Posted on: March 13th, 2018 by Reg Jackson

See the Potteries section for the Whites Hill Pottery.

There are only a few references to the Whites Hill Pottery in St George. Aaron Johnson II had arrived in St George from Staffordshire by 1861.  In 1869 he was referred to as being the employer at a Pottery at Whites Hill.  In 1871 he was described as a ‘pottery foreman’ at Whites Hill.  His children, Annie, William and Sarah, all noted as being in various branches of the pottery trade, presumably worked with him.

1869-71 Aaron Johnson II ran the Whites Hill Pottery.

Aaron Johnson died in 1878 and it is assumed that the Pottery closed around that date.


Born c1822 in Burslem, Staffordshire, the father of Annie, William and Sarah Johnson (61C).

1822 7 Apr. He was baptised, the son of William (a potter) and Sarah Johnson of Brown Hills, Burslem, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Wolstanton, Tunstall (PRO RG4/2726).
1841 Probably the Aaron Johnson, potter apprentice (15), born in the county, and living with his mother Sarah (55) and siblings, at Brown Hill, Burslem (41C).
1845 3 Jul. He married Ann Baggaley at Tunstall (Ancestry website).
1851 Warehouseman, Talk Pitts, Audley, Staffordshire (29), living with his wife Ann (31), born in Tunstall and children Ann (3) and Jemima (3 mths), both born in Tunstall (51C).
1861 Warehouseman, Mag Pie Bottom, St George (39), living with his wife Ann (40), born in Tunstall, Staffordshire, and children  Annie (14), born in Tunstall, Jemima (10), born in Talk on the Hill, Staffordshire, William, born in Whites Hill, St George, Sarah (4) and Mary (1), both born in St George (61C).
1869 21 Dec. ‘Sidney Alexander Jones was charged with stealing five dozen pudding basins, value 12s, the property of Aaron Johnson, St George’s. For about nine months … the prisoner had been in the employ of the prosecutor, who is a potter carrying on business at Whiteshill, his duty being to prepare the clay for the potters, and to take out goods and deliver them, and to take the money for them.  On the 10th inst the prosecutor packed a waggon with about five dozen pudding basins, a quantity of cups, pint basins, and tea pots … On the following day the prosecutor took the waggon to Oldland Common, and on looking into it missed the pudding basins, a number of pint cups, and tea pots … The prosecutor admitted that he owed the prisoner 11s for wages, and that he had been in the habit of allowing his workpeople to sell goods and repay themselves out of the proceeds, but he said he did not allow them to do this without his consent’. The accused was committed for trial and bailed (Western Daily Press).
1870 8 Jan. Sidney Jones was acquitted of stealing 60 pudding basins and 18 pint basins from Aaron Johnson (Western Daily Press).
1871 Pottery foreman, Whites Hill, St George (49), living with his wife Ann (51), and children, including Benjamin (8), born in St George (71C).
1878 He died in Barton Regis, aged 56 (Ancestry website).
1881 His wife was a widow, living at 27 Nags Head Hill, St George (81C).

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