FRANK Richard

Posted on: October 10th, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries List section for the Redcliff Back Pottery 1, Redcliff Back Pottery 2 and the Water Lane Pottery.

Redcliff Back Pottery 1
He succeeded his father, Thomas Frank 1 at the Pottery.

c1744-65 Richard Frank operated the Pottery.
1766-77 Richard Frank and his son, Thomas Frank II, operated the Pottery.

The Redcliff Back Pottery 1 closed in 1777.

Redcliff Back Pottery 2
He succeeded John Harwell at the Redcliff Back Pottery 2.

1759-60 Richard Frank operated the Redliff Back Pottery 2.

The Redcliff Back Pottery 2 closed in 1760.

Water Lane Pottery
In 1777 he closed the Redcliff Back Pottery 1 and took over the Water Lane Pottery from William Taylor I.

1777-85 Richard Frank ran the Water Lane Pottery.

He probably operated the Pottery until his death in 1785, although it may have been taken over by his son-in-law, Joseph Ring, in 1784.

He was succeeded at the Water Lane Pottery by Joseph Ring I.


Born on 13 Nov. 1711, the son of Thomas I and Elizabeth Frank, gallypotmaker, the father of Thomas Frank II, and the father-in-law of Joseph Ring (QR).

1727 9 Feb. He was apprenticed to his parents (A, Ao, Ar).
1734 23 Mar. He became a free gallypotmaker (F, G).
1734 Gallypotmaker, St Mary Redcliffe parish (P).
1737 13 Sep. A potter of St Mary Redcliffe parish he was granted a licence to marry Mary Hellier of Christchurch parish, at Christchurch or St Philip and Jacob (M).
1737 15 Sep. He married Mary Hellier (PPR).
1739 Gallypotmaker, St Mary Redcliffe parish (P).
1741 14 Nov. Potter, Redcliff Back (Ao).
1743 18 May. A reference to a lease dated 30 July 1697 of ‘garden ground still used as a drying place on Redcliff Hill between the cliff called Adercliff on the North and the wall of a ground belonging to the vicarage house of Redcliff on the south, and a piece of ground belonging to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church …on the East, and ground called Adercliff ground in the holding of wm. Prewett and now of — on the West part, whichsd. garden ground or drying place contained in length 26 yards in breadth 20 yards together with a Ragg of ground or way leading from the street there unto the same ground’.
The ‘lease of all that sd. garden ground … and so much of a tenemt. now in the possession of Richd. Franks potter as is lately built and stands on part thereof with the ground behind the same tenemt …’ was vested in Elizabeth Noblett, a widow (BB; BRO DC/E/3/4; BRO Plan Book A page 103-105).
By the 5 Dec. 1752 the tenement had passed from Richard Frank to Henry Gresley (BB).
1743 7 Jul. A potter of Bristol, he was bondsman for Edmund Lewis of Bristol, baker (Adm.).
1745 25 Jun. Richard Frank, potter, and his wife, Mary, were mentioned in the administration of the estate of Thomas Hellier of Bristol, glover (Adm.).
1752 He stood surety of £5 for William Chatterton, potter, to keep an alehouse in St Mary Redcliffe parish (AKL).
1754 Gallypotmaker, St Mary Redcliffe parish (P).
1754 25 Jun. ‘Mill for pottery glaze. Opposite Hotwell, across the river lies a mill for the stamping and grinding of glazes for pottery.  It is driven by another spring, which gushes forth at the foot of the beetling limestone crag on that side in the same way as the Hotwell spring does on the opposite bank.  However, this mill only has a head of water twice in 24 hours, when the water in the river is low [at low tide]. Pottery glaze. The glaze is prepared in the following way: lead and tin are burnt to ash in a reverberatory furnace and then melted together with quartz and sand.  The product is a white glass, which is red in spots after the melting but becomes white when it is stamped and ground.  The design of stamps and the mills is shown by … drawing no.136, letters ‘a’ and ‘b’.  The trundle wheel ‘c’ drives six pairs of stones in addition to the stamps.  After stamping, the glass is ground in a tub full of water.  The man who lives here and supervises the grinding is paid 7s per week and has a cold bath as well, which is also of some value to him [possibly a bath fed by the spring, and used, as at Howells, for public bathing for which he could make a charge].  The mill belongs to ‘Mr Franco’ [presumably Mr Franks] who has a glass furnace near the Church of St Mary Redcliffe, where the mixture is turned into glass [probably a mistake for ‘glaze’]. (Berg, T. & P. 2001. R.R. Angerstein’s illustrated travel diary 1753-1755. London: Science Museum).
1754 30 Oct. Potter, Redcliff Back (Ao).
1760 3 Jun. A lease to Stephen Bagg of Bristol, currier, of ‘All that Plott, Piece, Parcel, late void, of ground containing from end to end 60 feet and in depth or breadth from East to West 60 feet And also all those two messuages or tenements and Potthouse sometime since erected and built thereon now in the sevl. possessions or Occupations of James Cox, limeburner, John Hope, potter, and Richd. Franks, potter, all of which are situated lying and being on Redcliff Backs …’ (BB; BRO 01717(2)b).
1762 1 Mar. A leased to Stephen Bagg of ‘All that piece of void ground situate on Redcliff Backs in the parish of St Mary Redcliffe … late in the possession of James Cox, limeburner, but now void containing in breadth in the front against the River Avon 60 feet or thereabout and in depth from east to west 38 feet or thereabout bounded on the north side by a stable belonging to Edward Bright, brewer, and on the south side by a warehouse belonging to Richard Frank potter, on the west side by the River Avon aforesaid and on the east by a public road leading to a glasshouse and limekilns’. (BRO 0117(2)c).
1764 6 Dec. Decribed as a potter when his son Thomas, a merchant,  married Elizabeth Fry (PRO RG6/0128).
1765 4 Jul. Decribed as a potter when his daughter Elizabeth married Joseph Ring (PRO RG6/0128).
1765 6 Jul. ‘Thursday was married at the Quaker Meeting House, Mr Joseph Ring, cabinetmaker in Thomas Street, to Miss Franks, daughter of Mr Richard Frank, potter, on Redcliff Backs’ (FFJ).
1769 6 Sep. Mary Frank of Redcliffe parish, wife of Richard Frank, buried (QR).
1769 25 Sep. ‘Bristol, Saturday, September 23 … Deaths … Mrs Franks, Wife of Mr Franks, Potter, on Redcliff-Backs’ (Bath Journal – information from Marek Lewcun).
1770 23 Sep. He imported ‘500 Stone Bottles and 100 Worp Mugs’ from Rotterdam (PB-IMP).
1770 20 Jan. He imported ‘40 T Irish Clay’ from Carrickfergus, Ireland (PB-IMP).
1770 12 Jun. He imported ‘400 Strings Chamber Pots, 1000 Worp Jugs and Mugs, 900 Stone bottles’ from Rotterdam (PB-IMP).
1770 2 Jul. He imported ‘15 T Irish Clay’ from Carrickfergus (PB-IMP).
1770 9 Apr. The information of ‘Magnus Lundberg Foreman to Mr Richd Franks and Son, Potters’ on Redcliff Back (Q). For full details see under Redcliff Back Pottery 1 and Magnus Lundberg.
1771 22 Aug. Described as a potter when his daughter Mary married Robert Ring, cooper, the son of Joseph Ring, cooper, deceased (PRO RG6/0128).
1772 30 May. ‘To let immediately, a large piece of ground on Redcliff Backs, adjoining to Mr Franks, inclosed on each side, except that against the river …’ (FFJ).
1773 2 Dec. ‘To be Lett … a Piece of void ground about 60’ square, adjoining to Mr Frank’s Pot-House, on Redcliff-back …’ (BG).
1773 9 Dec. ‘For sale Brewhouse, etc., late Saml. Sanford, brewer, near adjoining Messrs. Frank’s Pothouse on Redcliffe-backs …’ (BG).
1774 Gallypotmaker, St Mary Redcliffe parish (P).
1775 24 Jul. He imported ‘400 Strings Chamber Pots, 200 Worp Jugs’ from Rotterdam (PB-IMP).
1776 10 Aug. Refers to a lease dated 3 June 1760 granted to Stephen Back of ‘all that piece of void ground and also 2 messuages or tenements and Potthouse sometime since erected and built thereon’. The Pothouse ‘now converted into sundry dwellings and in the possession of Messrs More, Phillips and Stockman’ (BB).
1777 15 Jan. A lease of a piece of void ground in Redcliff Backs states that it was bordered ‘on the south by a warehouse belonging to Richard Frank, potter …’ (BB).
1777 29 May. ‘To be lett and entered upon at Midsummer. A house and several large warehouses situated on Redcliff Back adjoining the River Avon, now and for many years past in the occupation of Messrs. Frank & Co., Potters – The premises lie close to the River, where there is a slip for loading goods, and are very well adapted for the business of a Potter, a Brewer, a Distiller, or any other Business that requires Room …’ (BG).
1777 12 Jun. ‘Richard Frank & Son, earthen and Stone Pot Works are removed from Redcliff Backs to Water Lane, where they continue the same business in all its Branches’ (BG).
1778 22 Aug. Thomas North granted to William Green ‘all that parcel of late close of ground called Rack Close adjoining a certain tenement formerly in the tenure of … — Ward potter deceased and now of Philip James hallier on the east side towards the River Avon and on the west side a messuage formerly in the tenure of John Bartlett hooper and victualler and now of Richard Frank potter and in front ranging along a lane called Water Lane on the north side …’ (BRO).
1778 Richard Frank and Son imported ‘66 strings chamber pots, 66 strings jugs and mugs’ from Rotterdam (PB-IMP).
1781 & 1784 Gallypotmaker, Temple parish (P).
1783 Richard Frank & Co., potters, Temple Street (BWMD).
1784 20 Sep. An inventory was prepared on the sale of Richard Frank’s Pottery to Joseph Ring: ‘The Stock and Utensills in Trade at the Pot House in Water Lane, Bristol, as Appraised as following, viz:- Black Ware £27.6s.2½d; Red China Ware £3.16s.2d; Tortoishell Ware 18s.0d; Blue and White Sprig’d Ware £14.15s.6d; Blue and White Stone Staffordshire Ware £2.18s.9½d; Dutch Ware – 18 Jugs, one to ye Warp 18s.0d; Delph Ware £7.5s.0d; 21 doz. and ½ Copperplate tiles £4.4s.0d; Best Nottingham Ware £25.16s.8½d; Blue China glaz’d Ware £11.3s.2½d; Enamelled China Glaze Ware £14.8s.11½d; Common Enamelled Ware £3.13s.3d; Copperplate Ware £2; Cream Colour Ware £90.13s.4½d; White Stone Ware £52.0s.9d; Brown Stone Ware £159.16s.11½d; Materials: 27 tons Clay at 2s.6d, 80 bags Sand at 1s.2d, 11 cwt Salt at 5s.6d: £3.0s.6d; Tools: 324 Pot Boards, 3 Benches, 1 Pounding Trough, 1 Mixing Trough, 1 Clay Chest, 3 Compleat Wheels and Wheel Frames with Working Benches, etc., Moulds and Drums for making Slugs, Kiln ladder, Salting Boxes, Lignum Vitae blocks and Hand Mill £10; Old Iron pot in the Yard 4s.6d’ (Owen 1873, 343).
1785 Richard Frank, Water Lane, potter (RD).
1785 16 Apr. ‘The same day died Mr Richard Frank, in Water Lane, Temple Street; who has carried on the Pottery business in this city many years, with the greatest integrity’ (BMBJ).
1785 23 Apr. A potter of Temple, he died, aged 73, and was buried on 26 Apr at Redcliff Pit (PRO RG 6/936, Quarterly Meeting of Bristol and Somerset. Burial Notes 1776-1795).
1787 13 Jan. ‘Monday died Mrs Frank, sister of Mr Frank, late a potter of this city, and one of the people called Quakers’ (BMBJ).
1787 6 Oct. ‘Lately was married in the island of Jamaica, Capt. Lundberry, of this port, to Miss Frank, daughter of the late Mr Richard Franks, potter, of this city’ (BMBJ).  Capt. Lundberry was the son of Magnus Lundberg I.
With wife Mary:
William Chatterton, 14 Nov 1741 (A, Ao, Ar) – 3 Oct 1751 (F, G)
William Thomas, 30 Oct 1754 (A, Ao)
John Williams II, date of apprenticeship unknown – 16 Jun 1792 (F)
Tax and rate book entries:
Property 1:
29 Sep 1737-25 Mar 1738] Richd Frank ‘From the Lower End of ye Hill to ye Gate’ (SMR-L)
[25 Mar 1738-29 Sep 1738 Richard Frank void ‘From the Lower End of ye Hill to ye Gate’ (SMR-L)Property 2:
25 Dec 1739-29 Dec 1740 Richard Frank (SMR-LS)
25 Mar 1750-1765    Richard Frank Potthouse/house and yard Redcliff Back (SMR-W,PR,L,H,Wa)
[1766-1777] Richard Frank/Richard Frank & Son Redcliff Back house/pothouse/warehouse and yard (SMR-W,L,LS,Pa,Wa)
25 Mar 1778-25 Mar 1779] Richard Frank void Redcliff Back (SMR-W)
[25 Mar 1779 James Jones for the Prison Redcliff Back (SMR-L)
25 Dec 1780-25 Dec 1781 French Prison void Redcliff Back (SMR-LS)Property 3:
Previously occupied by John Harwell, potter
[25 Mar 1759-25 Mar 1760 Richard Frank Stone pothouse Redcliff St and Back (SMR-PR)
[29 Sep 1759-29 Sep 1760] Richard Frank Small Pot House Redcliff Back (SMR-Wa)
[29 Sep 1760-29 Sep 1761] Richard Frank pot house void Redcliff Back (SMR-Wa)
[29 Sep 1761 Step Bragg warehouse late Frank Redcliff Back (SMR-Wa)

Property 4:
Previously occupied by Thomas Cantle II
25 Mar 1777-25 Mar 1784 Richard Frank/Richard Frank & Co. Water Lane (Temple-W,Wa,LS)

Thomas II, born 8 Nov 1738 (QR), Elizabeth, born 27 Oct 1739 (QR), Richard, born 8 Nov 1740 (QR), Elisha, born 10 Dec 1741 (QR), William, born 11 Jan 1743 (QR), Mary, 29 May 1744  (QR), Hannah, born 22 Aug 1745 (QR), Richard, born 20 Sep 1746 (QR), Richard, born 14 Jun 1748 (QR), George, born 17 Aug 1749 (QR), John, born 8 Mar 1751 (QR), Samuel, born 19 Feb 1754 (QR)


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