COLE Francis II

Posted on: October 8th, 2016 by webfooted

Born c1779 in Gloucestershire, probably the father of Henry Cole (TPR, 41C).

1803 25 Dec. Probably the Francis Cole who married Mary Hall at St James’s church (information from Fiona Turnbull).
1818 19 Apr. Possibly the Francis and Mary Cole who had a son Henry (born 11 Feb 1815) was baptised (TPR; information from Fiona Turnbull).
1818 19 Apr. Probably the Francis and Mary Cole who had a daughter Hannah (born 14 Oct 1817) baptised (TPR; information from Fiona Turnbull).
1841 Harris Yard, Temple parish (62?), living with his children Hannah (22) and William (21) (41C).
1843 4 May. Possibly the Francis Cole buried at Temple church (information Fiona Turnbull).
1844 10 Mar. Noted as a potter when his son William Cole (24) a coach spring maker of Horse Fair married Ann Fletcher (JaPR).


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