Posted on: October 7th, 2016 by webfooted

Born c1813 not in county (41C).

1837 1 Oct. Unity Street, St Philip’s parish (PPR).
1841 28 Feb. Unity Street, St Philip’s parish (PPR).
1841 Unity Street, St Philip’s parish (28), living with his wife Matilda (27), and children (41C).
1851 His wife was a widow (51C).
1863 10 May.  Noted as a potter on the marriage of his daughter Charlotte (24) of Unity Street to Robert William Rubery, mariner (PPR).
1865 16 Jul. Noted as a potter on the marriage of his son James, a mariner, of Catherine Street to Elizabeth Long (HTPR).
1867 27 Jun. Noted as a potter on the marriage of his son Edwin, a seaman in H.M. service, of Trinity District, to Celia Bull (HTPR).
William, born c1833 in Bristol (41C), Eliza, born c1835 in Bristol (41C), Charlotte (aged 3 wks), bapt 1 Oct 1837 (PPR), James (aged 6 wks), bapt 28 Feb 1841 (PPR), Edwin, married 27 Jun 1867 (HTPR)


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