Posted on: October 15th, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries List section for the Limekiln Lane Pottery 1.

c1706-23 Henry Hobbs established the Limekiln Lane Pottery 1 in about 1706 and it operated under his ownership until early 1723, when it became vacant.

He was succeeded at the Pottery by William Pottery and John Weaver.

1667 16 Jan. Possibly the Henry Hobbs baptised at Christ church, the son of Henry and Mary Hobbs (Ancestry website).
1692 14 Nov. Possibly the Henry Hobbs of Bristol, carpenter, who married Hannah Hibbs the daughter of William Hibbs of ‘Aleburton’ [Aylburton], Gloucestershire (PRO RG 6/Piece 1417, Quaker Records, Monthly Meeting of Bristol: Marriages 1659-1755).
1693 13 Feb. ‘Whereas there is lately fallen in hands to the Mayor Burgesses and Coialty Two Gardens wall’d in with a wash-house summerhouse and apptennces thereto belonging lying under Brandon hill over against the West Hayes which were lately held by lease dated 19th Aprill 30th King Charles the 2nd 1679 granted to Nicholas Shute which were lately in the holding of Sarah Dean widow.  It is now agreed with Henry Hobbs Carpenter that in consideration of Fifty pounds fine to be payd 24th March next and for money to be layd in building as hereafter Expressed.  There shall be on that day granted to the said Hobbs or whom ever he shall appoint a New lease of these two Gardens with all their app’tences to hold for 99 years of those lives that day to be named or any of them live So long under the rent of Tenn shillings payable by quarterly – And a covenant and promise within Twelve months to lay out one hundred pounds in new building on the premises and usuall covenntes And an agreemt that if anyone of the lives dyes within three yeares then to fill upp the Lease without any fine He is to enter as soon as he pleases and to have liberty to dig stones on Brandon hill under the same such places as the surveyors shall appoint.Lease sealed 25th March 1693, the lives being the said Henry Hobbs Hannah his wife and William son of Richard Hobbs baker’ (BB).
1693 3 Jul. ‘Henry Hobbs carpenter agt Margarett Harris singlewoman, Cock Lane End and Same agt James Smithy, taylor, Temple Street’ (C).
1696 He was living in St Michael’s parish with his wife, Hannah (Ralph & Williams 1968, 126).
c1700 ‘Brandon Hill foot. Henry Hobbs a garden in possession of Wid. Hurtnold. Lease dated 24 March 1693 granted to sd. Hobbs for lives of himself, Anna His wife and Wm. Hobbs’ (BRO 04238).
1706-12 He was recorded as a potmaker (A, Ao, Ar).
1707 11 Mar. A lease to Whitchurch Phippen of ground adjoining Brandon Hill ‘with a wall adjoining to a Garden belonging to a New erected Pothouse there on the west part thereof …’ (BB).
1707-15 He was exporting earthenware to Cork, Jamaica, Antigua and Barbados (PB-EXP). (Note: not all Port Books have been studied).
1715-18 He stood surety of £5 for Edward Edwards to keep an alehouse in St Michaels’ parish (AKL).
1716 2 Feb. He was described as a gallypotmaker (A, Ao, Ar).
1725 22 Oct. He was described as deceased when Thomas Cantle I became free (F, G).
With his co-partner:
Daniel Annis, 27 Nov 1706 (A, Ar)
Henry Chapman, 18 Jan 1707 (A)
Philip Stockman, 28 May 1708 (Ar)-6 Jul 1721 (F).Alone:
John Watts II, 14 May 1709 (Ao)

With wife Hannah:
Jonathan Hibbs, 24 Oct 1710 (A, Ao, Ar)
Thomas Cantle I, 9 Feb 1712 (A, Ao, Ar)-22 Oct 1725 (F, G)
John Dickason, 26 Aug 1715 (A)
Aaron Johnson, 2 Feb 1716 (A, Ao, Ar)-3 Aug 1727 (F, G)

Rate and tax book entries:
[1698/9 ‘Henry Hobbs for ground part of Brandon Hill next ye lane against the Glasshouse late Shutes at 6s rent raised by lease dated March 1692’ (G)
[1699/1700-1722/3 ‘Henry Hobbs a tene. and garden 10s’ (G)
1698] ‘Hannah Hobbs summerhouse and garden’ (St Augustine-PR)
[1699-1703/4 ‘Mr Hobbs for house and garden Limekill Lane’ (St Augustine-PR)
1707-1721 ‘Potwork and dwelling house’ Well Street/Cow Lane (St Augustine-PR)
1700-1705] ‘Henry Hobbs house and garden’ (St Augustine-L)
[1706] ‘Mr Hobbs house and Pottworke’ (St Augustine-L)
[1707-1722] ‘Potworke and dwelling house Lime Kill Lane’ (St Augustine-L)
[1723 First ½ year ‘Pottworke and dwelling house, void last ½ year’ Lime Kiln Lane (St Augustine-L)
1707 ‘Hobbs for ye Potthouse and all’ (St Augustine-LS)
1716 ‘Pottwork Cow Lane’ (St Augustine-LS)
1718 ‘Pottworke and dwelling house Cow Lane’ (St Augustine-LS)Hobbs had other properties on Brandon Hill:
1710 ‘Henry Hobbs new house’ (St Augustine-L)
1710-21] ‘Henry Hobbs 2 small tenements on ye hill’ (St Augustine-L)
[1721-23] ‘Henry Hobbs 2 tenements on Brandon Hill John Smith’ (St Augustine-L)


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