HAWLEY James George

Posted on: October 14th, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries section for the Redcross Street Pottery, the Stapleton Road Pottery 2 and the Temple Back Pottery 1.

Redcross Street Pottery
In 1856 there is a reference to a firm known as Ellis, Hawley & Co. working in Redcross Street. This indicates a partnership, though perhaps a brief one, between James George Hawley and John Ellis II in the Redcross Street Pottery.

Stapleton Road Pottery 2

1857-58 Morgan & Hawley ran the Stapleton Road Pottery 2.

James George Hawley seems to have had a brief partnership with someone called ‘Morgan’ in the Stapleton Road Pottery 2. The identity of the Morgan in this partnership is unknown. The only likely candidate amongst known potters is John Morgan I.  The Pottery was then run by Mayer & Company.

Temple Back Pottery 1
The Pottery had previously been run by William Hutchings I. Hutchings advertised the Pottery to let in April 1873 and Hawley had taken over the Pottery by the end of the year.

1873-88 James George Hawley ran the Temple Back Pottery 1.

James George Hawley died in April 1888 and the Pottery was taken over by his sons, George Henry and James Alfred Hawley.

Born 1826 in Burslem, Staffordshire, the husband of Maria Hawley, the father of George Henry, James Alfred Joseph and Herbert Hawley (51C, 81C, 91C).

1826 23 Sep. He was baptised at the Methodist New Connexion, Bethesda Chapel, Albion Street, Shelton, Staffordshire, the son of Joseph Hawley and Ellen, the daughter of John Lockett, a potter of Hotlane, Burslem (PRO RG4/2724).  He had been born on 28 Jul 1826. His father had been the proprietor of an earthenware manufactory in Waterloo Road, Burslem, since 1828, having taken over the business on the death of his father, Elias Hawley (www.thepotteries.org).
1841 Potter, Waterloo Road West, Burslem (15), living with his father Joseph Hawley, earthenware manufacturer, mother Ellin, and siblings (41C).
1851 Potter fireman, Water Lane, Temple parish (24) (51C).
1851 Temple Back: James George Hawley (occup), Pountney (owner) House £23 (Bristol Survey BRO 04250(1)).
1851-55 2 Water Lane, Temple parish (MD).
1852 Water Lane, Temple parish (P).
1852 16 Oct. Temple parish (26) the son of Joseph Hawley, an agent, he married Maria Catherine Collins (18) of Temple Street, the daughter of Dennis Collins, clerk to steam navigation company (TPR).
1853-54 Temple parish (TPR).
1854 26 Aug.  He was noted as manager to J.D. Pountney when George Naish proved his entitlement to freedom (FM).
1856 3 Aug. St Philip’s parish (TPR).
1856 Ellis, Hawley & Co., Redcross Street (MD).
1857-58 Morgan & Hawley, earthenware, porcelain and sanitary goods manufacturer, Cornwallis Pottery, Stapleton Road (MD).
1857-58 Cornwallis House, Stapleton Road (MD).
1860 Commercial traveller, 3 Lawrence Place, New River (MD).
1861 Commercial traveller (china), 19 Centre Crescent, Bedminster (34), living with his wife Maria (27), born in St George, and children, and Martha Moore (16), servant (61C).
1861-62 Commercial traveller, 19 Centre Redcliff Creascent (MD).
1862 31 Dec. Commercial traveller, St Mary Redcliffe parish (TPR).
1863 Commercial traveller, Langton Street (MD).
1865-68 Commercial traveller and agent, 3 Laura Place, New River (MD).
1870-73 Commercial traveller, 18 Somerset Square (MD).
1871 He is not mentioned in the census, but Maria was recorded at 18 Somerset Square, Bedminster (37), with her children and Sarah Lawrence (17) domestic servant (71C).
1873 20 Dec. ‘Wanted, a man to glaze and set kilns, etc; also a haulier. Man used to pottery work indispensable. J.G. Hawley, Temple Pottery, Temple Backs’ (Western Daily Press).
1873 27 Dec. ‘Wanted, an experienced man to glaze, etc. J.G. Hawley, Temple Pottery, Temple Backs’ (Western Daily Press).
1875-88 James George Hawley, stoneware manufacturer, Temple Backs (MD, WD).
1875 28 Apr. ‘To builders and masons, a large quantity of chimney pots, all sizes. Temple Pottery, Temple Backs’ (Western Daily Press).
1875 9 Sep. ‘For sale, a stock of flower pots and stands, all sizes, at J.G. Hawley’s, Temple Pottery, Temple Backs’ (Western Daily Press).
1875 18 Nov. ‘Wanted, a small ware thrower, also a clay labourer, at Temple Stone Ware Pottery, Temple Backs’ (Western Daily Press).
1875-77 Residence: 18 Somerset Square, Cathay, St Mary Redcliffe parish (MD).
1876 27 Apr. ‘Wanted, a small ware stone ware thrower. J.G. Hawley, Temple Stone Ware Pottery, Temple Backs’ (western Daily Press).
1876 29 May. ‘Wanted, apprentice stone ware thrower. J.G. Hawley, Temple Stone Ware Pottery, Temple Backs’ (Western Daily Press).
1881 Manufacturer of pottery, 18 Somerset Square, Bedminster (54), living with his wife Maria C. (47), born in Bristol, and children, and Georgina Scott, a domestic servant (81C).
1884 6 Aug. Noted as a manufacturer when his son George Henry Hawley (30) a manufacturer of 18 Somerset Square married Lavinia Matilda Ancrum (RPR).
1884 9 Sep. Industrial and Fine Art Exhibition: ‘Hawley, Temple Back, Bristol. At Stand 104 … Mr Hawley exhibits from his pottery, Temple Back, a well-arranged and complete selection of stoneware for all purposes. Amongst it is a small collection of stone rustic ware, fired at a great heat in order to guarantee its resisting the effects of severe weather and constant exposure.  This advantage will be appreciated by those requiring boxes for window sills, jardinieres, vases, etc. Mr Hawley is now devoting special attention to these articles, which he is for the first time introducing to the public. But amongst the general selection of stoneware referred to are specimens suitable for brewers, wine and spirit merchants, dry-salters, wholesale chemists, grocers, oilmen, jam and pickle manufacturers, and numerous articles for domestic purposes including filters, fancy vases, decanters, claret jugs and water bottles. On this stand also Messrs Hawley and Son exhibit pipes from 24 inches long down to two inches, including fancy cutty pipes, plain and coloured in majolica, and enamelled colours, and many other descriptions made for exporting.’ ‘J.G.Hawley, Temple Stone Ware Pottery, Temple Back. At Stand 88 Mr Hawley illustrates the different processes of forming shapes, etc. A thrower with an attendant to ‘wedge’ the clay for him is at work at a potter’s wheel, and the ease and skill with which the lump of clay is shaped as the wheel revolves appears to greatly interest throngs of spectators. At the same stand Messrs Hawley and Son, tobacco pipe manufacturers, have workmen engaged in the process of pipe making, and these divide with the thrower the interest of many visitors curious as to the potter’s art’ (Bristol Mercury).
1886 18 Mar. ‘Wanted, a large ware thrower. Apply to J.G. Hawley, Temple Stone Ware Pottery, Temple Backs’ (Bristol Mercury).
1888 25 Apr. He died, described in his will as a stoneware and tobacco pipe manufacturer, late of 18 Somerset Square, Cathay.  The will was proved by George Henry Hawley and James Alfred Hawley. Estate valued at £1927.3s.8d (PRO National Probate Calendar, Index of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1966).  He was buried in Arnos Vale Cemetery (Ancestry website).
His widow continued to live at Somerset Square until her death in 1896 (MD, Will).
George Henry, bapt 21 Dec 1853 (TPR), Eliza, bapt 20 Dec 1854 (TPR), Maria Ellen, bapt 3 Aug 1856 (TPR), James A., bapt 20 Jun 1858 (81C, TPR), John Arthur, bapt 19 Jun 1859 (TPR), Joseph, bapt 26 May 1861 (TPR), Alice Margaret, bapt 31 Dec 1862 (TPR), Ada, born c1865 in Bristol (81C), Edward, born c1867 in Bristol (81C), Joseph, born 28 Oct 1868, bapt 11 Mar 1877 (TPR), Emily, born c1870 in Bristol (71C), Arthur, born c1871 in Bristol (81C), Herbert, born c1875 in Bristol (81C), Percival, born c1877 in Bristol (81C)


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