MARTIN Charles I

Posted on: October 16th, 2016 by webfooted

Born c1788 in Somerset, the father of Charles Fenton Martin (41C, RPR).

1818 11 Oct. Temple parish (RPR).
1828 7 Apr. Temple parish (JaPR).
1825 10 Apr. Temple parish (RPR).
1829 1 Sep. On 26 Aug Charles Martin, potter, of Temple parish, married Elizabeth, the widow of Mr Henry Mackrell, brewer, at St Augustine’s church (Bristol Mercury).
1837 11 Oct. Noted as a potter when his son Charles was apprenticed to J.D. Pountney (A, Ao).
1841 8 Water Buildings, Sergeant Street, Bedminster (53), journeyman potter, born in Somerset (41C).
1844 28 May. Noted as a potter when his son Charles Fenton Martin (22) of Broadmead married Sophia Harvey (JaPR).
1846 18 Jan. Noted as a potter when his daughter Mary Ann of Spring Street, Bedminster married Thomas Young (JBPR).
Wife Rachel: George, born c1815 in Somerset (41C), Henry Nathaniel, bapt 11 Oct 1818 (RPR), Charles Fenton (aged 13 mths), bapt 10 Apr 1825 (RPR), Mary Ann, bapt 7 Apr 1822 (JaPR)

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