BAILEY Nathaniel

Posted on: October 3rd, 2016 by webfooted

Born c1795 in Bristol (51C, 61C).

1808 16 Nov. Apprenticed to Daniel Organ (A).
1817 Dings, St Philip’s parish with wife Charlotte (PPR).
1818 He was one of the eight journeymen potters who were convicted of entering into an unlawful agreement for controlling and affecting Messrs. Wm. & Thos. Powell, and sentenced to one month’s imprisonment (BG).
1826 St Philip’s parish (PPR).
1828 Stone potter, St Philip’s parish (JaPR).
1829 St Philip’s parish (PPR).
1832 Union Road, Dings, St Philip’s parish (P).
1832 & 34 Union Street, Dings, St Philip’s parish (List of Electors BRO 04736).
1837 Union Road, Dings, St Philip’s parish (P).
1841 Stone potter, Union Road, Dings, St Philip’s parish (P).
1847 Oxford Street, St Philip’s parish (P).
1851 Stone potter, 1 Monmouth Place, St Philip’s parish (56), living with wife Charlotte (60) and family (51C).
1852 Oxford Street, St Philip’s parish (P).
1861 Stone ware potter, widower, Oxford Road, St Philip’s parish (67), living with daughter Charlotte and sister Hester, needlewoman (63), born St James’s parish (61C).
Nathaniel George, bapt 24 Aug 1817 (aged 6 mths) (PPR), Caroline, bapt 26 Feb 1826 (PPR), Charlotte Gammon, bapt 4 May 1828 (JaPR)


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