Posted on: October 30th, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries List section for the Brislington Pottery.

1672-77 He appears to have operated the Pottery with his wife Sarah (she was Sarah Bennett I, the widow of Robert Bennett II).

Sarah Bennett I/Sarah Wastfield operated the Pottery alone after Robert Wastfield’s death.  See Sarah Wastfield.

1625 20 Feb. Possibly the Robert the child of [illegible] Wastfield who was baptised (BrisPR).

Nothing is known of Robert Wastfield’s early life.  Underdown (1973, 186 and 1985, 251) notes that during the Civil War Robert Wastfield of Brislington had been a Commonwealth soldier and that he had become a sequestration officer whose duties involved the seizing of property belonging to Royalists.

Wastfield was a prominent member of the Society of Friends (commonly called Quakers) and took an active part in their affairs with Meetings being held at his house.

1654 Sep. Soon after came Edward Burrough and Francis Howgil to Miles Halhead and Jo. Scaife, who had Meetings at the said … Robert Wastfields at Brislington.
Some of the first that received the Truth, and the Messengers thereof, were the said … Rob Wastfield of Brislington. (SRO DD/SFR 10/2(39)).
1655 Sep. Robert Wastfield burst into Keynesham church, told the minister to stop seducing the people, and urged the congregation to abandon their false worship (Underdown 1973, 186).
1656 Quaker Meetings were held at Wastfield’s house in Brislington (Mortimer 1971, 220).
1658 Robert Wastfield of Brislington issued a pamphlet entitled A True Testimony of Faithful Witness Recorded in which he described three large Meetings which had been held in 1657 in an orchard owned by Thomas Budd in the village of Ash, near Martock in Somerset.  The first was interrupted by James Stevenson, a priest of Martock, and others.  On 7 April the Meeting was broken up by five men who called themselves Minesters accompanied by many wild and brutish people, with Cudgild, long staves, Pikeforks, and such like weapons.  After a complaint had been made that the Quakers were causing a riotous assembly, on 23 April Captain George Raymond seized Thomas Budd and a Thomas Salthouse, a Ministering Friend from Lancashire, the latter being committed to the General Sessions as a dangerous idle wandering person. (SRO DD/SFR 8/2; Morland 1978, 3-4; Underdown 1973, 188).

Arising from the incident at Ash, on 16 July 1657 a document was signed by a number of Quakers, including Robert Wastfield, which stated: We whose names are subscribed were present at Taunton Sessions when these persons before named (Thomas Hobbs, Thomas Lossome, Christopher Baron – fined £5 each) were brought before the bench; and stated all the time of their trial until they were had away and do bare witness that they nor any one of them there speke any one word tending to the denial of the Magistry lawes and Governmt of this Commonwealth neither were there any such things proved against any one of them so that deserved it very false and unrighteous. (SRO DD/SFR 8/2).

1659 27 Jun. The advice and proposals of severall friends mett together att Glaston [Glastonbury] the 27 of the 4th Moneth [June] 1659 whose names are hereunto subscribed.  One of the Friends who signed the document was Robert Wastfield (SRO DD/SFR 10/2).
1659 25 Jul. Further proposals made at Glastonbury include Robert Wastfield’s name (SRO DD/SFR 10/2).
1661 5 Oct. A copy of a letter survives which Robert Wastfield wrote to fellow Quakers when he was apparently visiting Southampton (SRO DD/SFR 8/2).
1667 23 Jul. During a Quaker Meeting at Hallatrow near Midsomer Norton, Robert Wastfield was requested to look into the condition of one Mary Canings (WRO 1669/19).
1668 31 Jul. Att a generall meeting of the Friends of truth, from the severall meetings in Somersetshire held at Ilchester 31.5[July].1668.  Upon ye account of ye poor and other affaires of the Church with the names of such Friends as are judged meete to keep the mens meetings. Robert Wastfield’s name was included for Brislington and Keynsham (SRO DD/SFR 10/2).
1668 26 Sep. A Robert Wasfill was overseer of Alice Huntington’s will (PRO Prob. 11/328).
1668 24 Nov. During a Meeting of Quakers at Chew, The condition of John Elmes wife being proposed to friends, it was referred to Richard Wilkins, Robert Wastfield, James Pearce and Thomas Goodhinde to enquire into the business, and to acquainte friends therewith the next meeting (SRO DD/SFR n.1).
1669 18 Mar. It is agreed that two or more friends be appointed in each monthly meeting to record such things as may be needful to there be recorded, & that one or more of these persons be present at every quarterly meeting to informe friends of such matters as may be referd to that meeting.
Robert Wastfield was one of six Friends nominated and appointed for Brislington, Keynsham &c monethly meeting on that side of the County.
(Morland 1978, 79-80).
1669 23 Dec. Robert Wastfield was present at the Quarterly Meeting at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 85).
1670 7 Jan. Memorandum.  That ye severall persons whose names are underwritten being above the age of sixteene yeares and number of five.  Have beene lawfully [illegible] before us uppon oaths of two credible witnesses, for being att an unlawfull meeting or conventicler in Brislington in this county, upon Sunday being ye seaventh day of August last past, contrary to ye Act of Parliament … which sayd unlawfull meeting or conventicler was held in one End or part of a Barne belonging unto Robert Wastfield of ye prsh of Brislington aforesaid.  And according to ye Directions of ye sayd Act, wee have issued out Warrants to the Respective officers of ye severall pishes wherein they live to leavy the severall ffine & ffines Imposed on them by ye sayd Act of Parliament Notwithstanding with Warrants, the sayd officers have nott leavyed any of ye sayd ffines, Butt pretende, that Severall & most of them Keepeth their Doores ffast that they cannot come into their houses, And that they cannot find Any Goods or Chattles, that belongeth to any of the sayd psons whereby to Leavy the same; wee therefore Referred ye sayd officers & others ye sayd psons to be dealt with all as ye Judious Consideration of ye Bench shall thinke fitt; Given under our Hands & seales this 7th day of January 1670.
A total of 49 names are appended including that of Robert Wastfield in whose barn the Meeting had been held (SRO QS/1/126/2(11)).
1670 26 Apr. Robert Wastfield was present at a Meeting at Burrington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1670 31 May.  Robert Wastfield was present at a Meeting at Chew (SRO DD/SFR n.1).
1670 19 Jun. An unlawful assembly of about 30 Friends took place in Keynsham under the pretence of the exercise of religion in other manner than according to the liturgy of the Church of England.  Those assembled included Robert Wastfield who was fined 10 shillings.  They refused to pay their fines and appeared before the Quarter Sessions on the following day (SRO QS/1/126/2(9)).
1670 23 Jun. Robert Wastfield was present at a General Council Meeting in Ilchester (Morland 1978, 88).
1670 31 Jul. Another unlawful Meeting or ‘conventicle’ was held in a house in Keynsham belonging to Thomas Doggett.  Those assembled included Robert Wastfield.  They were all fined and those refusing to pay the fines appeared before the Quarter Sessions on 9 January 1671 (SRO QS/1/126/2(16)).
1670 9 Oct. A further illegal Meeting was held in Thomas Doggett’s house.  Again Wastfield was present and again those refusing to pay the fines appeared before the Quarter Sessions on 9 January 1671 (SRO QS/1/126/2(17)).
1671 31 Jan. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Saltford (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1671 24 Feb. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Brislington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1671 30 May. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held in Burrington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1671 31 Oct. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Butcombe (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1671 21 Dec. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held in Ilchester (Morland 1978, 94).
1672 30 Jan. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Brislington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1672 5 Feb. Under the will of his father, Henry Wastfield of Brislington, yeoman, Wastfield was to receive the summe of ffive shillings lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within one yeare after my decease.  Robert Wastfield’s daughter, Jane, was to receive the summe of ffive shillings lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within Twelve months after my decease. (PRO Prob. 11/338)
1672 27 Feb. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Saltford (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1672 30 Apr. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Brislington.  The same day the Intention of Marriage was published between Robert Wastfield and Sarah Bennett, both of Brislington, and approved (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1672 9 Jul. Described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington, he married Sarah Bennett, also of Brislington (QR).  Sarah was the widow of Robert Bennett II.
1673 27 Aug. The birth was recorded of Elizabeth, the daughter of Robert and Sarah Wastfield of Brislington (Society of Friends, Digest of Births).
1673 25 Sep. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 102).
1674 19 Mar. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 104).
1674 26 May. The next meeting is appointed to be at Brislington at Robert Wastfields house (WRO 1699/19).
1674 18 Jun. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 105).
1674 30 Jul. A Meeting was held at Wastfield’s house.  It was recorded that whereas the sum of £5 was formerly lent out of the public stock to Elinor Houlder of Bishport, for which Bill was given to Robert Wastfield which said bill is in the possession of Robert Wastfield … (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1674 26 Aug. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Frome (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1674 24 Sep. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Ilchester (Morland 1978, 107).
1674 30 Oct. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Hallatrow (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1674 27 Nov. Wastfield was mentioned during a Meeting held at Butcombe (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1674 24 Dec. Wastfield was present at a Quarterly Meeting held at Glastonbury (Morland 1978, 107).
1675 30 Jan. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Chew (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1675 21 Feb. The birth was recorded of Samuel, the son of Robert and Sarah Wastfield of Brislington (Society of Friends, Digest of Births).
1675 26 Feb. Wastfield was mentioned as being requested to take care of John Humphries during a Meeting held at Saltford (WRO 1699/19).
1675 30 Apr. Reference was made to Wastfield during a Meeting held at Burrington (WRO 1699/19).
1675 28 May. Wastfield was present during a Meeting held at Brislington (SRO DD/SFR n.1; WRO 1699/19).
1675 30 Jul. During a Meeting held at Pensford, Robert Wastfield and others were requested to attend the Bristol Meeting to hear the circumstances concerning a marriage (SRO DD/SFR n.1).
1675 27 Aug. Wastfield was present at a Meeting held at Backwell (WRO 1699/19).
1676 19 Feb. He was described as a gallypotmaker when, with his wife Sarah, he took Edward Bye as apprentice (A).

It is possible that towards the end of his life Wastfield’s interest in the Society of Friends declined.  It was stated that Robert Wastfield of Brislington … was serviceable in the beginning, but declined pretty much for want of faithfulness in his latter days (SRO DD/SFR 10/2(39)).

1677 10 Jul. Will:
I Robert Wastfield of the Parish of Brislington in the Countie of Somerset Gallypot-maker being weak of Bodie, but sound and perfect memorie, doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following: First I give unto my daughter Jane nowe the wife of Edward Knee of the Cittie of Bristoll Skymmer the summe of threescore and tenn Pounds of lawfull English money to be payd by my Executrix hereinafter named at the End of thirteene yeares after my decease, if my said Daughter Jane or any Child of her Bodie be then living else this Legacie to be void.  Nevertheless on this Condition, that if shee or any Child as aforesaid live until this Legacie become due, that the said Edward Knee or his wife on Receipt of this my Guift of seaventie pounds seale and deliver unto my Executrix hereinafter named a generall Release and Acquitance in due forme of Lawe of all Claymes and demands whatsoever, which if they or either of them refuse to doe, then my will is, that this said legacie of Seaventie Pounds be utterly void to all intents and purposes, as if noe mention had ever beene made thereof in this my Will, And in such case I give unto my said Daughter the summe of five shillings onely to be payd by my Executrix in thirteene yeares as aforesaid And as to all my Land of Inheritance in the Parish of Portbury Prior and Countie of Somerset my will is that it stand & remain according to a Deed of Settlement and Uses thereof made in Trust to Dennys Hillister Richard Aldworth and Richard Milkins bearing date the thirtieth day of March in the yeare One thousand six hundred and seaventie and two, And as touching my three Closes of Pasture Ground called Broadlands conteyning by Estimation six Acres and two parcells of arable-land lying in two common Fields called Flowers hill and West-field conteyning by Estimation one Acre and an halfe, All which Closes of Pasture and parcells of arable land are scituate and being in Brislington aforesaid, and was by mee lately purchased in Fee of and from Aaron Ithell of Chew Magna in the said Countie of Somerset, I give and bequeath the same three Closes of pasture-Ground and two parcells arable Land with all Commons profits and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto my Daughter Elizabeth Wastfield and to the heires of her bodie to be begotten, and for want of such issue to my Sonn Robert Wastfield and the heires of his bodie to be begotten and for want of such issue to my wife Sarah and her heires and assignes forever; And my will is, that my wife Sarah receave take and enjoy to her owne proper use the Rents issues and profits of the said three Closes and two Closes of arable Lands with the appurtenances until my said Daughter Elizabeth Wastfield attaine the age of fifteene yeares and noe longer, Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Elizabeth the summe of One hundred Pounds of lawfull money of England to be payd unto her by my Executrix when my said daughter shall attaine to the age of twentie and one yeares, Alsoe I give unto my said Daughter Elizabeth my great Silver Tankard and halfe a Dozen of Silver Spoones marked R.W.  I alsoe give and bequeath unto my Sonn Robert Wastfield the summe of tenn Pounds per Annu. of lawfull money of England to be payd by my Executrix herein after named on the Conditions following (that is to say) If my said Executrix shall not claime demand receive or take anything for his maintenance and education during all the tyme of his Minoritie until hee come of age, Then my will is yt. hee shall not have receave or take any part of this tenn Pounds a yeare until hee attaine to the full age of One and twentie yeares.  Neither shall my Executrix be at all accomptable therefore, or Chargeable therewith for the tyme past, but when he shall attaine to the said age, that from that tyme my said Executrix pay unto my said Sonn soe long as hee and shee shall both live the said sum of tenn Pounds yearly and every yeare without fraud, to the end and he may have something for a maintenance until his Estate fall into his hands; Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my said Sonn Robert my lesser Silver Tankard and my silver watch; I give to my daughter in Lawe Sarah Bennet one Peece of Gold to the Value of twentie Shillings; and as for all my Goods Chatells Credits Wares Tenaments houses and all the rest of my Estate not before given and bequeathed (my Debts and legacies being payd) I give and bequeath to my wife Sarah the Daughter of James Cole of the Cittie of Bristoll Clothworker if she continue sole and unmarried, whom I make constitute and appoint sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament.  Upon this speciall Trust and Confidence, that shee will not onely provide Maintenance and education out of the Rents issues and profits thereof, but alsoe largely augment the portions of my said Will and meaning, that if my wife Sarah happen to marrie after my decease at any time, That then in such case of marriage, shee pay unto my Daughter Elizabeth the full summe of One hundred Pounds of lawfull money of England at such her day of marriage, besides and over the above what is before given to my said Daughter Elizabeth by this my Will.  And alsoe give upp and deliver unto my said Daughter Elizabeth the full third Part (the whole into three Parts to be divided) of all my household stuff in what Place soever it doe then remaine: And I do hereby make utterly void all former other Wills at any time by mee made …
Signed by Robert Wastfield in the presence of Edward Bye, Edward Ward, Abraham Griefeth and Andrew Innys.
The will was proved on 19 December 1677 at London (PRO Prob. 11/355).
1677 – Oct. Death of Robert Wastfield, resident of Brislington (Society of Friends, Burial Index).
1678 10 Sep. His wife Sarah made her will.
1678 19 Sep. Death of Sarah Wastfield of Brislington (Society of Friends, Burial Index).
1686 1 Feb. Wastfield’s step-daughter, Sarah Bennett, married Thomas Dickson (QR).
Tax and rate book entries:
Property 1 (Temple parish):
1673) Re’d of Mr. Washfield for 3 yrs Rent
(1674-82) Re’d of Mr. Washfield for rent
(1683 Re’d of Mr James Coale for Mr. Washfield
1686 Thomas Dixon (and James Coale) for ye potters house
1688-1709 Thomas Dickson was paying rent on Wastfield’s house
(The entry for 1691 notes that Wastfield was deceased).
(all Temple-Ch)Property 2 (Temple parish):
1675-1685 Mr. Wastfield for a house
1694-1699 Thomas Dickson was paying rent on Wastfield’s house.
(all Temple Af 1(1-5))


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