Posted on: October 19th, 2016 by webfooted

Born in 1821 in Temple parish, the son of George Richmond, brother of William Richmond, and son-in-law of George Seaman (RPR, 41C, JBPR).

1821 30 Dec. Baptised, the son of George and Sarah Richmond (RPR).
1841 Temple Backs, Temple parish (20), living with his father William Richmond ‘of independent means’ (41C).
1845 13 Jan.  Wellington Street, the son of George Richmond, a potter, married Caroline Seaman of Wellington Street, the daughter of Benjamin Seaman, a potter (JBPR).
1851 Potter, Freelane Cottage, Stapleton (29), living with his wife Caroline (29), born in Bristol (51C).
1861 Potter, Church Lane, Poplar, London (39), living with his wife Caroline (39) (61C).
1871 Potter, 58 Stebendale Street, Poplar (49), living with his wife Caroline (49) (71C).
1881 Potter, Highfield Road, Church Gresley, Derbyshire (59), living with his wife Caroline (59) (81C).


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