See the Potteries List section for the Redcross Street Pottery and the Baptist Mills Pottery.
Redcross Street Pottery
It is not known when this Pottery was established. It seems to have been started by Joseph White I in about 1823, although trade directories show him as a tobacco pipe manufacturer and the proprietor of China and Staffordshire warehouses.
c1823-29 | Joseph White I probably ran the Redcross Street Pottery. |
By 1829 the Pottery was being run by his son, Joseph White II, and James White I, although it seems likely that Joseph White I retained a financial interest in the business.
Baptist Mills Pottery
Although the Baptist Mills Pottery was being run by his son, Joseph White II, and then James White I from 1840 to 1860, Joseph White I was obviously associated with the business. In 1851 he was recorded as a retired master potter, living in Prospect Place, Millpond Street, which adjoined the Baptist Mills Pottery.
Born c1778 in Bristol, the father of Henry White, Joseph White II, William White I and, possibly, James White I (51C).
1813-7 | Pipe maker, New Street, St Philip’s parish (MD, ED). |
1822 | 7 Apr. Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (PPR). |
1823 | 13 Rich’s Buildings, Redcross Street. Proprietor: John Rich; Occupier: Joseph White, Pottery, £16 (BRO 04248). |
1829 | 27 Dec. St Philip’s parish (JaPR). |
1829-45 | Tobacco pipe manufacturer with China and Staffordshire warehouses, Rich’s Buildings, Redcross Street (MD). |
1832 & 34 | House, New Street, St Philip’s parish (List of Electors BRO 04736). |
1833 | Rich’s Buildings: Joseph White, dwellinghouse and pottery £10 (BRO EP/A/47; St Philip’s – Church Rates). |
1835 | Sun insurance policy no. 1182528, midsummer 1834 to midsummer 1835: Joseph White of Rich’s Buildings, Redcross Street, Bristol, tobacco pipe manufacturer. ‘On a House and outhouse communicating in tenure of a Baker, no sea biscuits but an oven therein £150; Two Tenements behind £75 on each the above in tenure of James George and his undertenants, situate in New Street, Bristol, and no hazardous Trade carried on in the said two Tenements £150; House and Outhouses all adjoining in Wade Street near (called the Rising Sun) in tenure of Alexander, victualler £200 ..’ (BRO 37165(1/2)). |
1840 | 10 Mar. Noted as a potter when his daughter, Elizabeth, married James Belsten, wheelwright (PaPR). |
1841 | Potter, Rich’s Buildings, Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (P). |
1841 | Asher Lane, Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (60), living with his wife Charlotte (60) born in Bristol and children (41C). |
1844 | 2 Apr. Noted as a potter when his daughter, Sarah, married John Foley, a smith (PaPR). |
1845 | Rich’s Buildings, Joseph White (owner James White) House & Pottery £16 (Consolidated Rates). |
1851 | Potter, retired master, 3 Prospect Place, Millpond Street, St Philip’s parish (73), living with his wife Sarah (69) (51C). |
1852 | Potter, Prospect Place, St Philip’s parish (P). |
1854 | 11 May. Codicil to the will of Joseph White, gentleman, of Baptist Mills … I give all my plant, utensils and implements used in the Trade of a Potter which shall be in or upon the Pottery in Redcross Street … let by me to John Ellis and now in his occupation unto my sons Joseph White the younger and James White equally between them share and share alike … (BRO Will 1856/93). |
Children: Elizabeth, married 2 Apr 1844 (JaPR); William (aged 4 yrs), bapt 7 Apr 1822 (PPR); Charlotte (aged 2 yrs), bapt 7 Apr 1822 (PPR); Henry (aged 1 mth), bapt 7 Apr 1822 (PPR); Sarah, born 19 Jul 1824, bapt 27 Dec 1829 (JaPR) |