Posted on: October 8th, 2016 by webfooted

Born c.1750 (41C).

1781 7 Feb. A potter of St Philip & Jacob parish, he was granted a licence to marry Margaret Hughes of the same parish, at St Philip and Jacob.  Bondsman: Burnett Hughes of St Philip and Jacob parish, barber surgeon (M).  Margaret Hughes was the sister of Phoebe, wife of James Churchman I, potter.
1781 9 Feb. John Churchman married Margaret Hughes (PPR).
1781 10 Feb. He became a free potter because of his marriage to Margaret, daughter of Burnett Hughes, barber surgeon (F, G).
1781 Potter, St Philip and Jacob parish (P)
1784 Potter, St Philip and Jacob out parish (P).
1784 18 Jul. Living in Lead House Lane, St Philip’s (PPR).
1787 11 May. Living in The Plain, St Philip’s (PPR).
1794-98 Living in Redcross Street, St Philip’s (PPR).
1812 Lodge Court, St Philip’s parish (P).
1830 Lodge Court, St Philip’s parish (P).
1832 Lodge Court, Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (P).
1832 & 34 Lodge Court, Redcross Street, St Philip’s parish (List of Electors BRO 04736).
1841 He was described as a potter, aged 90 years of Lodge Court, St Philip’s parish.  He was living with Jane Churchman, a spinster, aged 40 years, presumably his daughter (41C).
Rate book entries:
[25 Mar 1789-29 Sep 1795 Churchman, Lodge Court, Redcross Street (St Philip’s-PR).
[25 Mar 1818-29 Sep 1818 John Churchman (poor) Lodge Court, Redcross Street (St Philip’s-PR)
Nancy, bapt 18 Jul 1784 (PPR), Phoebe, bapt 20 Apr 1794 (PPR), William (aged 6 months), bapt 15 May 1796 (PPR), Thomas, bapt 8 Apr 1798 (PPR), Jane, born c1801 (41C)


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