The son of Thomas Bye of Kingsweston, Gloucestershire, yeoman and the father of John Bye (A).
1676 | 19 Feb. He was apprenticed to Robert and Sarah Wastfield (A).
Pountney has wrongly recorded the apprenticeship as being that of Henry Bye (Pountney 1920, 295). |
1677 | 10 Jul. He witnessed the will of Robert Wastfield (PRO Prob. 11/355). |
1681 | 11 Oct. John the sone of E. Bye and Grace his wife was borone (BrisPR). |
1685 | 30 Feb. Edward the sone of the fore sd. E. Bye and Greace his wife was borone (BrisPR). |
1687 | 28 Nov. Joseph the sone of the fore sd. E. Bye and Greace his wife was borone (BrisPR). |
1698 | 14 May. He was described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington when his son, John, was apprenticed to Mary Orchard (A, Ar). |
1698 | 12 Sep. He was described as a gallypotmaker of Brislington when his son, Edward, was apprenticed to Mary Jenkins, weaver (Ar). |
1702 | 22 Oct. The wife of Edward Bye buried (BrisPR). |
1703 | 15 Apr. A gallypotmaker of Brislington he was granted a licence to marry Hester Cable, widow, of St Philip and Jacob parish (M). |
1704 | 6 Jul. Will: I Edward Bye of Barton Regis in the County of Gloucester gallypotmaker Doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and former following first and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God that gave it my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried in Christian Buriall and as touching such worldly goods which God of his mercy hath bestowed upon me I dispose as followeth Item I doe give unto my son John Bye one shilling Item I doe give unto my son Edward Bye one shilling Item I doe give unto my son Joseph Bye one shilling Item I doe give unto my son Benjamin Bye one shilling Item All the rest of my goods and chattels my debts and Legacies being paid and funeral expences discharged I doe give unto my loving wife Hester …The above will was proved at Bristol on 4 October 1704 and probate was granted to his widow, Hester (BRO Will 1704). |
1704 | 7 Aug. The Baptist Burial Ground Register (Redcross Street) records: Brother Edward Bye, a potter died at the Blue Bowl in Barton Hundred, was interred in sis. Hyett’s grave (Pountney 1920, 45). |
1704 | 4 Oct. The inventory of an Edward Bye of Barton Regis, Gloucestershire survives: Item in the Kiching 60 pounds of pewter £1.14s.0d Item in Crocks and kittels brass £2.4s.0d Item in Iron Ware on 3 brass kandellsticks 10s.0d Item in the hall one tabell borde, Chest & Chaires 10s.0d Item in the Chamber over the Kiching one bed & furniture £1.10s.0d Item 2 Chests one Case of Draws 6 Chairs £1.4s.0d Item a paire of Brass Indirons 5s.0d Item one Chest 2 tabels 3 old flock beds with [illegible] £2.5s.0d Item in Barrels and Ware £2.10s.0d Item 2 peggs 10s.0d Item in Ready Mony £4.0s.0d Item his wearing apparel £1.0s.0d Item in Lumber goods and other goods not Apreysed 10s.0d Item in debts desperate 10s.0d Sum totall £19.2s.0d (BRO Inventory 1704 No.8) |