BYE Edward

Posted on: October 7th, 2016 by webfooted

The son of Thomas Bye of Kingsweston, Gloucestershire, yeoman and the father of John Bye (A).

1676 19 Feb. He was apprenticed to Robert and Sarah Wastfield (A).

Pountney has wrongly recorded the apprenticeship as being that of Henry Bye (Pountney 1920, 295).

1677 10 Jul. He witnessed the will of Robert Wastfield (PRO Prob. 11/355).
1681 11 Oct. John the sone of E. Bye and Grace his wife was borone (BrisPR).
1685 30 Feb. Edward the sone of the fore sd. E. Bye and Greace his wife was borone (BrisPR).
1687 28 Nov. Joseph the sone of the fore sd. E. Bye and Greace his wife was borone (BrisPR).
1698 14 May. He was described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington when his son, John, was apprenticed to Mary Orchard (A, Ar).
1698 12 Sep. He was described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington when his son, Edward, was apprenticed to Mary Jenkins, weaver (Ar).
1702 22 Oct. The wife of Edward Bye buried (BrisPR).
1703 15 Apr. A gallypotmaker of Brislington he was granted a licence to marry Hester Cable, widow, of St Philip and Jacob parish (M).
1704 6 Jul. Will:
I Edward Bye of Barton Regis in the County of Gloucester gallypotmaker Doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and former following first and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God that gave it my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried in Christian Buriall and as touching such worldly goods which God of his mercy hath bestowed upon me I dispose as followeth
Item I doe give unto my son John Bye one shilling
Item I doe give unto my son Edward Bye one shilling
Item I doe give unto my son Joseph Bye one shilling
Item I doe give unto my son Benjamin Bye one shilling
Item All the rest of my goods and chattels my debts and Legacies being paid and funeral expences discharged I doe give unto my loving wife Hester …The above will was proved at Bristol on 4 October 1704 and probate was granted to his widow, Hester (BRO Will 1704).
1704 7 Aug. The Baptist Burial Ground Register (Redcross Street) records:
Brother Edward Bye, a potter died at the Blue Bowl in Barton Hundred, was interred in sis. Hyett’s grave (Pountney 1920, 45).
1704 4 Oct. The inventory of an Edward Bye of Barton Regis, Gloucestershire survives:
Item in the Kiching 60 pounds of pewter  £1.14s.0d
Item in Crocks and kittels brass  £2.4s.0d
Item in Iron Ware on 3 brass kandellsticks  10s.0d
Item in the hall one tabell borde, Chest & Chaires  10s.0d
Item in the Chamber over the Kiching one bed & furniture  £1.10s.0d
Item 2 Chests one Case of Draws 6 Chairs  £1.4s.0d
Item a paire of Brass Indirons  5s.0d
Item one Chest 2 tabels 3 old flock beds with [illegible]  £2.5s.0d
Item in Barrels and Ware  £2.10s.0d
Item 2 peggs  10s.0d
Item in Ready Mony  £4.0s.0d
Item his wearing apparel  £1.0s.0d
Item in Lumber goods and other goods not Apreysed  10s.0d
Item in debts desperate  10s.0d
Sum totall  £19.2s.0d
(BRO Inventory 1704 No.8)


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