Posted on: March 1st, 2018 by Reg Jackson

Born c1865 in Temple parish, the son of William Marks and the brother of James Joel, William John and Thomas Marks (81C, 01C).

1865 12 Mar. He was baptised in Temple church, the son of William and Sarah Ann Marks (information from Jackie James).
1871 Scholar, 1 Stones Court, Temple parish (8), living with his parents (71C).
1881 Handler at pottery, 25 Langton Terrace, Bedminster (16), living with his parents and siblings (81C).
1891 Potter, 2 Fraser Street, Bedminster (30), living with his wife Louisa (27), born in Bedminster (91C).
1893-96 Windmill Hill, Bedminster (JBPR).
1897 21 Nov. 14 Byron Terrace, Windmill Hill, Bedminster (JBPR).
1901 Earthenware potter, 55 Cotswold Road, Bedminster (36), living with his wife Louisa (37), and children (01C).
1905 26 Dec. He was recorded as an employee of Pountney and Co. Ltd. (Western Daily Press).
1911 Handler pottery, 66 Freemantle Road, Eastville (46), living with his wife Louisa (47) and children (11C). He apparently lived in a house owned by Pountneys Pottery (information from Jackie James).
1935 7 Jan. ‘Farewell gathering honours Mr J. Marks. A remarkable series of long-service records were disclosed at the Potteries Pavilion, Fishponds … on Saturday night, when a farewell social evening was held in honour of Mr J. Marks, who is retiring from the firm of Pountney and Co. Ltd. (the Bristol Potteries), after 57 years continuous service.  Mr Marks, who is well known as chairman of the Bristol Co-operative Society and a magistrate, was presented with a silver tea and coffee set by the firm and an all mains wireless set by the staff and employees.  In the absence through illness of Mr T.B. Johnston, the managing director, Mr A.L. Adams took the chair and made the presentation from the management.  Mr Patrick Johnston read a message from his father, who said he had known Mr Marks for 52 years, during which time he had always given faithful and loyal service.  Mr Johnston wrote that it was consoling to him that Mr Marks would still act in a consulting capacity.  “Taking into consideration your work for the Bristol Co-operative Society”, the letter ran, “I know of no one who can look back on a long life of work with greater satisfaction”.  Mr Adams also wishing the recipient and his wife a long and happy retirement, remarked that only some were left of those who were with the old Bristol Pottery at Temple Back more than half a century ago – Mr T.B. Johnston, Mr Marks, Miss Jennie Jewell and this speaker.  Mr Adams spoke highly of the valuable help Mr Marks had given the firm, and also mentioned his record with the Co-operative Society since its inception.  Miss Jewell made the presentation on behalf of the staff and Miss Ivy West presented a bouquet of pink carnations to Mrs Marks.  Mr Marks, expressing his appreciation, recalled that more than 100 years ago his father had become a Tolzey apprentice to the firm of Pountney and Co. and had taken up his freemanship of the city.  “I also having been born in the city, the son of a freeman, was entitled to take it up” said Mr Marks, “but I didn’t bother.  My father’s time with the pottery over-lapped mine by about 20 years.  Putting our lengths of service together it has been well over 120 years with the firm”. Mr Marks said he was honoured that Mr T.B. Johnston was present.  He sincerely hoped the firm would go on progressing.  The company present – about 250 – then raised hearty cheers for Mr and Mrs Marks and watched a costume tableau pageant of the history of the Bristol Potteries which was founded in 1863’ (Western Daily Press).
1942 18 Aug. ‘Representatives from almost every section of public life in which he had shown interest attended the funeral service at St John’s Church, Fishponds, of Mr Joseph Marks of the Causeway, Fishponds, for almost 36 years president of the Bristol Co-operative Society.  Mr Marks, who died at the age of 77, was a Justice of the Peace, and had been connected for 57 years with Messrs Pountney.  As a mark of respect, all Bristol Co-operative Society shops were closed between 11 and 1 p.m.’.  Representing the Bristol Pottery were Messrs A.L. Adams, P.B. Johnston and A.S. Newsom (joint managing directors), W. Flook (retired works manager), B. Jenkin, T. Cook, R. Brunt, E. Mountford, J. Baker, B. Tyler, P. Hughes, H. Tucker, W. Ford, A.J. Brown, A. Brown, H. Storey, A. Ford and W. Harding (Western Daily Press).He was apparently an autocratic pater familias, who only saw his grandchildren by appointment, and individually, not together.  He ruled his family strictly; making his younger son, Walter, my grandfather, leave a perfectly good job to go to work at the Co-operative Wholesale Society’s big warehouse/office on Broad Quay (information from Jackie James).
Arthur, born c1892 in Bristol (11C), Florence Louisa, bapt 29 Oct 1893 (JBPR), Ethel Annie, bapt 27 Mar 1896 (JBPR), Walter Joseph, bapt 21 Nov 1897 (JBPR)
[Note: Ethel Annie Marks married Charles Albert Vaughan Gorvett, whose paternal grandmother was Ellen Tudor Cole, the daughter of Francis Cole I, potter (information from Jackie James)].

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