Posted on: October 15th, 2016 by webfooted
1814 29 Apr. He was apprenticed to J.D. Pountney (Ao).
1824-31 Temple parish (PPR, TPR).
1850 ‘Benjamin Humphries was charged with being found sleeping under St John’s arch, he having no place of work.  In his defence, he said he was a native of Temple parish and had tried to get relief at St Peter’s Hospital but could not obtain any.  He had been apprenticed by the Tolzey many years ago to the Bristol Pottery, and worked there for some years but had since been in Spain, where he caught the ague and rheumatism, and had his health much impaired. Mr Williams: Can’t you get work at the pottery now? Prisoner: Yes, if I’ll work for boys’ wages – half price. Mr Williams: Well, is not half wages better than none? Prisoner: What would the men in the factory say to me if I did so? They would kick me out.  In reply to further questions, the accused said they refused him relief at the Hospital because they said Mr Goldney had told them that he had offered him 10s a week.  He had not done so, however, or he would gladly work for him. The magistrate directed that he should be taken up to St Peter’s Hospital, with a request that Mr Downing would investigate his case’ (Bristol Mercury).
Wife Ann
Benjamin, bapt 6 Jun 1824 (TPR), Joseph, bapt 28 Dec 1828 (PPR), William, bapt 12 Jun 1831 (PPR)

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