Posted on: October 8th, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries List section for the Brislington Pottery.

c1652-59 The Brislington Pottery was operated by John Bissicke, Robert Bennett I and Robert Collins.  Collins retained an interest in the Pottery until his death in 1689.


1657 9 May. Some evidence of the Collins family’s association with Brislington may be shown by the following indenture between Rowland Lacy and Richard Crabb of Bristol, clothier:
All that late Coppiehold or Messuage or tenement and yard lands by estimacon with Appurtencs scituate lyeing and beinge in Brislington … heretofore in the tenure or occupacon of John Collins deceased and late in the tenure or occupation of Alice Collins widow deceased And now or late in the tenure or occupacon of the said Richard Crabb conteyninge in the whole Nyne and fortie Acres … And all houses, edifecies buildings and barnes stables outhouses orchards gardens lands meadows feedings pastures woods underwoods and trees … (SRO DD/GL 18).
1661 7 Feb. The sale by Rowland Lacy of Shipton under Wychwood, Oxfordshire, son and heir of Sir John Lacy, to Robert Collins of Brislington, potter, for the sum of £92, the following premises:
All that now or late coppiehold or Customarie Messuage or Tenemt and half yard lands with thappurtennces scituate lyinge and beinge in Brislington als Busselton in the said Countie of Somset heretofore in the Tenure or occupation of Alice Pope widow her assignes or undertenants And namelie and more pticulerlie The Orchard Garden and Backside adwyninge to the said Messuage or Tenem contayninge by Estimacon Two Acres (be it more or lesse) … One Close of Arable or pasture ground called the Batchy Lease contayninge by estimacon one Acre and half … And a Padocke belonginge to the said Messuage on the east which paddocke contaynes by estimacon One Acre … one Close of Arrable or pasture ground called the Quabby Lease contayninge by estimacon Two Acres … another ground belonging to the said Tenemt Contayninge by estimacon Two Acres and half … One Acre and half of Arrable land (be it more or lesse) lyinge in Longfurlonge … half an Acre of pasture or meadowe ground (be it more or lesse) lying Att Wetlands in the Westfeild of Brislington aforesaid … one Acre of Arrable land be it more or lesse) lyinge Att Blakdonhill in the Westfeild aforesaid … Two Acres of Arrable land (be it more or lesse) lying in Lowerhaverland … half an acre of Arrable land (be it more or lesse) lying in Lowerhaverland … half and acre of Arrable land (be it more or lesse) lyinge in Middlehaverland in the Westfeild aforesaid … (BRO 4488(3) and SRO DD/GL 18).
1661 7 Feb. Indenture between Rowland Lacy and William Newman, Brislington, blacksmith, of land adjoining the ground of Robert Collins on or towards the east (SRO DD/GL 18).
1661 7 Feb. He witnessed an agreement made between Rowland Lacy and William Baugh (SRO DD/GL 18).
1661 8 Feb. He witnessed an agreement made between Rowland Lacy and Henry Gleeson (SRO DD/GL 18).
1663 19 Feb. He was described as a yeoman of Brislington when the lease of a property in East Tucker Street, Temple parish, Bristol, was transferred to him and John Woodward of Compton Dando, Somerset, yeoman, by Solomon Huntington of Bristol, mariner (Temple Ab 196(3)).  See also Alice Huntington.
1667 14 Feb. An indenture between Rowland Lacy, heir of Sir John Lacy, and Ezekiel Langton conveying the manor of Brislington, Brislington Farm and cottages includes details of several fee farm rents charged on various premises one of which was occupied by Robert Collins as tenant.
1667 5 Jun. All that parcell of meadow or pasture ground conteyning by estimacon halfe an acre (be it more or less) lyeing in the parish of Brislington als Busselton aforesaid in a certain meadow ground called seaven Swarths … And the same parcel or halfe acre of ground is parcel of or belonging to a mesuage or tenement now or late copyhold or customary parcel of the mannor of Brislington als Busselton heretofore in the tenure or occupacon of Alice Phelps widow and now of the said Robert Collins and was together with the said messuage or other lands thereto belonging to him and the said Robert Collins had and purchased to him and his heires in fee simple of and from Rowland Lacy Esquire by his deed indented duely executed beareing date the seaventh day of ffebuary Anno Dmi one thousand six hundred and sixty … (BRO 6608(8)).
1669 21 Mar. The sale by Tobias Provisse of Queen Charlton, Somerset, yeoman, to Robert Collins, of Brislington, yeoman, for the sum of £45:
All that one close or parcel of meadoweground commonly called or knowe by the name of the Little Moore conteyninge by estimacon one acre (be it more or lesse) beinge heretofore parcel of a copyhold or customary messuage or tenemt. of one Andrew Daniel deceased and now or late in the tenure or occupacon of one Tobias Pope and abutteth on the river Avon on or towards the south and east sides thereof A tenement called Eastwood on or towards the east and north sides thereof and a ground called Ramscliff on or towards the west side thereof … out of which parcel of ground and pmisses hereby granted there is issueinge and payable and the same is charged and chargeable with the yearly feefarme rent of one shillinge … (BRO 3583(2)).
1671 21 Jul. Robert Collins, potter, Robert Wastfield, gentleman, Robert Bennett, yeoman, and other parishioners of Brislington parish purchased from Thomas Munday, of Brislington, quarrier:
All that late Customary Cottage or tenemt. & one acre by estimacon .. of pasture ground … late in the tenure or occupacon of Walter Webb … scituate lying and being within the parish of Brislington als Busselton aforesaid …
The parishioners agreed that they would pay the rent of 24 shillings per annum, received for the property, to the Churchwardens of Brislington parish to be distributed among the poor of the parish (Brislington Ch/1).
1673 22 Oct. Robert Collins of Brislington, Somerset, yeoman, sold to John Hoskins of Brislington, mariner, for £40:
All that close or parcel of Meadow ground commonly called or knowne by the name of the little Moore conteyning by Estimacon One Acre (be it more or lesse) heretofore in the holding of the said Robert Collins and now or late in the tenure or occupacon of Roger Earle Basketmaker And abutteth on the River Avon on or towards the South and east sides thereof a Tenement commonly called Eastwood on or towards the East and North sides thereof and a Ground called Ramscliffe on or towards the West thereof … All which pmises hereby granted were by the said Robert Collins lately had and purchased to him and his heires in ffee of and from Tobias Provisse who purchased the same of Nicholas Cowling out of which parcel of Ground … there is issueing … the yearely ffee farme rent of one shilling (BRO 3583(3)).
Rate and tax book entries:
1684 – 1686 Robert Collines or occupr (Brislington Ch/1)
1689 Widd. Collines (Brislington Ch/1)


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