Posted on: October 8th, 2016 by webfooted
1796 15 May. Charlotte, daughter of James and Phoebe Churchman, of Redcross Street, potter, baptised (PPR).
1802 6 Jul. He became a free potter because of his marriage to Phoebe, daughter of Burnett Hughes, barber surgeon (F).  Phoebe was the sister of Margaret, wife of John Churchman I, potter.
1803/4 & 1806/7 Phoebe, the wife of James Churchman of Redcross Street, potter, received £1 on each occasion from Ann Thurston’s Charity for the Relief of Poor Women in Child Bed (BRO 04191).
1814 5 Dec. He was described as a potter of Bristol when his son, James, was apprenticed to William King, cordwainer (A).
1830 Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (P).
1832 Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (P).
1832 & 34 Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (List of Electors BRO 04736).
Rate book entries:
25 Mar 1818-29 Sep 1818 James Churchman (poor) Lodge Court, Redcross Street (St Philip’s-PR)


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