1743 | 27 Jun. He became a free potter because of his marriage to Mary, daughter of James Craddock, merchant tailor (F, G). |
1743 | 18 Sep. Craddock, son of Thomas and Mary Odford, baptised (TPR). |
1750 | 12 and 25 Sep. A lease to Thomas Odford, potter, of a tenement and garden ground in Temple Street, Temple parish, to hold from 29 Sep 1750 for 99 years, on the lives of Thomas Odford, his wife, Mary, and son, Craddock, at a rent of £1.6s.8d per annum (BB). |
1767 | 23 Apr. He was described as a potter when his son, Craddock, became a free accountant (G). |
1770 | 26 Apr. A lease to Thomas Odford, yeoman of two tenements ‘on the steps that lead from the way going from the Griffin Inn to the Red Lodge’ to hold from 25 May 1770 for 99 years, on the loves of Craddock Odford, Mary Odford and Richard Hill, at a rent of £1 per annum (BB). |
1775 | 6 Nov. He was probably the Thomas Odford of Bristol, quay porter, whose will refers to a wife, Mary, and son, Craddock (BRO 220122(5)). |
Rate and tax book entries: [1750/1-1776/7 Thomas Odford Temple Street (G) [25 Mar 1750-25 Mar 1751] Thomas Odford void Temple Street (Temple-L) [25 Mar 1751-25 Mar 1760 Thomas Odford Temple Street (Temple-L,W) [1776/7-1781/2] Mary Odford, late Thomas Odford Temple Street (G) [1781/2 Mary Odfords Executors Temple Street (G). |