Bristol Potters and Potteries

Research by Reg Jackson

Bristol Potters - H

Research by Reg Jackson

HACKER Alfred Richard

Born c1864 in Bristol (81C).

1881 Boarding at 29 Victoria Street, St Philip’s parish (17) (81C).


Born c1886 in Keynsham, Somerset (01C).

1901 Printer on crockery ware, 5 John Street, St Silas parish (15) (01C).


Born c1864 in Bristol (81C).

1881 18 Cooks Gardens, St Philip’s parish (17), the son of Elizabeth, a widow and washerwoman (81C).


Born c1873 in St Philip’s parish (01C).

1901 Labourer in pottery, 4 Squiers Place, Temple parish (28) (01C).

HAGGATT Joane(?)

Born c1822 in Bristol (51C).

1851 7½ Brick Yard, St Mary Redcliffe parish (29), living with her mother Joane(?) Haggatt, a boot and shoe maker (51C).


Born c1799 in Bristol (51C).

1841 Labourer, Little Avon Street or Dark Entry, St Philip’s parish (43), living with his wife Mary (47), not born in county, and children Matilda (13), Fanny (11), Ann (9) and Sarah (7), all born in St Philip’s parish (41C).
1851 Saggar maker, 7 Little Avon Street, St Philip’s parish (52), living with his wife Mary (56), born in Trellech, Monmouthshire, and children (51C).
1861 Potter’s labourer, 6 Rose Alley, Temple parish (62), living with his wife Mary (66) born in Newport, Monmouthshire and daughter Sarah (26) also born in Newport (61C).



1739 He stood surety of £5 for Edward Wilkins to keep an alehouse in St Michael’s parish (AKL).


Born c1833 in Bristol (51C).

1851 Potter’s labourer, Daws Cottages, Cornwallis Place, St Philip’s parish (18), the son of James, clock line maker (51C).


Born c1827 in Temple parish (51C).

1851 Pottery woman, 2 George & Dragon Court, Temple Street, Temple parish (24) (51C).


Born c1821 in St Philip’s parish (61C).

1841 Plough Court, St Thomas’s parish (20), living with his wife Louisa (41C).
1845 23 Mar. Temple Back, Temple parish (PPR).
1849 2 Sep. Chatterton Square, St Mary Redcliffe parish (RPR).
1851 18 Chatterton Square, St Mary Redcliffe parish (30), living with his wife Louisa (33) born in Temple parish and daughter Louisa (51C).
1861 Baker at pottery, 6 Chatterton Square, St Mary Redcliffe parish (40), living with his wife Louisa (43) and daughter Louisa (61C).
1862 6 Sep. He was described as foreman at Mr Powell’s pottery when he gave evidence in the magistrate’s court concerning a charge of indecent exposure against Benjamin Ham [probably Benjamin Hann] an employee of the pottery (Bristol Mercury).
1871 7 Church Lane, Temple parish (50) (71C).
1881 Stoneware potter, lodging at 3 Church Lane, Temple parish (60) (81C).
1882 27 Dec. ‘On Friday, Mr Richard Hains, the much respected foreman to Messrs Powell and Sons, Temple Gate Pottery, was presented by the employees of the above firm with a very handsome marble clock and walking stick.  The clock was supplied by Mr W.B. Payne of Castle Street, and bore the following inscription: Presented to Mr Richard Hains as a mark of respect and esteem by the employees of Messrs Powell and Sons, Temple Gate Pottery, after 50 years’ service, December 23, 1881′ (Bristol Mercury).
1884 17 May. ‘Died 11 May at 3 Church Lane, Temple, Richard Haines, aged 63, for 52 years in the employ of Mr Powell, Temple Gate Pottery. Deeply regretted by all who knew him’ (Western Daily Press).
John, born 25 Feb 1845, bapt 23 Mar 1845 (PPR), Louisa, bapt 2 Sep 1849 (RPR)


Born c1817 (Ao).

1831 5 Sep. He was apprenticed to J.D. Pountney, aged 14 years (Ao).


1814 15 Dec. He was apprenticed to J.D. Pountney (Ao).
1823 19 Oct. Temple parish, on the baptism of his daughter Elizabeth (aged 3 wks).  Wife Ann (PPR).

HALL Charles

Born c1862 in St George (91C).

1881 Labourer, 8 Lamb Hill, St George (19), living with his parents John, a general labourer, and Ann, and siblings (81C).
1891 Potter, 7 Stanley Street, St George (29), living with his wife Caroline (27), born in Swindon, Wiltshire, and children Lily (4) and Rose (1), both born in St George (91C).
1901 Labourer, 22 Gladstone Street, St George (39), living with his children Lily (14), Rose (11) and George (8), all born in St George. His wife is not mentioned although he was described as married (01C).

HALL George

Born c1863 in Bristol (81C).

1881 Pottery labourer, 5 Temple Backs (East), Temple parish (18) (81C).

HALL William

Born c1809 in Oxfordshire (61C) or c1805 in Rickford, Somerset (71C).

1861 Clerk to the pottery, 1 Grosvenor Place, Bedminster (52), living with his wife Martha (54) born in Bristol and children (61C).
1871 Paper manufacturer, Glenthorpe Villa, Westbury-on-Trym (66), living with his wife Martha (67) and children (71C).
Mary Ann, born c1836 in Bath (61C), Hester, born c1838 in Blagdon, Somerset (61C), Giles, born c1845 in Blagdon (61C), Charlotte, born c1847 in Blagdon (61C), Fanny, born c1851 in Blagdon (61C)


Born c1852 in St Paul’s parish, Bristol (71C).

1871 Labourer pottery, 1 Avon Cottage, Albert Road, St Philip’s parish (71C).


Born c1821 (Ao).

1835 10 Mar. He was apprenticed to J.D. Pountney, aged 14 years (Ao).


1782 17 May. A potmaker of St Augustine’s parish, he was bondsman to a licence granted to Samuel Crinks, potmaker (M).



Born c1833 in Bovey Tracey, Devon, the father of William John Hamlin (61C, 91C).

1859 25 Apr. Windmill Hill (24), the son of William Hamlin, a tailor, he married Hannah Matthews (21) of Windmill Hill, the daughter of William Matthews, a sawyer (JBPR).
1861 Potter printer, Windmill Hill, Bedminster (28), living with his wife Anna (23) a waistcoat maker, born in Barnstaple, Devon, and daughter Anna (1) born in Bedminster (61C).
1871 His wife, Hannah, a waistcoat maker, who was living at 19 Byron Place, Bedminster, with her children Hannah/Anna (11) and William John (3), born in Bovey Tracey, Devon. She was married but her husband is not recorded in the census (71C).
1881 6 Prospect Place, Bedminster (48), living with his wife and children, including Albert J. (7) and Mary E. (1), both born in Bedminster (81C).
1891 31 Jan. ‘Died January 25, Mr William Hamlyn, 6 Prospect Place, Windmill Hill, Bedminster, aged 58, for 32 years at the Bristol Pottery’ (Western Daily Press).
1891 His wife was a widow (91C).


HAMLIN (HAMLYN) William John

Born c1868 in Bovey Tracey, Devon, the son of William Hamlin (91C).

1891 Potter’s printer, 41 Fraser Street, Bedminster (23), living with his wife Sarah Ann (23), born in Bedminster (91C).