BRENT Edward

Posted on: October 4th, 2016 by webfooted

The son of John Brent of Bristol, weaver, deceased (A).

1743 15 Jul. He was apprenticed to James and Sarah Gaynard.  Friends to find apparel (A, Ao, Ar).
1746 7 Jun. His apprenticeship was transferred to Thomas II and Bathsheba Cantle (A).
1747 26 Jun. He became a free potter as he was the son of a freeman (F, G).
1753 He stood surety of £5 for Mary Parker to keep an alehouse in Temple parish (AKL).
1754 Potter, St Mary Redcliffe parish (P).
1754-55 He stood sureties of £5 each for John Biggs, Peter Patience, Edward Nicholls and Richard Wildgoose to keep alehouses in Temple parish (AKL).
1757 Possibly the Edward Brent for whom John Quarman stood surety of £5 to keep an alehouse in St Mary Redcliffe parish (AKL).
1784 6 May. Noted as a potter when his son, Edward, became a free pinmaker (G).
Rate book entries:
29 Sep 1757-29 Sep 1759 Edward Brent, Pile Street (SMR-Wa).
29 Sep 1759 ‘Edwd. Brent void’ Pile Street (SMR-Wa)

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