Posted on: October 16th, 2016 by webfooted

The father of Magnus Lundberg II.

1741 Probaby the Magnus Lundberg who was employed as a delftware painter at the Rörstrand Pottery in Sweden, and who appears to have left Röstrand between 1741 and 1745 (Charleston 1963, 228).
1746 18 Oct. He was living in St Nicholas parish, Bristol, with Mary when their son, Magnus II, was baptised (NPR).
1746 30 Nov. The marriage of ‘Magnus Lundberg and Mary Smith pr. Banns’ (St Augustine’s PR).  On 22 Dec 1745, a John Leaker married Elizabeth Smith (St Augustine’s PR), she was the sister of Mary, Lundberg’s wife and Mary Lunberg was to be administratrix of her sister’s estate after Elizabeth’s death (see below).
1750 21, 28 Apr. and 5, 12 May. ‘To be sold at Magnus Lundberg, and Comp’s Warehouse, near the Corn-Market, behind Queen’s Square, Variety of all sorts of Blue and White Earthen Ware, Stone Ware, North Country Ware, etc. where Merchants for Exportation, Country Dealers for Inland Demands, and Housekeepers for private use, may be supplied on the best Terms, either Wholesale or Retail’ (BWI).
1751 5 Mar. ‘William Jefferis Esq. Queen Square. A front Tenement and Warehouse in his own possn. and a Back Tenemt. in possn. of Magnus Lundberry City Lands’ (PBk).
1757 A bowl in the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden, depicts the sailing ship ‘Magdalena Dorothea’ and is inscribed ‘1757’.  On the base is the name ‘Magnus Lundberg’.
1758 A Magnus Lundberg appears as a juror in the Bristol Quarter Sessions records (Q).
1760 A ‘Magnus Lundburg’ had an account with John Wedgwood of Burslem, Stafforshire, for the purchase of pottery between September 1760 and November 1763 (Charleston 1967, 44).
1763 6 Dec. A lease to Jane Hobhouse of a property in the East row of Queen Square with a ‘tenement fronting the River Avon … now in the possession of Magnus Lumberg, a potter’.  Lundberg was still noted as a tenant when the lease was transferred to Michael Miller on 8 May 1764 (BB).
1764 Lundberg again had an account with Wedgwood for the purchase of pottery between September 1764 and August 1769.  By the end of 1768, Lundberg owed Wedgwood the sum of £131.10s.0d.  A Mr Frank was connected with the purchase of this pottery and this may be Richard Frank (Charleston 1967, 44-5).
1767 23 and 30 May. An account of a Bristol Pottery written by a visitor appeared in a Swedish newspaper, the ‘Göteborgska Spionen’: ‘We also saw the Porcelain or Faience factory, in which the only Swede established here, of the name of Lundberg, a good man, has an interest, but also is in charge as a master …’ (Charleston 1963, 226).
1768 29 Oct. A potter of Bristol, he was a bondsman to the administration of the estate of Thomas Everett of Westbury-on-Trym, Gloucestershire, ropemaker, deceased (Adm.).
1769 4 Jan. ‘Elizabeth Leaker Lundurge’ buried (CPR).  A memorial inscription in St Andrew’s Churchyard, Clifton, record ‘Elizabeth Leaker Lundberry, Died Dec. 31, 1769, aged 13’ (Bigland 1791, 396).
1769 7 Jan. ‘Sunday died suddenly Miss Lundberg, only daughter of Mr Lundberg, on the Back’ (FFJ).
1770 9 Apr. The Pottery described in the newspaper report dated 1767 (see above) can now be positively identified as that owned by Richard Frank and Son on Redcliff Back, due to the following Quarter Sessions record, ‘Frank ags Jones and Roper (Jones in Goal-Sessions) inform. for earthenware.  The Information of Magnus Lundberg Foreman to Mr Richd. Franks and Son Potters …’ (Q).  See under the Redcliff Back Pottery 1 for details.
1770 18 Sep. ‘Lundberg ags Dunford (in Goal) Inform. for Dealboards.  The Information of Magnus Lundberg (Potter [crossed out in the original]) Dealmerchant and Richard Deveral and John Ball Waterman at the Ferry on Redcliff Backs.  The Informant Magnus Lundberg on his Oath Saith that within the Month past he hath lost Deals out of his Yard on Redcliff Backs in the parish of St Mary Redcliffe … to the value of Three pounds and upwards And the Informants Richard Deverell and John Ball for themselves on their oaths say that they saw the person now in Custody giving his name Patrick Dunford on Saturday Evening last take the Two Half Deal Boards now produced of the value of Eight Pence out of the said Deal Yard of the said Magnus Lundberg …’ (Q).
1770 3 Nov. Patrick Dunford was convicted of stealing deal boards from Magnus Lundberg and was sentenced to transportation for seven years (FFJ).
1771 21 Oct. His son, Magnus Lundberry, a potter of St Nicholas parish was granted a licence to marry Catherine Bourne of the same parish, at St Nicholas (M).
1771 26 Oct. ‘On Thursday was married at St Nicholas-Church, Mr —- Lunburg son of Mr Magnus Lunburg on the Back …’ (FFJ).
1780 15 Feb. ‘Magnus Lundbury’ buried (CPR).
1780 17 Feb. ‘Died. Mr Magnus Lundberry, on the Back, father of Mr Lundberry, auctioneer’ (BG, BMBJ).
1786 12 Jan. Administration of the property of Elizabeth leaker, widow, was granted to Mary Lunberry, her sister, who was the widow of Magnus Lundberg I.  Magnus Lundberry II, broker, and William James, boatbuilder, were bondmen (Adm.).
1795 2 May. ‘Tuesday died suddenly in Castle-Green, sincerely regretted by her family and friends, Mrs Mary Lundberry, widow, full of her faith and good works; she kept in mind that awful admonition of her Lord and Saviour – Watch, for ye know not what hour the Master of the House cometh’ (BMBJ).
1795 21 Jul. Lundberg’s widow, Mary, had died intestate and her son, Magnus Lunberry agreed that he would administer her estate (Adm.).
Rate and tax book entries:
Property 1:
1757 ‘Sml. Maddox now Lunburg’ Denmark Street (St Augustine’s-LS)Property 2:
25 Dec 1759-29 Sep 1771] ‘Magnus Lunberg’ Backside of the Square (St Nicholas-LS)

Property 3:
[25 Dec 1760-1764] ‘Lundberg & Co. Warehouse, etc’ Backside of the Square (St Nicholas-LS)

Property 4:
[29 Sep 1775-29 Sep 1780 Magnus Lundberry Castle Green (Castle Precincts-Wa)
29 Sep 1785-25 Dec 1794] Widow Lundberry Castle Green (Castle Precincts-Wa,LS)

Magnus II, bapt 18 Oct 1746 (NPR), John, bapt 19 Feb 1749 (NPR), died 22 Aug 1753 (CPR), Mary, bapt 4 Nov 1750 (NPR), died 26 Dec 1752 (CPR), Charles, buried 7 Feb 1759 (CPR), Elizabeth Leaker, buried 4 Jan 1769 (aged 13 years) (CPR), Michael, who married the daughter of Richard Frank, potter, in 1787 (BMBJ)
Magnus Lundberg I is mentioned in a number of publications:
Charleston, R.J. 1963. Bristol & Sweden: some delftware connexions. Transactions of the English Ceramic Circle 5.4, 222-234.
Charleston, R. 1966. Lundberg and Ljungberg – give and take in the ceramic industry in the 18th century. Opuscula in Honorem Carkl Hernmarck, National Museum, Stockholm, p.39-54.
Jackson, R. & P. 1979. Magnus Lundberg and the Redcliff Back Pottery, Bristol. Privately published.


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