HUNTINGTON Alice (formerly BENNETT Alice)

Posted on: October 15th, 2016 by webfooted

See under the Potteries List section for the Brislington Pottery.

The widow of Robert Bennett I, and the mother of Robert Bennett II, she ran the Pottery after her husband’s death in 1659.  John Bissicke died in 1659 but Robert Collins retained an interest in the Pottery until his death in 1689.

1659-68 The Brislington Pottery was operated by Alice, the widow of Robert Bennett I.  She married Solomon Huntington between 1666 and 1668.

The Pottery was then taken over by Robert Bennett II.

1659 22 Oct. John Bissicke bequeathed in his will:
unto Alice Bennett widow her executors and assignes my Tenement with th’appurtennes in Brislington aforesaid in the holding of Em. Farthing Widdow … (PRO Prob. 11/297).
1663 19 Feb. Whereas Solomon Huntington of the Citty of Bristol, m’ner [mariner] … hath granted and made over to John Woodward of Compton Dando in the county of Somerset, yeoman … A certen voyd ground and buildings situate in East Tucker Street neere Counterslipp there in the p’ish of Temple … Now wee the said John Woodward and Robert Collins doe hereby declare promise and agree that the Said Grante … is for to be made in trust and for the use of Alice Bennett of Brislington aforesaid widow … (Temple AB 196(3)).
1666 27 Dec. Ann Bissicke mentioned in her will:
a Lease or parcel of meadow ground called the Moore conteyning by estimacon one acre and a halfe now in the holding of Alice Bennett … (PRO Prob. 11/323).Sometime between 1666 and 1668 Alice Bennett married Solomon Huntington of Bristol, mariner.
1668 26 Sep. Will:
In the name of God Amen the twenty six day of September one Thousand six hundred sixty Eighte according to the computation of the Church of England I Alice Huntington of Brislington … widow … doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following vizt …
Item I give unto my sonne John Bennett the new house in the Marsh in Kinge Streete being in Bristoll during the lives or lease that is now upon itt
Item I give unto John Bennett one little meadow by estimacon one acre called by the name of Yohens Mead being in Brislington during the lives that is upon itt That is to say Mary Biss, Robert Bennett and John Bennett
Item I give more unto my sonne John Bennett the somme of forty pounds To be paid within Twelve moneths after my decease which money is to be paid unto the overseers which I shall appoint and to put it to the best advantage for the said John Bennett until such tyme that the date of his Indentures of Apprenticeship shal be expired
Item I give to him more the best featherbed in my house in Brislington with a paire of sheets and a greene seell rugge one bolster and two pillows and one brasir pott the best except one
Item I give unto my sonne John Bennett all that soyle that lyeth by the barne to be bestowed upon the same ground where it lyeth
Item I give unto my daughter Mary Biss and her daughter Mary all that house or tenement at Counter slyp in Temple street in Bristoll And shee the aforesaid Mary Bisse to pay the somme of forty shillings cheife rent by the yeare unto Robert Bennett her brother
Item I give more unto my daughter one paire of dowlis sheets
Item I give unto poore people the sum of tenne pounds and tenne shillings to bee bestowed in manner and forme as followeth That is to say unto Robert Wastfill and Richard Wilkins The somme of three pounds to be bestowed amongst poore friends where they sall thinke fitt
Item to William Fourd of Bristoll Sergeweaver the somme of three pounds to be bestowed amongst poore friends where hee shall thinke fit
Item unto the poore of Brislington the somme of twenty shillings to be bestowed as my executor shall think fitt
Item unto my workfolke the somme of three pounds to be bestowed as followeth Unto Thomas Poope Twenty shillings unto Edward Mearne Twenty shillings unto John Mearne Twenty shillings unto Nathaniell Hix Tenne shillings
Item I give unto Phillip Hix my prentis the somme of Twenty shillings
Item all the rest of my houses Leases lands and Tenements and goods whatsoever I give unto my sonne Robert Bennett upon condicon that hee shall pay all my debts and legacies and doe make him sole executor of this my last will and testament … I doe desire my welbeloved frinds John Woodards and Robert Wasfil and Richard Wilkins to bee my overseers of this my last will and Testament …
The marke of Alice Huntington sealed and delivered in the presence of John Allen Anthony Woodard

(PRO Prob. 11/328)

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