Born c1856 in Bristol (91C) or c1855 in Hotwells, Clifton parish (71C), the father of Henry Frost (01C).
1855 | 12 Dec. He was baptised, the son of James and Eliza Frost (St Andrew’s, Clifton PR). |
1871 | Presser at pottery, boarding at 1 Hampton Place, St Philip’s parish (16) (71C). |
1881 | Whiteware potter, 9 Albert Street, St Philip’s parish (25), living with his wife Emily (21), a laundress, born in Bridgwater, Somerset (81C). |
1891 | Potter, 43 Queen Victoria Street, St Philip’s parish (35), described as single, but living with his son George H. (9), born in Bristol (91C). |
1901 | Potter’s printer, boarding at 38 Lewis Street, St Silas parish (45), with his son, Henry (19) (01C). |
1904 | 14 Dec. ‘The City Coroner … held an inquest at Stapleton Workhouse on the body of George Frost, clay presser, 50 years of age. John Frost identified his father. He said his father seemed to be ailing of late, and frequently complained of pains in his sides. He was taken to the Workhouse on Saturday morning last and died the following day. The post-mortem showed that there were distinct signs of lead poisoning. Part of the lungs were very hard and black, and there were blue marks on the gums. Death was caused by cirrhosis, accelerated by lead poisoning. Mr T.S. Johnston, the managing director at Messrs Pountney’s pottery, St Philip’s, said Frost worked in the pressers’ department. Inquiries had been made into the case by the Inspector of Factories, and he said it was not a case of lead poisoning. The deceased had no right whatever in the dipping department, nor would he go there, and he could not conceive how he could get lead poisoning from their works. They had made great efforts to minimise the danger of their workmen contracting anything like that. The conclusion he had come to was that he must have taken it elsewhere, for there was little chance for him to get it in the dipping department. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence’ (Western Daily Press). |