St Philip’s Pottery 9

Posted on: August 9th, 2016 by webfooted

(known as the Avon Cottage Pottery)
Albert Road, St Philip’s Marsh, St Philip and Jacob parish.

Summary of operating dates and proprietors

c1850-1872 William Rich I.
1872-1876 John Rich.
1876-1879 John Rich and Boon (possibly John Boon, an ironmonger).
1880-1883 Mrs Rich.

The pottery closed.

William Rich was first recorded in the directories as a drain pipe and fire brick maker in 1850, although he could have been operating the pottery at an earlier date.  In the 1841 and 1851 censuses his occupation was given as ‘brick maker’, while the 1861 census showed him as a pipe maker, employing 7 men and 2 boys, and the 1871 census as a drain pipe manufacturer.

William Rich died in June 1872 and the pottery was taken over by his grandson, John.  From 1876 to 1879 the firm traded as John Rich and Boon.  The ‘Boon’ in this partnership was probably John Boon, an ironmonger, who was one of the executor’s of William Rich’s will.

The pottery was advertised for sale in July 1878 when it was described as ‘Avon Cottage Pottery, St Philip’s Marsh, Bristol. Messrs Tricks, Sons & Co. are instructed by the trustees of the late Mr W.P. Rich to sell by auction, on the premises … the whole of the machinery, plant, and stock-in-trade of a drain pipe and fire brick pottery; and comprising 10 horse power engine, egg-end boiler, runners, pug mill, pipe machine, moulds of all descriptions, tiles, fire bricks, burrs, drain pipes, ejects, junctions, chimney pots and the usual materials used in the above mentioned business. Also a useful horse and tip cart’.

The directories show that from 1880 to 1883 the pottery was being run by Mrs Rich, possibly Ann, the wife of John Rich.  Meanwhile John Rich was shown in the 1881 census as a ‘drain pipe maker, unemployed’.

The pottery closed in 1883 or 1884 and was probably the pottery advertised in April 1884: ‘To manufacturers of drain pipes, pottery and terra-cotta goods. To be let or sold, 11 acres of first class clay, with two kilns, sheds and cottage thereon, together with plant and machinery for brick, tile and pipe working. Moderate and convenient terms to responsible party’.

Wares produced

Stoneware drain pipes, fire bricks and chimney pots.

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