Posted on: October 15th, 2016 by webfooted

Born c1837 in St Mary Redcliffe parish, or Pill, Somerset (61C, 71C, 81C).

1860 4 Nov. East Street, Bedminster (24) the son of Matthew Hooper, a haulier, he married Eliza Randall (22) of East Street, the daughter of William Randall, a cordwainer (JBPR).
1861 Stoneware potter, 1 Great George Street, St Philip’s parish (24), living with his wife Eliza (22) a tobacco pipe maker born in St Philip’s parish (61C).
1861 20 Oct. New Street, St Philip’s parish, on the baptism of his son James Joseph (born 27 Sep 1861) (PPR).
1871 Potter, ‘The Volunteer’, 31 New Street, St Philip’s parish (34), living with his wife Eliza (32), tobacco pipe maker, and children Eliza (9), Alfred (3) and Rose (1), all born in Bristol (71C).
1881 Publican, 18 Clarence Road, St Philip’s parish (44), living with his wife Eliza (44) and children including Mary Louise (6), William (4) and James (11 mths), all born in Bristol (81C).
1891 He is not mentioned in the census. His wife was a licensed victualler at the Volunteer public house, 7 New Street, St Philip’s parish (52) with her children including Rose (9) and Emily (3), both born in Bristol (91C).
1893 2 Apr. Noted as a potter when his daughter Mary Louisa Hooper (19) of Broad Plain, St Philip’s parish married George White (PPR).


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