See the Potteries List section for the St Philip’s Pottery 6.
Joseph Hands married Lavinia Cole, the widow of Thomas Homans Cole, in 1869.
1869-71 | Joseph and Lavinia Hands ran the St Philip’s Pottery 6. |
Lavinia Hands died in the last quarter of 1871.
1871-73 | Joseph Hands ran the St Philip’s Pottery 6 alone. |
By 1873 Joseph had married again in Liverpool where he remained until his death in 1912. It seems likely that he sold the Pottery between 1873 and 1874. An un-named redware pottery was offered for sale in May 1873 and again in May 1874 and this was probably the St Philip’s Pottery 6.
The Pottery was then run by John Forward Moorse.
The only Joseph Rowland Hands recorded in the Bristol census returns was in 1861. He was born c1844 in Bristol.
1861 | Clerk pawnbroker, boarding at St Augustine’s Place, St Augustine’s parish (17) (61C). |
1869 | 9 Oct. On 2 October Mr J.R. Hands of Bristol married Lavinia Ann, the widow of Thomas Cole of the Albert Pottery at St Barnabas church (Bristol Mercury). |
1870 | Joseph Rowland Hands, potter, Albert Pottery (KD). |
1870 | Mrs L. Hands, Albert Pottery (WD). |
1871 | Joseph Hands, potter, Albert Pottery Company (WD). |
1871 | He cannot be traced in the census returns (71C). |
1871 | 18 Nov. ‘Died November 8 at Albert Pottery, Lavinia Ann, wife of Mr Jos. R. Hands, aged 46’ (Bristol Mercury). |
1872 | Joseph Richard Hands, potter, Albert Pottery (Morris D). |
1872 | 29 Apr. ‘Wanted, a middle aged person, without incumbrance, to be generally useful in a small house. No Family. Albert Pottery, Albert Road, St Philip’s Marsh’ (Western Daily Press). |
1872 | 8 Jun. ‘To builders. A quantity of damaged chimney pots, cheap. Albert Pottery, St Philip’s Marsh’ (Western Daily Press). |
1872 | 12 Jul. ‘To builders. A quantity of damaged chimney pots and caps. Albert Pottery, Marsh Bridge’ (Western Daily Press). |
1872 | 28 Aug. ‘To builders. A quantity of chimney pots, cheap. Albert Pottery, Marsh Bridge’ (Western Daily Press). |
1872 | 1 Oct. For sale, very cheap, shelving, stand and plants for greenhouse. Albert Pottery, Marsh Bridge’ (Western Daily Press). |
1872 | ‘To builders. Albert Pottery, Marsh Bridge, St Philip’s, for chimney pots, cheap for cash’ (Western Daily Press). |
1872 | 13 Dec. ‘For sale, three carpenters benches and a turner’s lathe, cheap. Albert Pottery’ (Western Daily Press). |
1873 | 4 Jan. Possibly the: ‘Redware pottery, to be let. An old established business. Apply to W. Cloutman, surveyor, 3 Exchange’ (Western Daily Press). |
1873 | 23 Jan. Joseph Rowland Hands, the son of Benjamin Hands, married Mary Jane Huntington at St Saviour’s church, Liverpool (Ancestry website). |
1873 | 5 Mar. ‘For sale. Strong brown cart mare. Good worker and quiet. Albert Pottery, Marsh Bridge’ (Western Daily Press). |
1873 | 17 Apr. ‘Aquarium and some shelving for greenhouse, also parrot’s cage, cheap. Albert Pottery, near Marsh Bridge’ (Western Daily Press). |
1873 | 22 May. Probably the ‘Old established redware pottery business to be disposed of, with every requisite, in full working order. Proof trade. Stock at valuation. Satisfactory reason for sale’ (Western Daily Press). |
1874 | Joseph Hands, potter, Albert Pottery (WD). |
1874 | 6 May. ‘To builders. A quantity of damaged cheap pots, cheap. Albert Pottery, Marsh Bridge’ (Western Daily Press). |
1874 | 25 May. Probably the pottery business referred to in the advertisement: ‘Messrs Denning, Smith and Co. are instructed to dispose of an old-established red ware pottery business, which has been carried on by the present proprietor for some years. The connection is a first-class one, the premises suitable and convenient, and the whole concern in full working order. Incoming about £800 to £1000’ (Western Daily Press). |
1881 | Export bottler, 1 Eversley Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool (37), living with his wife Mary J. (36), born in Lane, Liverpool, and children Ellen J. (7), born in Bristol and Joseph Rowlands (4), born in Liverpool (81C). |
In the 1891 census he was a wine and spirit merchant living with his family at 1 Eversley Street, Liverpool (91C). He was still living there in 1901 when he was living on his own means (01C). He died on 12 Aug 1912 and in his will he was described as a gentleman of 87 Beaconsfield Street, Liverpool. He left an estate valued at £6,926.12s.8d (Ancestry website).