Counterslip Pottery

Posted on: July 5th, 2016 by webfooted

Counterslip, Temple parish.

Summary of operating dates and proprietors

c1764-1776 Charles Read.
1776-1783 The pottery was carried on by Edward Lacon for the benefit of Charles Read’s under-aged sons, Joseph and William Read.
1783-1785 Joseph Gadd and Thomas Patience.
1786-1796 Joseph Gadd & Company.
1796-1797 Joseph Gadd and Charles Price I.
1798-1802 William Maynard II.

The pottery closed.

It is not known when Charles Reed established the Counterslip Pottery. The first reference to it was in March 1764 when the following advertisement appeared in Felix Farley’s Journal: ‘At Read & Co’s Pothouse at Counterslip near Temple Cross, Bristol, merchants and others may be supplied with all sorts of stone bottles as cheap as imported. Also pickling jars, etc, 30 per cent under common selling price in this city.  Also all sorts of muggs, etc, at lowest prices’.

Sketchley’s directory recorded him as a potter at 3 Counterslip in 1775.  However, he had died by 26 March 1776 when his executor advertised that: ‘All persons who have demands on the late Charles Read, potter in Temple St., are desired to send their particulars to Mr Edward Lacon, linendraper, Bristol, Admin., who respectfully acquaints the friends and customers of the deceased that the trade is carried on at the usual place by and for the benefit of his sons Joseph and William Read (till they come of age) where any orders they may be favoured with, shall be punctually executed and gratefully acknowledged by them as well as their obedient humble servant Edward Lacon’.

The Counterslip Pottery was taken over by Joseph Gadd and Thomas Patience in 1783, with a firm called Joseph Gadd and Company running the pottery after Thomas Patience’s death in December 1785.

In November 1796 Joseph Gadd had entered into a partnership with Charles Price I which was referred to in his will as ‘the joint trade or co-partnership with Mr Charles Price of the said City of Bristol; in the art or trade as manufacturers of brown stone ware’. In 1797 Gadd and Price transferred their business to the 124 Temple Street Pottery.

In 1798 William Maynard II took over the Counterslip Pottery, having previously been running the St Philip’s Pottery 3 in Bread Street.  He ran the Counterslip Pottery until 1802 when it closed.

Wares produced

Stonewares, including bottles, pickling jars, mugs and water pipes.
Red earthenwares, including garden pots and chimney pots.

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