See the Potteries List section for the Crown Pottery Company.
The Pottery had previously been run by his father, John Ellis II.
1885-86 | Arthur Ellis ran the Crown Pottery Company. |
He died in March 1886 and the Pottery was advertised for sale. It was acquired by Thomas Bertram Johnson.
Born c1858 in Bristol, the son of John Ellis II and the brother of Henry Ellis (71C).
1871 | Crown Pottery, Clouds Hill, St George (13), living with his father, aunt and siblings (71C). |
1881 | Manufacturer, boarding at 96 Victoria Villas, St James and St Paul’s parish (23) (81C). |
1884 | 29 Mar. ‘For sale. Spring cart, would suit cob 14 hands. Also a set of harness, nearly new. Arthur Ellis, Crown Pottery, St George’s’ (Western Daily Press). |
1885-87 | Arthur Ellis, earthenware manufacturer, Crown Pottery, St George (WD). |
1885 | 30 Mar. Offers wanted for 300 dozen jars, holding 8 oz and 2 oz respectively. Crown Potteries, St George’s’ (Western Daily Press). |
1885 | 18 Sep. ‘To grocers and others. Lot of earthenware butter stands, cheap. Apply Crown Potteries, St George’s’ (Western Daily Press). |
1886 | 16 Feb. ‘Dog cart, with cushions and india rubber mats. Also nearly new silver-mounted harness. Crown Potteries, St George’s’ (Western Daily Press). |
1886 | 15 Mar. ‘Died March 11, at Swansea Villa, Cromwell Road, St Andrew’s, Arthur Ellis, late of Crown Potteries St George, aged 28’ (Western Daily Press). |
1886 | 25 Jun. ‘Crown Pottery, St George’s. In consequence of the death of the late proprietor, the executor of the estate is prepared to sell this very desirable and compact business which has been carried on so successfully for some years past, and was in full work until very recently. The business presents an admirable opportunity for investment of a moderate capital, and can be continued at once as a going concern’ (Western Daily Press). |
1886 | 14 Aug. The Crown Pottery, St George, was advertised for sale by auction, described as: ‘All that close of freehold land, containing 2 acres (more or less), and situate at St George’s, with the various buildings erected thereon; consisting of a commodious dwelling house, counting house, capital warehouses, kilns, workshops, etc. The valuable machinery and plant, including a 20 horse-power steam engine and boiler, and the goodwill of the business will be included in the sale. The pottery is situate within easy distance of Bristol, but being just outside the city boundary the taxes are low. A never failing stream of pure water runs through the premises. The late Mr Ellis carried on a lucrative business for many years on the above premises, and as the same are in full working order, a capital opportunity is now afforded to any gentleman desirous of embarking in the pottery trade’ (Bristol Mercury). |