BRISCOE Frederick

Posted on: April 24th, 2018 by Reg Jackson
1857 26 Sep. ‘Frederick Royal, a little boy of about twelve years of age, was charged with stabbing another boy, named Frederick Briscoe, in the arm and back with a penknife.  Both the complainant and prisoner are potter’s boys, and work at the pottery of Mr Price, Thomas Street, and on Monday evening a dispute arose between them.  That (Tuesday) morning they resumed the quarrel, and on the prisoner using abusive language towards Briscoe, the latter struck him.  A fight followed, in the course of which the prisoner was knocked down into a corner, and whilst lying there he drew a penknife out of his pocket, and jumping up, attacked the complainant and stabbed him on the arm’.  The prisoner was remanded until his mother attended the court (Bristol Mercury).

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