Posted on: October 4th, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries List section for the Brislington Pottery.

He succeeded his mother Alice Bennett at the Brislington Pottery.

1669-71 Robert Bennett II ran the Brislington Pottery.

He was succeeded at the Pottery by his widow, Sarah Bennett I.


The son of Robert Bennett I.  His widow, Sarah, married Robert Wastfield.

1658 20 Dec. He was a beneficiary named in his father’s will (see Robert Bennett I) (PRO Prob. 11/296).
1667 14 Feb. An indenture between Rowland Lacy, heir of Sir John Lacy, and Ezekiel Langton conveying the manor of Brislington, Brislington Farm and cottages, includes details of several fee farm rents charged on various premises one of which was occupied by Robert Bennett as tenant.
1668 26 Sep. He was the main beneficiary in his mother’s will (see Alice Huntington). It is assumed that her estate included the Brislington Pottery, as in her will she refers to her employees, one of whom is known to have been a potter (PRO Prob. 11/328).
1669 10 May. A gallypotmaker of Brislington he was granted a licence to marry Sarah Cole of Temple parish, at St Thomas’ church (M).
1669 9 Jun. Robert Bennett, Gallipotmaker, was admitted into the liberties of this Citty for that hee married Sarah the daughter of James Cole, and hath taken the oath of allegiance and paid 4s 6d (F).
1670 5 Mar. A lease between George Combe of Burnett, Somerset, yeoman, and Robert Bennett of Brislington, gallypotmaker, of:
All those his Two acres of Meadow or pasture ground (be it more or lesse) lyinge in the Northfield in and amongst severall pcells of Lands of Inheritance belonging to the Church of Compton Dando And Two acres of arable land lyinge in Sandyfield shootinge against Week path  All which premises are lyinge within the Parish of Compton Dando in the said County and now in the tenure of the said George Combe or of his assignes … (SRO DD/BR/U 7).
1671 2 Jun. A sale by Elizabeth and William Shelton, her son, to Robert Bennett of the ‘Royal Oake’, the Moore and a withy bed and other lands at Brislington.  The Sheltons were kinsmen of the Bissickes and had inherited the land from them.
This appears to be the same land referred to in a deed dated 12 June 1702 (see under Robert Bennett I for full details).
1671 14 Jun. Will:
UPPON WENSDAY THE FFOURTEENTH day of June in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and One I Robert Bennett of the Parish of Brislington in the County of Somersett Gally pot maker being in good and perfect memory doe declare this my Last Will and Testament in forme following (That is to say) I do give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Bennett the two grounds I lately purchased called the Moores to take it when she comes to be ffifteene yeares old And if my said Daughter happen to die then I give the said grounds to my wife Sarah Bennett – All the rest of my estate whatsoever I give unto my wife Sarah – whom I make sole Executrix
Robt. Bennet his mke. Wtnes Robt Wastfield Mary Coles
Probate was granted to his widow, Sarah, on 13 July 1671 (PRO Prob. 11/336).
1672 9 Jul. His widow, Sarah, married Robert Wastfield (QR).


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