Posted on: October 15th, 2016 by webfooted

Born in 1827 in St James’s parish, the son of John Hodgson I and the brother of George, Joseph and  John Hodgson II (41C, 51C, 61C).

1827 11 Feb.  Baptised (JaPR).
1851 Potter pressing, 7 Commercial Road, Temple Backs, Temple parish (25), living with his parents John I and Ann Hodgson and siblings (51C).
1856 9 Mar. 3 West Street (26), the son of John Hodgson I, potter, he married Maria Bull (23) dressmaker of 3 West Street, the daughter of Thomas Bull, mariner (JaPR).
1861 7 Temple Street, Temple parish (33), living with his wife Maria (27) born in Taunton, Somerset, and child Maria (4) born in Bristol (61C).
1864 30 Jul. William Hodgson potter son of John Hodgson potter a free burgess.  Father’s copy dated 12 June 1826. Cert. of marriage 27 November 1825.  Baptism 11 Feb 1827 produced and birth proved (FM).
1871 Bird ‘farmer’?, 7 Temple Street, Temple parish (44), living with his wife Maria (37), born in Pill, Somerset, and children (71C).
1881 Bird dealer, 7 Temple Street, temple parish (54), living with his wife Maria (47) and children (81C).
1891 Potter, 3 Orange Street, St Paul’s parish (62), living with his wife Maria (58) and children (91C).
1895 2 Jun. Noted as a potter when his son Henry (27) a tailor of Cheese Lane, St Philip’s parish married Emily Francis Turner (PPR).
1901 No occupation, 38 Conduit Place, St Werbugh’s parish (73), living with his wife Maria (68) and daughter Kate (29) (01C).
1905 He died in Bristol, aged 77 (Ancestry website).
All born in Bristol: Maria, born c1857 (61C), Elizabeth, born c1863 (71C), William, born c1865 (71C), John, born c1866 (71C), Henry, born c1868 (71C), Frederick, born c1870 (71C), Kate, born c1873 (81C)


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