The son of John Brent of Bristol, weaver, deceased (A).
1743 | 15 Jul. He was apprenticed to James and Sarah Gaynard. Friends to find apparel (A, Ao, Ar). |
1746 | 7 Jun. His apprenticeship was transferred to Thomas II and Bathsheba Cantle (A). |
1747 | 26 Jun. He became a free potter as he was the son of a freeman (F, G). |
1753 | He stood surety of £5 for Mary Parker to keep an alehouse in Temple parish (AKL). |
1754 | Potter, St Mary Redcliffe parish (P). |
1754-55 | He stood sureties of £5 each for John Biggs, Peter Patience, Edward Nicholls and Richard Wildgoose to keep alehouses in Temple parish (AKL). |
1757 | Possibly the Edward Brent for whom John Quarman stood surety of £5 to keep an alehouse in St Mary Redcliffe parish (AKL). |
1784 | 6 May. Noted as a potter when his son, Edward, became a free pinmaker (G). |
Rate book entries: 29 Sep 1757-29 Sep 1759 Edward Brent, Pile Street (SMR-Wa). 29 Sep 1759 ‘Edwd. Brent void’ Pile Street (SMR-Wa) |