See the Potteries List section for the Brislington Pottery.
c1652-59 | John Bissicke, Robert Bennett I and Robert Collins ran the Brislington Pottery. Collins retained an interest in the Pottery until his death in 1689. |
The Pottery then passed into the hands of Alice Bennett, the widow of Robert Bennett I.
1629-42 | He was living in Montague Close, Southwark, London (Edwards 1974, 37-38). |
1652 | 13 Jan. An assignment of a lease by Thomas Jones to John Bissicke on land at Brislington (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1656 | 8 Nov. An assignment of a lease by ‘John Bissick’ to Robert Bennett of the land referred to above in the lease dated 13 January 1652 (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1656 | 17 Nov. The sale by Rowland Lacy, Esq., to John Bissicke of Brislington … Potter and Ann his wife of the other part … in consideration of the sume of eight & twentie pounds of lawfull money … All that late customary cottage or tenement and garden and orchard to the same belonginge and appurtynances conteyneing by estimaton one ffarandell of ground standing scittuate and being in Brislington … aforesaid heretofore in the occupation or possession of Alice Willmott widdowe deceased and late in the tenure and possession of Thomas Jones and now in the tenure or possession of the said John Bissicke (the mark of John Bissicke) (SRO DD/GL 18 and DD/BR/tb 7). |
1657 | 11 May A sale by Aaron Ithell to John Bissicke of a meadow called the Moore (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1658 | 20 Dec. A John Biswicke witnessed the will of Robert Bennett I (PRO Prob. 11/296). |
1659 | 22 Mar. A sale by Henry Kaines to John Bissicke of land at Brislington called the Moore (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1659 | 9 Aug. A lease of a withy bed by John Bissicke to George Huntington (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1659 | 22 Oct. Will: IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the Two and Twentieth day of October in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred and fifty and nyne I John Bissicke of Brislington otherwide Bussellton in the County of Somersett Potter being weake and sick in body (but of perfect mynde and memory) thanks be given to God for the same considering with myselfe the certainty of Death and uncertainty of the tyme thereof doe make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (That is to say) ffirst I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator assuredly perswading my selfe to receive pardon and remission for all my sinnes through the alone merits of Jesus Christ my only Savior and Redeemer And as touching that small worldly Estate as it hath pleased God of infinite goodness to lend mee in this life I give and dispose thereof as followeth (vizt) Imprimus Whereas I have lately by deed conveyed and settled in my loveing ffriends Nicholas Cowling and William Baugh and their heires my lands Tenements and hereditaments in the parish of Brislington otherwise Bussleton aforesaid whereof I am seysed in ffee to the use of my selfe for life and afterwards to Ann my wife for her life And from and after our deathes To the use by mee to be lymitted by my Will Now I doe hereby lymitt and appoint That the said Nicholas Cowling And William Baugh and their heires shall stand and be seysed of all the same lands Tenements and hereditaments from and after the deathes of mee and my said Wife To the uses following (That is to say) As for and concerning the ground called the More conteyning by Estimaton Two acres which I bought of Henry Kaines the same to remaine and be to my kinsman Richard Bissick (sonne of Richard Bissick of the Borough of Southwark in the County of Surrey Gally-pott maker) And the heires of the same Richard Bissick the same lawfully to be begotten And for default of such heires and assignes for ever And as touching and concerning my Messuage or house wherein Richard Milkins dwelleth with th’appurtennes thereunto belonging now in the holding of the said Richard Milkins the same to be and remaine to Elizabeth Shelton Daughter of the said (William Shelton) And to her heires and assignes for ever And as touching and concerning my parcel of Meadow ground called the Moore conteyning by estimaton one Acre and a halfe, which I bought of Aron Ithell And my house wherein John Rollins now dwelleth and other my lands of Inheritance not herein demised or lymitted the same to remaine and be unto my said Wife Ann her heires and assignes for ever. To the end and intent that shee may be better enabled to pay and satisfy my debts and legacies Item I give Demise and bequeath to my kinsman Ambrose Bissicke his Executors and assignes (after the decease of my said Wife) my Messuage or house, with th’appurtenances in Brislington aforesaid now in the ioynt or severall holdings of Thomas Emblen th’elder and Thomas Stephens And all my estate right title terme and interest of in and to the same And my will and meaning is that if my said kinsman Ambrose Bissick shall dy before my said wife Then I give the same house with th’appurtenances to my said wife and her assignes Item I give and bequesth unto Alice Bennett widowe her executors and assignes my Tenement with th’appurtenances in Brislington aforesaid in the holding of Em ffarthing widow And all my estate right title terme and interest of in and to the same soe as shee the said Alice Bennett shall or doe pay to my said wife the sume of ffive pounds of lawfull money of England within six monthes next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Shelton William Shelton Isaakk Shelton Jacob Shelton Elizabeth Shelton and Sarah Shelton children of the said William Shelton the sume of Six pounds of lawfull money of England a peese to be paid to them respectively by my Executrix within one yeare next after the decease of my said wife And in case any of the said Children shall happen to depart this life before their legacies shal be due as aforesaid Then my will is that the legacy of her or them soe dying shall accrew and be paid to the survivors of them Item I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Mary Bisscke Six pounds to be paid to her in one yeare next after the decease of my said wife Item I give unto William Morgan Twenty shillings to be paid as thither legacyes All the rest of my Goods Chattells Catell moneyes household stuffe and other personall estate whatsoever herein before by me given or bequeathed (my debts legacyes being paid and funeral expences discharged) I give and bequeath unto my said wife Ann Whome I do make and ordeine Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament And I doe hereby desire and appoint my loving ffriends the afore named Nicholas Cowling and my kinsman Love Branson to be overseers of this my last will and Testament And I give to each of them the sume of ffive pounds as a token and for their care and paines therein And I doe give unto Thomas Byam Twenty shillings as a token And I doe hereby revoke and make void all former wills and Testaments by mee made either in writing or by word of mouth And I doe declare this wrytinge conteyned in theis Three Sheets of Paper to be my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have to the ffirst of theis sheets of Paper sett my seale and to the last of them sett my hand and seale the day and yeare ffirst above written The mke of the said John Bissick signed sealed and published by the said John Bissick to be his last will and Testament the said Two and Twentieth day of October One Thousand Six Hundred and ffifty nyne in the presence of Is: Gleson Richard Tony Roger Royden Thomas Hartwell (PRO Prob. 11/297) |
1660 | 4 Apr. This Will was prov’att London before the Judges of the Court for Probat of Wills and granting of Administrations the ffourth day of Aprill In the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty by the oath of Ann Bissick the Relict and Executrix of the Goods chattels and debts of the deceased to whome Administration was granted shee being first sworne by Comission truly to Administer. (PRO Prob. 11/297) |
1660 | 2 Nov. A surrender by Ruth Young, widow of Robert Young, to Ann Bissicke of land called the Moore at Brislington (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1660/1 | 14 Jan. A lease by Anne Bissicke to Alice Bennett of land at Brislington. This lease was subsequently assigned by her son, Robert Bennett II (SRO DD/BR/tb 7). |
1666 | 27 Dec. Will: IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Twenty seventh day of December in the eaighteenth yeare of King Charles the second his most gracious reigne over England…Anno Domini one Thousand Six Hundred Sixty six I Anne Bissicke late of Brislington otherwide Buslton in the County of Sommersett and now of the Citty of Bristoll widow being weake and sicke in body but of a perfect sound mynd and memory Thankes be given to god for the same considering with my selfe the certainty of death and uncertainty of the tyme thereof doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following That is to say First I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty god my Creatour assuredly perswading my selfe to receave pardon and remission of all my sinnes through the alone merits of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and redeemer And my body to the earth from whence it was taken And as touching that small wordly estate as it hath pleased … God of his infinite goodness to lend mee in this life I give and bequeath thereof as followeth First I doe give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Elizabeth Shelton the Elder all that my Leaze or parcel of meadow ground called the Moore conteyning by estimaton one acre and a halfe now in the holding of Alice Bennett And all that my house wherein Thomas Watts now dwelleth in the pish and fields of Brislington als Buslton aforesaid which said house and Leaze my will is shalbe sold by my executrix herein after named to pay my Cousin Isaak Shelton the Legacie of six pounds my late husband gave him and my Legacie of Thirty fower pounds I shall herein after give him to make it upp forty pounds And to pay satisfie and discharge therewith my debts Legacies and funeral expences And to that intent and purpose I doe hereby give unto my said Cousin Isaac Shelton the somme of Thirty fower pounds out of the sale thereof in token of my love To be paid unto him by my executrix herein after named within six monthes next after my decease. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said kinswoman Elizabeth Shelton the younger my silver tankard. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Shelton daughter of the said Elizabeth Shelton my gold wedding ring. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Rebecca daughter of the said Elizabeth Shelton the elder the somme of Tenn pounds in money and our small silver spoone. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Edward Croftes my great household Bible in token out of my love. Item I doe further give and bequeath more unto my said cousin Isaac Shelton my Geneva printed Bible. Item I doe give and bequeath more unto the said Elizabeth Shelton the younger my kinswoman my Church Bible. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Sarah the wife of Edward Croftes our small book called the Sanctuary of a Troubled Soule. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Sarah the daughter of the said Edward Croftes my silver cuppe with my husbands name and myne ingraven thereon. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth the daughter of the said Edward Croftes tenne shillings in money to buy a ring. I doe give and bequeath further unto Sarah the wife of the said Edward Croftes one gold Deathes head ring. Item more I doe give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth Shelton the elder my kinswoman my silke gowne and petticoate and two pair of sheets. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Robert Barnes my Waynescott chest. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Sarah Croftes daughter as aforesaid of Edward Croftes my small box of drawers. All other personall estate all ye rest of my chattels goods monies house hold stuff whatsoever herein before by me not given or bequeathed (My debts and legacies being paid and funeral expences discharged) I doe give and bequeath unto my said kinswoman and neece Elizabeth Shelton the elder whome I doe make and ordayne sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I doe hereby desire and appointe my loving friends the aforenamed Isaac Shelton, my cousin, and Edward Croftes to be overseers of this my last will and Testament And I doe give to the said Isaac Shelton but Twenty shillings in money and noe more, by reason I have given him liberally herein as aforesaid And to the said Elizabeth I doe give five pounds in money in token of my love, to both of them, and for their greate care and paynes therein … And that I doe (having omitted a legacie to William Shelton) hereby give and bequeath unto the said William Shelton one silver seale engraven with a spread Eagle which is parte of my will above written (PRO Prob. 11/323) |
1668 | 10 Jan. The will proved by Elizabeth Shelton (PRO Prob. 11/323). |
1694-1730 | Thomas Dickson was paying rates on a property in Brislington described as Bisweekes (St Luke’s, Brislington PR, Chw/1 & S/1). It is possible that he was paying rates on the property previously occupied by John Bissicke. |