LOCK Edwin

Posted on: March 4th, 2018 by Reg Jackson

Born c1846 in Backwell, Somerset (81C).

1871 Gunner, Royal Artillery, Fort Brockhurst, Alverstoke, Hampsire (25) (71C).
1881 General labourer, 37 Philip Street, Bedminster (35), living with his wife Sarah J. (39), born in Bedminster, and daughter Hannah (1), born in Bedminster (81C).
1888 9 Mar. ‘Yesterday Edwin Lock, 43, of 37 Philip Street, Bedminster, while working at the Victoria Pottery, St Philip’s Marsh, had his hand crushed in a machine, and had to have it amputated at the General Hospital’ (Western Daily Press).
1891 Potter’s labourer, 37 Philip Street, Bedminster (45), living with his wife Sarah (49) and children Herbert (8) and Matilda (5), both born in Bedminster (91C).

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