Posted on: October 17th, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries List section for the St Philip’s Pottery 8.

1821-25 John Oland ran the St Philip’s Pottery 8.
  He appears to have been in partnership with a man called Boddington before their bankruptcy in 1825. It is possible that Boddington had provided capital in order for Oland to avoid earlier bankruptcy in 1823.

The Pottery was advertised for sale in 1825 and does not appear to have operated after that date.


1799 24 Mar. Possibly the John and Grace Oland who had their son John baptised (PPR).
1821-23 John Oland, St Philip’s Marsh, residence 12 Lodge Street, brown stone potter (MD).
1822-24 J. Oland exported earthenware and stoneware to Quebec and Jamaica (PB-EXP).
1823 4 Jan. Sat Dec 23 J. Oland of Bristol, potter, to surrender Jan 8, 9, Feb 8, at the Rummer Tavern, Bristol; Attorney Holme & Company, London (FFJ).
1823 4 Jan. Bankrupts, from Saturday’s Gazette … John Oland, potter, Jan 8, 9, Feb 8, at Bristol, Attorney Mr Greville, Bristol (Staffordshire Advertiser – information from Rodney Hampson).
1823 17 Feb. A reference to J. Oland, Bristol, potter (Bristol Mercury).
1824 John Oland, 2 Langton Terrace, stone ware manufacturer (MD).
1825-26 John Oland, St Philip’s Marsh, brown stone potter (MD).
1825 20 May. Possibly the pottery advertised ‘To be let, with immediate possession, a stoneware pottery, adjoining the Floating Harbour. Inquire at the office of the Bristol Mirror’ (Bristol Mercury).
1825 30 May. Meeting of the Bankrupts Commissioners on 31 May at the Rummer Tavern to deal with the of Boddington and Oland, St Philip’s parish, potters (Bristol Mercury).
1825 4 Jun. Possibly the pottery advertised ‘To be disposed of, a lucrative and established stoneware pottery business, in full work, capable of great extension; together with the stock in trade, implements, etc. A person about £700 will find this a most elligible investment’ (Bristol Mercury).
1825 4 Sep. For auction ‘Lot 1 A valuable stoneware pottery, with yard, 2 kilns, drying rooms, ware rooms, and other suitable and convenient outbuildings; together with a newly erected, substantial and roomy dwelling-house, adjoining thereto, with a large garden attached, now and for some time past in the occupation of Mr John Oland, as yearly tenant. These premises have a frontage of 206 feet and are in depth on the northward part 64 feet, and on southward 60 feet; the late proprietor has expended within the last few years the sum of £1500 in the various above-mentioned erections. NB The purchaser of this lot may be accommodated with the fixtures and stock of clay, now on the premises a fair valuation, by which the pottery may be set to work at a small expense’ (Bristol Mercury).
1825 31 Oct. A dividend declared on the bankruptcy of Boddington and Oland, potters (Bristol Mercury).
1825 3 Dec. It was possibly the stoneware pottery that was advertised to be let or sold: ‘A stoneware pottery, with a dwelling house attached, newly built and in a state for immediate work, eligibly situated near the head of the Floating Harbour and Feeder’ (Bristol Mercury).
1831 1 Nov. He may have been the John Oland of Bristol, gentleman, who made his will which was proved 28 Apr 1831 (PRO PROB 11/1784).


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