Posted on: October 8th, 2016 by webfooted

The son of John Chatterton of Bristol, weaver (A).

1741 He was apprenticed to Richard and Mary Frank.  Friends to find apparel (A, Ao, Ar).
1750 15 Mar. A potter of St Mary Redcliffe parish he was granted a licence to marry Pricilla Collins, a widow of the same parish, at St Mary Redcliffe (M).
1750 16 Mar. William Chatterton married Pricilla Collins (RPR).
1751 3 Oct. He became a free potter (F, G).
1752 Probably the ‘Thomas’ Chatterton, a victualler of St Mary Redcliffe parish, for whom Richard Frank stood a surety of £5 to keep an alehouse (AKL).  In the same year a William Chatterton was landlord of the Blue Bell alehouse in St Mary Redcliffe parish (McGrath & Williams 1979, 6).
1753 22 Jan. Probably the William Chatterton who, with Thomas Patience, was to appear at the next General Sessions to answer for an assault on William and Sarah Lewis (T).
1754 Potter, St Mary Redcliffe parish (P).
1756 2 Nov. He stood surety of £10 for the appearance of Joseph Williams at the next Quarter Sessions (T).
1762-73 He stood sureties of £5 each for eight victuallers to keep alehouses in Castle Precincts, Redcliffe, Temple and St Nicholas parishes (AKL).
1770 10 Nov. A potter of St Mary Redcliffe parish, he was bondsman to a licence granted to Charles Camell, yeoman (M).
1774 Potter, St Mary Redcliffe parish (P).
Rate book entries:
29 Sep 1755-29 Sep 1760 William Chatterton, Pile Street and Redcliff Hill (SMR-Wa)
29 Sep 1760 Trapnell/late Chatterton Redcliffe Pit and Street (SMR-Wa)
Elizabeth, bapt 10 Oct 1762 (RPR), Mary, bapt 28 Oct 1765 (RPR)


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