AMATT Anthony

Posted on: October 3rd, 2016 by webfooted

See the Potteries List section for the Crews Hole Pottery.

c1819-1827 Anthony Amatt ran the Crews Hole Pottery.

The Pottery seems to have closed after Amatt advertised it for sale in 1827.


Baptised at Wirksworth, Derbyshire on 13 November 1761, the son of George Amot, a joiner, and Hannah (or Anna) Down of Kirk Ireton (married in 1751) (information from John Smith and 51C).

It is possible that Amatt gained his experience in weaving and spinning at the works of Richard Arkwright of Cromford which is only a mile or two away from the village of Wirksworth.

1780 12 Sep. He married Peggy Johnson at Wirksworth, Derbyshire (Owen 1873, 293; Ancestry website).
1790s It is believed he established a weaving mill at Twerton, near Bath, Somerset.
1794 Living at Twerton, Somerset.

15 Jul. Richard Egan, a china and glass retailer of Bath, wrote to his brother-in-law saying that he had ‘a man that lives 1 mile and a half out of Bath that formerly work’d at Cockpit Hill who enamels for me’.  A number of accounts from Anthony Amatt to Egan dated 22 August, 18 September and 21 October in that year refer to Amatt painting various crests and borders on earthenware (Trans English Ceramic Circle 1966, 56).  The Cockpit Hill Pottery was certainly operating between 1767 and about 1782, although it may have existed since 1750.  It produced creamware.  William Duesbury was a partner in the concern from 1764 (Towner 1978, 90-104).

1794-95 Amatt was living at Twerton, painting (as proved by bills in my possession) on earthenware and china for Mr Egan, of Bath, brother-in-law of the second William Duesbury, of the Derby China Works.  He was afterwards a stocking weaver (Jewitt 1877, 235).
1798 He purchased the remainder of the lease of a crown glass manufactory situated at the corner of St Thomas Street and Portwall Lane.  The premises had previously been occupied by Stephen Cave & Co. (Pountney 1920, 253).
1799 John and Charles Cartwright took Amatt to court for infringement of their patent on a wool-combing machine.  The case was heard before Justice Rooke when it was held that there was no cause for action.  It was later heard by Lord Chief Justice Eldon in the Court of Common Pleas when the plaintiffs were awarded damages of £1,000 against Amatt and his co-defendants (information from John Smith).
1799 Mar to Sep. Watts & Co., glasshouse, yard, warehouse, etc. void (SMR-L) (Note: Sep 1798 to Mar 1799 missing).
1800 Mar to Sep. Watts & Co. tenement, occupied by Anthony Amatt

Watts & Co. workshop, warehouse, etc (SMR-L)

Amatt & Co. and Anthony Amatt (2 premises) (SMR-Ch).

1800-18 Thomas Street, St Mary Redcliffe parish.  In 1818 the address is given as 56 Thomas Street (MD, SMR-P).
1801-02 Amatt, Harris, Watts & Peal, worsted manufacturers, Thomas Street, St Mary Redcliffe parish (MD).
1803-17 Amatt, Harris & Co., worsted and cotton manufacturers, Thomas Street, St Mary Redcliffe parish (MD, SMR-P, SMR-L).

Amatt & Co., worsted manufacturers, apparently had an agency and secured orders in Leicester during the early 19th century.  At that time Leicester was the centre of the worsted spinning industry (Chapman, S.D. 1967 ‘The early Factory Masters: transitions to the factory system in the Midlands textile industry’. Newton Abbot: David & Charles).

1808 1 Jan. His wife, Peggy, died aged 47 years 8 days and was buried at Twerton, Somerset.  Hugh Owen records the inscription on the tombstone which is reputed to have been made by Amatt out of impressed letters on a pottery tablet.  Nearby was buried her mother, Margaret Johnson, who died 12 June 1796 aged 63 years (Owen 1873, 293; Pountney 1920, 255).
1816 20 Nov. Amatt’s affairs were placed in the hands of trustees, following the death of his co-partner Wintour Harris, attorney, who died a bankrupt.  The principal creditors were Stephen Wilkins, Francis Hoare, Thomas Slater, William Reynolds and John Pitt.  The total amount owed was £7642 9s 10½d.  Amatt was described as a worsted spinner of Bristol.  The agreement protected Amatt against debts exceeding £20.
1817 14 Jun. ‘To manufacturers of porcelain. To be sold by Private Contract, a capital factory and premises, in Saint Thomas Street, Bristol, lately occupied by Amatt Harris, and Co., consisting of the very extensive factory, containing four floors each 140 feet long and 20 feet wide, with the engine house, warehouse, smiths’ shops, stable, stove, spacious yards in front of and behind the same, and great variety of other buildings; the whole occupying an acre and three-quarters of ground, and most commodiously arranged and well adapted for any trade requiring considerable space.  There is also a very large cone affording amply conveniences for four spacious stoves.

Also a capital steam engine on the principle of Bolton and Watt, of 16 horse power, and a very capacious reservoir for soft water.

Also, an excellent family house for a resident partner or manager, adjoining the factory, and eight tenements contiguous, for workmen.  The factory, etc., may be viewed by application on the premises and further particulars may be known by applying to Mr. Charles Lawrence, Solicitor, Cirencester, or to Mr. Wintour Harris, Solicitor, Bristol. (One concern)’. (Rodney Hampson, pers comm).

1817 8 Sep. He married Jane Moss of St Mary Redcliffe parish at Redcliffe church (Pountney 1920, 256).
1818 14 Feb. Amatt, Harris & Co. advertised their woollen manufactory for sale.  This included a glass cone (FFJ).
c1819 He established his pottery on the north bank of the River Avon at Crews Hole.
1819-26 Amatt at Crews Hole, single property (St George, rate books).
1820 Property in Thomas Street described as ‘late Amatt & Co.’ (SMR-L).
1827 Amatt paying rates on a house and garden, but no rates on the pottery (St George, rate books).
Undated But probably 1820s – Amatt’s notebooks in the Bristol Reference Library.
1827 10 Sep. Amatt advertised his pottery at Crews Hole for sale.  Lot 1 comprised an excellent newly-built dwelling house, comprising a kitchen, arched cellar, larder, wash-house, dining room, with verandah fronting the River Avon, parlour behind, china pantry, three good bedrooms and two attics. Also ‘an extensive manufactory adjoining, and measuring 204 feet in length, and of an irregular depth throughout from 42 feet east to 17 feet west, consisting of a ground-floor and two stories, three large burning kilns, slip kilns, stoves, clay-house, drying-rooms, warehouse, lathes and wheels, pot-boards, squeezing-box, plaster-moulds, colour-mill, crane, and every other convenience necessary for carrying on an extensive trade in the manufacture of earthenware.  A never failing stream of excellent clear water runs through the manufactory.  The premises have been substantially built within the last 8 years … The whole ranges in front of the River Avon … for which there are every facility for loading and unloading goods, and there is also a constant communication by canal boats and barges passing to and from Bristol, Bath, London, and all the towns upon the lines of the Kennet and Avon, and the Wilts and Berks, canals.  There is an abundance of coal within three quarters of a mile ..  Lot 2 a coal yard adjoining Lot1, and extending 112 feet in length by 54 feet in depth at the west and 32 feet at the east end … Also a capital newly erected warehouse thereon, 55 feet long and 17 feet wide, with a stable and slip-kiln … Lot 3 a large and productive garden opposite Lot 1, and fronting the south, containing about half an acre, and well stocked with fruit trees in full bearing’ (Bristol Mercury).

Pountney states that ‘Another noted pottery was close to the Lamb at Crew’s Hole, where two fairly large kilns, built of pennant stone, are still standing.  They were situated within a large building of two floors, and the cones pass through the first floor and roof, and extend to a considerable height above the latter.  On both the ground floor and the first floor levels are arched entrances, used by the potters for stacking the saggars when loading the wares into the kilns.  These and the furnaces around the base can still be seen’ (Pountney 1920, 17-18).

1832 28 Mar. Jane Amett, St Philips, Bristol, 58. Twerton, near Bath, burial register transcript. (information from Marek Lewcun).
1835 He is reputed to have assisted William Powell in producing a new stoneware glaze (Pountney 1920, 257).
1841 Potter (80), living with his housekeeper, Susannah Tippett (65), at 9 Adelaide Place, St Mary Redcliffe parish (41C).
1850 10 Sep. ‘This is the last will and testament of me Anthony Amatt of Chatterton Square in the city of Bristol, gentleman.  I give and bequeath unto my nephew George Amatt of Sacheverel Street in the Borough of Derby carpenter all my household furniture, plate, linen, glass, books, pictures, prints and other effects of the like nature and also my watches and trinkets to and for his own absolute use and benefit.  I give and bequeath unto William Powell of the City of Bristol, stone ware potter the sum of two hundred pounds being part of a sum of five hundred pounds deposited by me in the Bristol Branch of Messieurs Stuckeys Banking Company and for which I hold their note payable with interest at three pounds per centum per annum.  Upon trust that he the said William Powell do and shall lay out and invest the same at interest in such a way as he may think proper and do and shall out of the same interest and also out of such principal money or sum of two hundred pounds as may be necessary for that purpose pay into the proper hands of my faithful servant Susannah Tippett who has resided with me for fifty years and upwards the sum of eight shillings weekly and every week for and during the term of her natural life free from any legacy duty that may be charged or payable thereon or in respect thereof.  And from and after her decease provided the said principal sum of two hundred pounds and the interest from time to time arising thereon shall not have been fully expended in payment of the said weekly sum to the said Susannah Tippett as aforesaid then I give and bequeath the surplus which shall be then remaining of the said principal sum and interest as aforesaid unto my nephew the said George Amatt to and for his own absolute use and benefit And as to the residue of the said sum of five hundred pounds so deposited by me in the Bristol Branch of Messiuers Stuckeys Banking Company as aforesaid and all the rest residue and remainder of my personal property whatsoever and wheresoever which may belong to me at my decease I give and bequeath the same unto the said George Amatt to and for his own sole absolute use and benefit but subject nevertheless to the payment of all my debts and funeral and testamentary expences and the expences of proving this my will. And I hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said William Powell to be the sole executor of this my will with power to compound debts and settle claims against or in favour of my estate and to retain all costs charges and expences which he may be at any time heretofore made and do declare this to be my last will and testament.  In witness whereof I have set my hand this tenth day of September in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and fifty.

Signed: A. Amatt, James Harris attny Bristol, Thomas Sainsbury his clerk.

On the twelfth day of April 1851 William Powell … was duly sworn … that the personal estate and effects of the said deceased do not amount in value to the sum of six hundred pounds and that the testator died on or about the third day of April 1851’ (BRO – Will).

1851 Retired potter (90), born in Wirksworth, Derbyshire.  Living at 3 Chatterton Square, St Mary Redcliffe parish, with his housekeeper, Susannah Tippett (70), who was born in Keynsham, Somerset (51C).
1851 3 Apr. Amatt died (Ancestry website).


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