See the Potteries List section for the St Philip’s Pottery 6.
The Pottery had previously been run by Joseph Hands.
1875-1906 | The Pottery was referred to as the Albert Pottery or the Albert Pottery Company. The name of the owner was not given, although John Forward Moorse (or Morse) was the manager from at least 1877 until 1901. |
The Pottery was advertised for sale in 1878 and to let in 1880. Nevertheless it continued in production and was last mentioned in Sharp’s Directory in 1906. The Pottery then seems to have closed.
1875-78 | Albert Pottery Company, St Philip’s Marsh (WD). |
1875 | 19 Oct. ‘Wanted, a useful cart horse, 15 to 16 hands. Albert Pottery, St Philip’s Marsh’ (Western Daily Press). |
1877 | 19 Dec. ‘Wanted, two redware potters, J. Moorse, Albert Pottery’ (Western Daily Press). |
1878 | 17 Jul. ‘For sale. A useful cart mare, price £45. Apply John Moorse, Albert Pottery’ (Western Daily Press). |
1878 | 6 Aug. ‘Valuable freehold pottery, with residence, stabling, yard, and premises in Albert Road, St Philip’s Marsh … [for sale by auction] … All that spacious and convenient manufactory, formerly known as Cole’s Pottery, but now as the Albert Pottery, with good residence, stabling, yard and premises, situate in Albert Road, St Philip’s Marsh, close to the Marsh Bridge, and very near the stations and goods departments of the different railways and barge depots. These premises have been used as a red and stone ware pottery for a great many years; they have a frontage in Albert Road of 185 feet and a depth of 55 feet 6 inches or thereabouts, and comprise one stone and two red ware kilns, pug and lead mills, three working mills, stove, drying racks and stages, sheds and store rooms, all well lighted. There is a good yard with double doors, stabling for two horses with loft over, cart and straw house, manure pit, etc. There is also a comfortable brick-fronted dwelling-house, comprising two parlours, two bedrooms, kitchen, scullery, pantry, w.c., and minor offices, with vinery and conservatory in front. Gas pipes are laid throughout the works. The entire premises are now let at the very moderate ground rental of £80 per year, and are subject only to a small ground rent of £10 per annum. Possession may be had on the 29 September next if desired’ (Bristol Mercury). |
1878 | 24 Oct. ‘To be let or sold, the old-established stone and red ware pottery, St Philip’s Marsh, known as Coles’s pottery, with comfortable dwelling house, yard and stabling. These premises are close to the Marsh Bridge, and near the different railway and barge depots’ (Western Daily Press). |
1880 | Albert Pottery Company. Manager: J.F. Morse (Slater’s D). |
1880 | 8 May. ‘To Let. Albert Redware Pottery, Albert Road, St Philip’s, with large yard, stabling, and good dwelling house on the premises. Could be let for any other purposes if required’ (Bristol Mercury). |
1880 | 7 Aug. The same advertisement appeared as in May, with the addition of ‘Old established’ pottery (Bristol Mercury). |
1881 | 13 Sep. A reference to the Albert Pottery adjoining 1-6 Victoria Terrace (Western Daily Press). |
1883-84 | Albert Pottery Company, York Street (KD). |
1884 | 24 Nov. ‘To market gardeners. Good rhubarb pots may be had from J. Moorse, Albert Pottery, St Philips’ (Bristol Mercury). |
1885 | Albert Pottery Company, York Street, makers of all kinds of flower and garden pots (KD). |
1886-90 | Albert Pottery Company, St Philip’s Marsh. Manager: John Morse (WD). |
1888 | 30 Jun. ‘Wanted, a flower pot maker. Apply to John Moorse, Albert Pottery, St Philip’s Marsh’ (Bristol Mercury). |
1897 | Potters, Victoria Terrace (KD). |
1899 | 14 Feb. There had been high winds in Bristol and at Moorse’s pottery in St Philip’s it had been impossible to light the kilns (Bristol Mercury). |
1899-1900 | Potters, St Philip’s Marsh (Town D). |
1901 | Potters, St Philip’s Marsh, John Morse, manager (WD, TD). |
1902-03 | Potters, St Philip’s Marsh (KD, Town D). |
1906 | Albert Pottery, York Street (Sharp’s D). |