Posted on: October 9th, 2016 by webfooted

The son of Richard Evans of Bristol, potter, and the father of George Rock Evans.

1791 17 Oct. He was apprenticed to John and Elizabeth Hope (A, Ao).
1802/3 Elizabeth, the wife of John Evans of Great Gardens, potter, received £1 from Ann Whitson’s Charity for Poor Women in Child Bed (JW).
1804 18 Jul. He became a free potter (F).
1812 Potter, Barton Hill, St Philip and Jacob out parish (P).
1813 Catherine, wife of John Evans of St Philip and Jacob parish, potter, received £1 from John Whitson’s Charity for Poor Women in Child Bed (JW).
1814-22 Potter, Unity Street, St Philip’s parish (PPR).
1826 11 Dec. Noted as a potter when his son George Rock Evans was apprenticed to Charles and Elizabeth Price (A).
1830 3 Aug. Noted as a potter when his daughter Catherine married Joseph Powell, cabinetmaker (Burgess Book No. 20, p.207, G.E. Weare Collection, Original Oath, p.33).
1830, 1832 & 1834 Potter, Temple Street, Temple parish (P; List of Electors BRO 04736).
1835 Potter, Temple Street, Temple parish (P).
1837 Potter, Barton Hill, St Philip and Jacob parish (P).
1838 10 Dec. Noted as a potter when his daughter Eliza Cartwright Evans married Joseph Goodridge, a toll proprietor of Clifton Gate (MLPBT).
1840 6 Dec. Noted as a potter when his daughter Ann married John Baker Jones, a plumber (PaPR).
George Rock (or Roach), aged 4 mths, bapt 1 May 1814 (PPR), Richard, aged 5 mths, bapt 25 Aug 1816 (PPR), Mary, aged 10 wks, bapt 11 Oct 1818 (PPR), Ann, aged 7 mths, bapt 7 Apr 1822 (PPR), Catherine, marriage 3 Aug 1830 (Burgess Book, etc), Eliza Cartwright, marriage 10 Dec 1838 (MLPBT)


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