Stapleton Road Pottery 2

Posted on: August 9th, 2016 by webfooted

(known as the Cornwallis Pottery)
Stapleton, Gloucestershire.

Summary of operating dates and proprietors

1854-1855 Mayer, Boulton & Company.
c1856-1858 Morgan & Hawley (possibly John Morgan I and James George Hawley).
1858 Mayer & Company.

The pottery appears to have closed.

The pottery was first mentioned in August 1854 in a newspaper article and an advertisement which stated:
‘Cornwallis Pottery, Stapleton Road. This is a new and important addition to the manufactories in our city and neighbourhood.  The proprietors, Messrs Mayer, Boulton and Co., from London, have purchased the premises formerly used as a tip factory and foundry, and have converted them into a Staffordshire pottery, where they are producing a great variety of articles, and especially such as are connected with sanitary purposes, etc., with which they are laying themselves out to supply “the millions”. Messrs M., B. and Co., approve of and are adopting the half-holiday system on Saturdays, and for the improvement of their workpeople are about to establish a library and reading-room on their premises.  These are steps in the right direction, and worthy of extensive imitation’.

‘To Sanitary Commissioners, Surveyors, Architects, Brass Founders, Plumbers, Builders, Engineers, etc, Mayer, Boulton & Co. (from London). Cornwallis Pottery, Stapleton Road, Bristol.  This is the only manufactory in the kingdom for the exclusive production of plug, closet, sanitary and lavatory basins of all descriptions. M., B. & Co have purchased these extensive premises, which were formerly used as a tip factory and foundry, and converted the same into a Staffordshire Pottery, are now producing from fifteen hundred to two thousand of these articles weekly, and, from their intimate knowledge of, as well as their long practical acquaintance with, this peculiar business, they can manufacture cheaper than any other house.  They invite especial attention to their drab hopper basin and trap, at 7s 6d each, delivered in any part of the kingdom, and where large quantities are required a liberal discount is allowed.  Orders for white, drab, marbled, blue-printed, enamelled and gilt goods attended to on the shortest notice.  London Depot: 22 Anderson’s Buildings, City Road.  NB. On sale, two lathes, a drilling machine, a facing machine, a punching machine, a bending machine, a stove, a large fan, a pair of shears; also a great variety of patterns and tools used in the foundry business, and which must be removed before M.B. & Co. can complete their alterations’.

In 1855 the directories listed Mayer, Boulton & Company as porcelain and earthenware manufacturers and stoneware potters.  However by June 1855 they were involved in bankruptcy proceedings: ‘Re Mayer, Boulton and Co., Bristol, potters.  Mr Leonard, for the assignees, applied for an adjournment of the last examination for a fortnight, with a view to supercede the bankruptcy.  An arrangement, he said, was in contemplation by which the creditors would get 4s in the pound; whereas if the matter were carried through the court they would not get 6d.  The estate was a peculiar one, being a pottery, and one of the assignees, who was himself a practical potter, had consented to take the works and to pay the compensation mentioned.  A meeting of creditors had been held, at which all who were present assented to his proposition, and he (Mr Leonard) believed that those at a distance would come into it.  It was for the purpose of communicating with them that the adjournment was asked’.

In September 1855 they were again before the bankruptcy court for their last examination which gave details of their finances.  The period comprised in their balance sheet is 1 year and 4 months. The bankrupts commenced with a capital of £410.19s.10d; the unaccrued creditors amount to £2744.13s.11d; creditors holding security £1901.13s.3d; liabilities £1396.19s.1d; net profits £322.18s.1d; losses £1135,12s.1d; amount drawn out by the partners £330.16s.6d; assets £743.4s.2d.  Mr Mayer was briefly examined as to the amount of capital with which the bankrupts commenced business, and also as to some accommodation bill transactions, and the amount expended on the Cornwallis Pottery, after which the bankruptcy was passed.

The pottery seems to have been carried on by a firm trading as Morgan and Hawley.  The identity of the Morgan in this partnership is not known but the Hawley was probably the potter James George Hawley.  These men may have been trustees running the pottery on behalf of the creditors of Mayer, Boulton & Company, as in February 1858 the Cornwallis Pottery was advertised for sale by tender on instructions ‘from the Trustees’: ‘the valuable business, including the plant, machinery, with the manufactured and unmanufactured stock-in-trade, of Messrs Morgan and Hawley, manufacturers of earthenware, porcelain, and sanitary goods. The plant comprises steam engine and boiler, colour mill, two glaze mills, a pair of stampers, pug mill, lathes, throwing wheels, implements, tools, printing presses, copper plates, a variety of moulds, blocks and cases, and working moulds, and other effects.  The stock includes a general assortment of printed, sponged, biscuit, cream-coloured, and sanitary ware; saggars, closet, china and black clays, with a variety of materials used in the trade.  A large amount has been recently expended in the improvement of the pottery, which is now replete with every convenience for carrying on the business, and comprises one biscuit kiln, two glaze kilns, one fritt kiln, one enamelling kiln, workshops, storerooms, stable and large yard.  There are also a good dwelling-house and garden attached’.

In February 1858 the contents of the pottery were also advertised for sale consisting of: ‘the extensive stock in trade, plant, fixtures, horse, carts, and effects of Messrs Morgan and Hawley, Cornwallis Pottery, Stapleton Road.  The stock consists of a general assortment of printed dinner, tea, breakfast and toilet ware; jugs, mugs, and a variety of articles adapted for family purposes; also sanitary goods of all descriptions, and a quantity of biscuit and clay ware; saggar, closet, china, black and blue clays, with a variety of materials used in the trade.  The plant comprises colour mills, two glaze mills, a pair of stampers, pug mills, lathes, throwing wheels, various implements, three printing presses, variety of copper-plate engravings, moulds, blocks, cases, and working moulds; counting house and other fixtures and effects. One enamelling, one glaze and one frit kiln. One capital chestnut gelding, one cart, one crank axle, harness, chaff cutter, etc.’

The directories for 1858 list Mayer and Company as earthenware manufacturers at the Cornwallis Pottery, but their period of operation must have been very short as in June 1858 the Cornwallis Pottery was again advertised for sale on the instructions of the ‘first mortgagee’: ‘Lot 1. The whole of the manufactory, standing on an area 200 feet by 70, comprising a steam engine and boiler; two glaze, two enamel, one biscuit, and one fritt kilns; two biscuit and one glost warehouses; press, printing, and painting rooms; workshop, stable, counting house, and all other buildings and erections thereon … Lot 8. All that brick-built messuage or dwelling-house and garden, adjoining the last lot, containing ten rooms and having a supply of both sorts of water’. Also being sold were six plots of ground well adapted as sites for cottages.

The pottery was again advertised for sale in July 1859 and in May 1860 a vertical steam engine was for sale at the Cornwallis Pottery.

The pottery does not seem to have operated after 1858.

Wares produced

Earthenwares, sanitary goods and stonewares.

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