See the Potteries List section for the Westbury-on-Trym Pottery.
c1742-70 | Daniel Saunders ran the Westbury-on-Trym Pottery. |
He became bankrupt in 1770 and in 1772 the Pottery was sold to George Hart.
He was the son of William Saunders of Cote House, Westbury-on-Trym.
1738 | 11 Dec. Daniel Saunders married Elizabeth Meiden (WPR). |
1742 | 5 Feb. The will of Samuel Jacob of Bristol, merchant, included a reference to ‘the ground called Burfield on which is a pottwork erected as by articles between Daniel Saunders and myself’ (BRO 34901/179). |
1755 | 27 Aug. Described as a merchant of Cote, Westbury-on-Trym when he was bequeathed £100 in the will of John Maies, a shipwright, of Seamills Dock. The money was to be invested in order to help pay for clothing, maintaining and ‘placing out’ Maies’s five youngest children and to pay them each a sum of £20 when they married or reached the age of twenty-one. He was also left £4 to pay towards the clothing and necessaries for Maies’s four grandchildren (information from Howard Mais). |
1757 | 16 Jun. He was described as a potter of Westbury-on-Trym when his son, Samuel, was apprenticed to James Phillips, grocer (A). |
1769 | 13 Oct. He mortgaged various properties including ‘all that pasture ground called Burfield containing by estimation 8 acres … lying over against the White Horse Inn bounded with the highway leading from Bristol to Westbury … on the west side and certain grounds then or late of Jonathan New on the east side thereof. And also all that messuage, tenement or pot house with its appurtenances then lately erected and built on some part of the said ground called Burfield, together with the several messuages or tenements and other buildings also then lately erected & built adjoining or near adjoining and belonging to and occupied with the said pothouse with the appurtenances’ (BRO 21782, box 17, bundle 6). |
1770 | 24 Sep. He was declared bankrupt and was described as a merchant and potter of Cote (Bath Journal – information Marek Lewcun). |
1772 | 21 Aug. Stephen Penny, an accountant who had been appointed to administer Saunders’ affairs, sold the Pottery to George Hart for £1,000 (BRO 21782, box 17, bundle 6). |
1773 | 7 Jan. ‘The Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded against Daniel Saunders late of Cote, … Westbury-on-Trym … Merchant, Potter, Dealer and Chapman, intended to meet on the 19 January … to make a final Dividend of the said Bankrupt’s Estate and Effects … ‘ (BG). |
1777 | 5 Jun. ‘To be sold by Auction … by order of the Assignees of Daniel Saunders, a Bankrupt. The several remaining Shares of the said Daniel Saunders, of and in Sea-Mills Dock, and of and in a certain Messuage at Sea-Mills Dock, late in the Possession of Mary Church, widow …’ (BG). |
1779 | 29 Jul. ‘The Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against Daniel Saunders, late of Cote, in the Parish of Westbury-on-Trim … Potter, deceased, here give notice that they intend … to make a final Dividend of the Estate of the said Bankrupt …’ (BG). |