Born c.1750 (41C).
1781 | 7 Feb. A potter of St Philip & Jacob parish, he was granted a licence to marry Margaret Hughes of the same parish, at St Philip and Jacob. Bondsman: Burnett Hughes of St Philip and Jacob parish, barber surgeon (M). Margaret Hughes was the sister of Phoebe, wife of James Churchman I, potter. |
1781 | 9 Feb. John Churchman married Margaret Hughes (PPR). |
1781 | 10 Feb. He became a free potter because of his marriage to Margaret, daughter of Burnett Hughes, barber surgeon (F, G). |
1781 | Potter, St Philip and Jacob parish (P) |
1784 | Potter, St Philip and Jacob out parish (P). |
1784 | 18 Jul. Living in Lead House Lane, St Philip’s (PPR). |
1787 | 11 May. Living in The Plain, St Philip’s (PPR). |
1794-98 | Living in Redcross Street, St Philip’s (PPR). |
1812 | Lodge Court, St Philip’s parish (P). |
1830 | Lodge Court, St Philip’s parish (P). |
1832 | Lodge Court, Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (P). |
1832 & 34 | Lodge Court, Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (List of Electors BRO 04736). |
1841 | He was described as a potter, aged 90 years of Lodge Court, St Philip’s parish. He was living with Jane Churchman, a spinster, aged 40 years, presumably his daughter (41C). |
Rate book entries: [25 Mar 1789-29 Sep 1795 Churchman, Lodge Court, Redcross Street (St Philip’s-PR). [25 Mar 1818-29 Sep 1818 John Churchman (poor) Lodge Court, Redcross Street (St Philip’s-PR) |
Children: Nancy, bapt 18 Jul 1784 (PPR), Phoebe, bapt 20 Apr 1794 (PPR), William (aged 6 months), bapt 15 May 1796 (PPR), Thomas, bapt 8 Apr 1798 (PPR), Jane, born c1801 (41C) |