Posted on: October 30th, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries List section for the Baptist Mills Pottery.

For further details, see Joseph Augustus White.


Born c1828 in St Philip’s parish, the son of James White I, and the father of George A. White (41C, 61C, 71C).

1841 Millpond Street, St Philip’s parish (12), living with his parents (41C).
1851 Clerk, 3 Jubilee Place, St Barnabus parish (23), living with his wife Ann (20), born in Henbury, Gloucestershire, and son George (4 mths), born in St James’s parish, and Jane Cotterill (23), servant (51C).
1852 Potter, Baptist Mills, St Philip’s parish (P).
1859 Frome Villa, Lower Ashley Road (HD).
1861-69 J. & J. White, Baptist Mills, Egyptian black and Rockingham tea pot, stone jug and earthenware manufactory (MD).
1861 White Bros, Phoenix Pottery, Millpond Street, Baptist Mills, refined tobacco pipe and terra cotta manufacturers (KD).
James and Joseph Augustus White, Millpond Street, Baptist Mills, potters (KD).
1861 11 May. ‘To merchants, tobacconists, grocers, etc. White Brothers (late Reynolds), manufacturers of the purified clay tobacco pipes, both common and fancy, in great variety; plain, meerschaum washed, white enamelled, and stained amber washed pipes. Packed in boxes of 1 gross and upwards, for home trade or shipment. Phoenix Pottery, Bristol. The original manufactory of the purified clay pipes. Also manufacturers of terra cotta ware: vases, brackets, flower pots, and ornaments for greenhouses and conservatories, of chaste designs and varieties’ (Bristol Mercury).
1861 Potter, Frome Villa, St Philip’s parish (33), living with his wife Ann (30) born in Redwick, Gloucestershire and daughter Fanny (8) born in Bristol (61C).
1866 23 Nov. James White, the younger, potter, died at Frome Villa, Ashley Road. His will was proved on 22 Feb 1867 on the oath of William Harris, a farmer of Henbury, Gloucestershire, one of the executors. Personal effects were valued at under £2,000 (BRO 01789(11); PRO National Probate Calendar (Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966). (Although James White II was apparently still listed in the Directories as working with his brother until 1869).
1871 His wife was a widow (71C).
1890 23 Jan. The sale by Mrs Ann White, of Frome Villa, Lower Ashley Road, the widow of James White II, and her children, George Augustus White and Fanny Sophia White (now Moxley), for £4,600 to the Mayor and Aldermen of Bristol: All that mill used as a grist mill and afterwards by the Bristol Brass and Copper Company for many years past known as the Baptist Mills and the yard and buildings thereto belonging; Land adjoining the public road and millstream; Building with yard, furnace, pottery and 4 cottages and gardens adjoining; 2 water wheels, the first motions of the machinery and the 3 glaze mills belonging to the said mill and pottery, also the smiths shop and outbuildings adjoining; The weir across the River Frome; The bed of the mill stream from the weir to the said mill and the strip of land on the north side of the mill stream as marked by the boundary stones inscribed BBC; A small piece of land eastwards of the weir and on the north of the Frome; The other strips of land called the mill tails and their banks extending from the mill to Lower Ashley Road and from there to the River Frome (BRO 01789(11)).

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