieces stoneware Cork
8/11 Los Amegos Pountney & Allies 1500 pieces ew Bilboa
24/11 Elizabeth Mary Pountney & Allies
C. Price & Son
220 pieces ew
216 pieces stoneware
24/11 Africa Pountney & Allies 280 pieces ew Jamaica
6/12 Vigilant J. Bright 300 pieces stoneware Guernsey/Jersey
10/12 Catherine H. Yabbicom 300 pieces stoneware Dublin
20/12 Clara Pountney & Allies 1740 pieces common ew

1829 | Presentment Book

Date Vessel Potter as Exporter Cargo Destination
Book missing
19/12 Robert Boyle Price & Son 300 pieces sw Newry
28/12 Galatea W. & T. Powell
Pountney & Allies
72 pieces sw
900 pieces ew
31/12 Kitty Pountney & Allies 900 pieces ew Messina