PRICE Samuel Newell

Posted on: October 19th, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries List section for the St Thomas Pottery 2.

1864-77 Samuel Newell Price in partnership with Joseph Read Price and his brothers Charles Price II and Alfred Newell Price, trading as Joseph & Charles Price & Brothers.
1877-82 Samuel Newell Price was in partnership with Joseph Read Price and his brother Alfred Newell Price, trading as Joseph & Charles Price & Brothers. 
1882-c1901 Samuel Newell Price was in partnership with his brother Alfred Newell Price and his nephew, Arthur Newell Price.


Born c1833 in Bristol, the son of Charles Price II and brother of Alfred Newell Price and Charles Price III and the father of Arthur Newell Price (41C, 61C).

1833 29 Mar. He was born, the son of Charles and Rebecca price. He was baptised on 5 May 1835 (PRO RG4/0388 Bridge Street Chapel (Congregational), 1714-1837).
1858 Married Mary Elizabeth Bliss (information from the Price family).
1861 Stoneware potter, 19 Somerset Square, St James and St Paul parish (26), living with his wife Mary E. (30), born in London, and son Arthur Newell (1), and servants Elizabeth Water (24) and Elizabeth Bird (17) (61C).
1871 Stoneware manufacturer, 2 Cotham Grove, Westbury-on-Trym (38), living with his wife Mary (40) and children Charles (8), Edwin (4) and Walter (2), all born in Bristol and Margaret Nette (21), general servant (71C).
1880 14 Dec. Stoneware manufacturer, 46 St Thomas Street, known by the sign of the Bunch of Grapes (BRO St Thomas deed 171).
1881 Stoneware potter (master), employing 75 men and 20 boys, 20 Redland Park Villas, Westbury-on-Trym (48), living with his wife Mary (50) and children including George (9) and Alice (5), both born in Bristol, and Lydia Davis (26), nursery governess, Emily Billett (23) cook and Cary Norman (18), housemaid (81C).
1883 29 Dec. ‘Clay modelling. Messrs Price, Sons, and Company, of the Old Stoneware Potteries, have set apart a room in their manufactory for the use of lady amateurs desiring to experiment with clay, Full particularsoin application to 89 Victoria Street’ (Bristol Mercury).
1884-1906 Price, Sons and Company, manufacturers of stoneware, 39-44 Thomas Street, offices 69 Victoria Street (WD).
1884 14 Jan. ‘For sale, manufacturing premises Thomas Street. Yard, warehouses, dwelling-house, area 5,000 feet. Immediate possession. Potteries, 69 Victoria Street’ (Western Daily Press).
1884 2 Aug. ‘Between one and two o’clock yesterday afternoon an alarm of fire was raised at the premises of Messrs Price, Sons and Co’s pottery works, Thomas Street. The fire brigade were promptly on the spot, and it was found the flooring in the drying room was on fire, but it was extinguished very quickly. It is supposed that the fire originated through the overheating of the kiln. Very little damage was done, and from an advertisement in another column it will be seen that it will in no way interfere with the carrying on of business. The loss is covered by a policy in the General Life and Fire Insurance Office’ (Bristol Mercury).
1884 9 Sep. Industrial and Fine Arts Exhibition: ‘Price, Sons, and Co., Old Stoneware Potteries, Victoria Street. Pottery is another industrial art which Bristol has for centuries made its own, and it has always given employment to large numbers of skilled workpeople. The old stoneware of Bristol manufacture has been known far and wide, and Messrs Price, Sons, and Co. are one of the oldest of the existing firms, they having absorbed two or three of the oldest potteries in the city, and the family of the present firm have been connected with the pottery for nearly a century. The improved Bristol stoneware illustrated by their exhibits at Stand 45, and noticeable for the beautiful glazing of the surface – specially excelling in this respect the production of other towns – is a Bristol speciality; and even when initiated elsewhere it is always known as ‘Bristol ware’. The improvement consists in its being so highly glazed and vitrified that it has all the advantages of the smooth surface of glass incorporated with the strong body of stoneware. This quality specially commends it to the large firms who now produce immense quantities of jams and preserves.  These producers are substituting this stoneware for glass, the brittleness of which gives rise to a danger already often incurred by the consumer, who is unable to detect in jam or preserves the presence of a bit of glass. This ware, moreover, is in no way affected by acid in the fruit. Messrs Price, although one of the oldest firms in our city, seem at the same time to prove themselves not the least enterprising. We notice two new, important, and evidently successful branches added to their original business. We refer to their electrical department, in which they exhibit insulators, accumulators, battery jars, porous cells, etc., which have already been largely adopted by electrical engineers. Prominent on their stand also, are articles in what might be well termed the art department, in which they show some really beautiful specimens of plain and figured, glazed and unglazed vases; the latter being in great demand just now by the ladies for painting. The shapes and designs are specially good, and the floral adornment in wreaths, sprays, clusters and single flowers is light and graceful in extreme. The filters, for which during the past 40 years they have been noted, are also a feature of Messrs Price, Sons, and Co’s exhibits’ (Bristol Mercury).
1885 26 Feb. Exhibition of Womens’ Industries: included vases sent by Messrs Price Brothers from their pottery, showing floral embellishments, all the work of women (Bristol Mercury).
1886 3 Jun. ‘Bath and West of England Society Show. Messrs Price, Sons & Co., Victoria Street, are well represented by a stand of pottery of a variety of descriptions, some of which are marked by great taste in design. The assorted samples of Redclyffe ware, perfectly vitrified and suitable for painting, decorated and undecorated, deserve favourable notice. Ware for many uses, including electrical battery jars, porous cells, and insulators for electric purposes, are also shown’ (Western Daily Press).
1891 Living on own means, 5 Trelawney Road, Westbury-on-Trym (58), living with his wife Mary (60) and children, and Sarah Baldwin (25) cook and general servant and Emma Slaughter (15) housemaid (91C).
1891 10 Apr. In the Rival from Teignmouth, 125 tons pipe clay, for Price & Son (Western Daily Press).
1891 5 Nov. ‘Wanted, Staffordshire crates, in good condition. Apply Price & Co., Potteries, St Thomas Street’ (Western Daily Press).
1901 Retired stoneware potter, 57 Cotham Road, Westbury-on-Trym (68), living with his wife Mary (70), daughter Alice and Sarah Burt (69), sick nurse (01C).
1909 1 Mar. He died at 13 Cotham Grove. Probate of his will was granted to Arthur N. Price and Nathaniel Joseph Smith. Effects valued at £4,966.5s.7d (Ancestry website).



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